
Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

author:Dongcheng, Beijing

The original heart is like a rock

The mission is on the shoulder

Today, the "Beijing Dongcheng" APP

"New Books Are Coming" section

5 good books recommended to you

Wishing the party its 103rd birthday

Let's be in the red reading

Remembering history

Looking to the future

Red Rock

Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

Hongyan, Dongcheng, Beijing, 45 seconds

Author: Luo Guangbin, Yang Yiyan

Publisher: China Youth Publishing House

Brief introduction: "Red Rock" is a novel that describes the brutal underground struggle on the eve of the liberation of Chongqing, especially the struggle in prison. It centered on the struggle between the enemy and ourselves in the "concentration camp of the Sino-US Cooperation Institute", and staggered the underground struggle, the student movement, the workers' movement, the struggle in prison, and the armed struggle in the Huaying Mountains in the cities led by the underground party, and concentrated on the final decisive battle of the revolutionaries in order to meet the liberation and thwart the dying struggle of the enemy, praised the steadfastness and integrity of the revolutionaries under the test of torture, and profoundly demonstrated the lofty spiritual realm and ideological brilliance of the revolutionaries. Since its publication in 1961, it has inspired the patriotic feelings and enthusiasm of countless young people. It was selected as one of the 100 excellent books by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League to young people across the country.

"The Age of Awakening"

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The Age of Awakening, Dongcheng, Beijing, 1 min

Author: Long Pingping

Publisher: Anhui People's Publishing House

Introduction: This book is a long historical story, from the advent of Youth Magazine in 1915 to the publication of New Youth in 1921, which became the organ of the Communist Party of China, showing a magnificent historical picture from the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement to the establishment of the Communist Party of China. The book takes the legendary stories of Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, and Hu Shi from acquaintance, acquaintance to breakup, and embarking on different life paths as the basic narrative line, and takes the bumpy experiences of revolutionary youths such as Zhou Enlai, Chen Yannian, Chen Qiaonian, Deng Zhongxia, and Zhao Shiyan in pursuing truth as the auxiliary line, and artistically reproduces a period of surging years of pursuing truth and burning ideals deduced by China's advanced elements and a group of enthusiastic young people a hundred years ago, and profoundly reveals the historical inevitability of the combination of Marxism and the Chinese workers' movement and the establishment of the Communist Party of China. It is a masterpiece dedicated to the centenary of the founding of the party and serving the study and education of party history.

Red Star Over China

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Red Star Shines on China, Beijing Dongcheng, 56 seconds

Author: Edgar Snow

Translation: Dong Leshan

Publisher: People's Literature Publishing House

Brief introduction: "Red Star Shining over China" is a well-known documentary literary work, through which countless people have learned about the Chinese Revolution, the Red Army and "Red China", and the belief and growth of the Communist Party of China. This classic work shows the unremitting efforts made by the Communist Party of China for national liberation in many aspects, and their optimism and dedication, fighting hard in the face of arduous difficulties, and bravely exploring the direction of China's progress.

As a true report on the truth of the Chinese revolution in the thirties of the last century, "Red Star Over China" has had a huge and far-reaching impact since its publication in 1937, and has been translated and published in nearly 20 languages around the world, spreading to almost every country and region.

Why China

Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

Why China, Beijing Dongcheng, 1 min

Author: Jin Yinan

Publisher: Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd

Brief introduction: A moving epic of struggle, the soul of China cast from generation to generation. Deeply interpret the inherent strength contained in the historic changes of New China, tell the Chinese story in the important historical process of the Chinese nation, answer the historical question of "why China", and provide strong spiritual inspiration for the Party and the people.

The book takes the historical events between the First Sino-Japanese War and the formation of a new world pattern as research materials, deeply analyzes the hearts of the people in the broken mountains and rivers in the early modern period, reviews the struggle and wandering between the straying paths, explains the great historical consciousness of the communists, interprets the energy code of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, hooks and sinks the game and contest on the journey of China's rise, counts the challenges and opportunities of reforming and strengthening the army, and looks forward to the future trend of the world pattern. With a broad and comprehensive vision, consistent sharp writing, and majestic momentum, it vividly and objectively expounds to readers China's glorious road from a century of vicissitudes to national rejuvenation.

"Loyalty: The Story of an Outstanding Communist"

Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

Loyalty: The Story of an Outstanding Communist, Dongcheng, Beijing, 50 seconds

Author: Cao Tianfeng, Zhang Yun, Fang Shu

Publisher: People's Daily Publishing House

Brief introduction: This book contains the stories of 20 communists, with touching content, rich and profound thoughts, and embodies the unique value pursuit of Chinese communists. It is one of the characteristics of this book to see the spirit in the details, to reflect the big theme with small stories, and to refract the big picture with small incisions. Each story in the book is accompanied by a short article and several illustrations, which are easy to understand and vivid, and there is a QR code on the beginning page of the story, and you can also watch a three-minute animation short film, which comprehensively and three-dimensionally shows the glorious image and touching deeds of outstanding communists, bringing readers an immersive reading experience.

Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

This "July 1st"

Let's read a book

Today, I recommend these 5 good book → for you

Text: Lu Lu, Zhao Chunfeng, Zhang Bing, Zhang Ruxian

Audio: Zhang Ruxian