
Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

Clean and tidy rural courtyards, a new style of civilization infiltrating the heart, and vibrant characteristic industries...... In the middle of summer, I walked into Lingxia Village, Xinqiao Township, Taining County, but I saw the murmuring of the stream and the crowd of tourists. The seedlings in the rice field are verdant, the lotus flowers in the lotus pond are blooming, revealing the joy of growth, and the "poetic scenes" of the beautiful countryside come into view.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

A corner of the "Chuxin Park" in Lingxia Village

On July 7, 1999, Comrade Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, went to Lingxia Village, Xinqiao Township, Taining County to investigate the work of the old area, and made an important entrustment of "not forgetting the old area, not forgetting the people in the old area, and not forgetting the 'five olds' and these old revolutionary cadres". Over the past 25 years, Taining County has not forgotten its original intention, kept its mission in mind, conscientiously implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment, took the initiative to take the initiative, and strived to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Taining Revolutionary Base Area.

There is a new change in the old area

Rural revitalization has a headway

Lingxia Village is located in the east of Xinqiao Township, Taining County, surrounded by high mountains and undulating peaks, it is a traditional ancient village integrating farming culture, folk culture and red culture, and it is also the base point village of the old revolutionary area.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

The new look of Lingxia Village

"In the 90s of the last century, this is not what it is now, the village is full of barren mountains, the villagers' annual income is less than 1,000 yuan, water, electricity, roads, telephones, and television's 'five are not connected', it is a typical poor village." Huang Jianhua, a veteran party member, said that all this has gradually changed since 1999, and the villagers have not only used stable electricity, watched closed-circuit television, installed telephones, and then connected to running water, and the cement road has also been paved to the doorstep of their homes, and the bamboo shoots, rice wine, tourism and other industries in Lingxia Village have also gradually developed, and many villagers have bought houses and driven cars in the county seat, and the days have become more and more prosperous.

In 2017, Lingxia Village also completed the transformation and upgrading of optical fiber to the home, from the original one-way TV to high-definition interactive cloud TV, broadband access from 100 Gigabit to Gigabit optical fiber access, "double gigabit" coverage, and life began to become intelligent.

"Now life is better, the village is beautiful, tourists are coming, the per capita disposable income of the villagers is more than 20,000 yuan, and the life is very beautiful." Huang Jianhua, 64, has witnessed the changes in Lingxia Village over the past 25 years.

The dramatic changes in the village have also brought a sweet life to Huang Jianhua's family, and his three children are all married and have achieved a small career. Now his main task is to help bring his grandchildren at home, grow some rations for himself, brew a few jars of rice wine, live in the city for a few days, live in the village for a few days, and live a good life.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

The birthplace of the story of "a glass of rice wine".

Today's Lingxia Village, the roads are wide and tidy, the rows of houses are scattered, the farmhouse courtyards are clean and bright, and the street lamps stand neatly on both sides of the road...... The living conditions and living environment of the villagers have undergone earth-shaking changes. What was originally a backward village has become a well-known red tourist village, receiving more than 20,000 tourists a year.

Taining County is one of the key old revolutionary base counties and one of the original 21 central Soviet counties, and the changes in Lingxia Village are the epitome of the transformation of Taining old area. In 2023, Lingxia Village's village financial income will increase from 5,000 yuan in 1999 to 281,200 yuan.

Over the past 25 years, the Taining County Party Committee and the county government have led the majority of party members and cadres to keep in mind the entrustment, forge ahead, seek progress while maintaining stability, play a new movement of development, and make new progress in the county's economic and social development.

In 2023, the county will complete a total of 8.5 million kilograms of rice seed production and a total income of 130 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.85% and 6.8% respectively, becoming one of the four major seed production counties in the province. The rural e-commerce live broadcast room achieved full coverage of the countryside, with 11,000 live broadcasts carried out throughout the year, and the e-commerce sales reached nearly 1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 57%. The GDP of the county was 8.78 billion yuan, the county's local general public budget revenue was 370 million yuan, an increase of 15.7 percent, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 3.0 percent, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased by 4.7 percent, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 3.9 percent and 7.7 percent respectively.

Hundreds of boats compete for thousands of sails

The development of cultural tourism promotes revitalization

Whenever night falls, the fireworks and Song Chao snack street on Zuosheng Road in Taining City are crowded. There are barbecue, milk tea, and desserts that are popular with young people, as well as local snacks such as tofu, jasper rolls, and champion rice cakes that tourists want to experience.

Jiuju Lane is full of characteristic shops of "one township and one museum", such as Linghong Tavern, Dalongluo Teahouse, 80 Dream Factory, Douxiang Shangqing, Pusujian, and Small Teahouse...... It has become a good place for the general public to relax, and it has left a deep memory of the ancient city of Taining for tourists.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

Today's Taining immersive cultural tourism has become a "new wave" of development, and the ancient style market of "Han and Tang Ancient Towns and Two Song Dynasty Famous Cities", with many immersive interactive experience scenes, allows tourists to feel the texture of "walking into the block as if they are in a different world", making the night of the ancient city more "fireworks".

During this year's "May Day" period, Taining received a total of 323,400 tourists and achieved tourism revenue of 339 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.1% and 26.2% respectively.

Tourism is the leading industry in Taining. In 1994, the 7th Taining County Party Committee proposed to "build a new tourism city and create a civilized and well-off county", and Taining tourism officially kicked off. In 1998, the 8th Taining County Party Committee wrote the strategy of "revitalizing tourism, creating a brand, establishing pillars, and increasing the total amount" into the report of the Party Congress, cultivating tourism as a pillar industry, leading the people in the old area to embark on the "tourism express", and embarking on a road of "rejuvenating the county through tourism" in line with the actual situation of Taining.

Today's Taining has many world-class and national tourism brands, not only as a national ecological construction demonstration county, a national forest tourism demonstration county, and a national "deep breathing town", but also as the first batch of national ecological civilization construction demonstration counties and one of the top 100 healthy health tourism counties in China. At the same time, with the unique conditions, Taining's film and television industry has developed from scratch and flourished, and has been written into the provincial party congress and the provincial government work report, and Xiamen and Pingtan are listed as the three key film and television bases in the province, and have been awarded the title of "National Film and Television Designated Shooting Destination" by the China Radio and Television Federation.

Nowadays, Taining is also striving to create a "national historical and cultural city", and has achieved new results in the protection and activation of the ancient city, and has completed the protection and repair of more than 120 historical buildings such as the former site of the Soviet government, more than 30 ancient city streets and alleys such as Zhuzi Lane and Lion Lane, and more than 10 archways have been renovated and upgraded, and 32 theme pavilions such as "one township and one museum" have been cultivated, forming a street of arts and crafts masters, a street of Taining evening tea and a characteristic commercial block such as the "fireworks Song Chao" national style market and Dajin Lake Fish City. Shangshu Street was selected as a national tourism and leisure block, and the ancient city was selected as a national night culture and tourism consumption cluster, and the thousand-year-old city has been rejuvenated and vigorous.

In recent years, the development of Taining has once again ushered in new opportunities. In 2021, China Railway Group will provide counterpart support to Taining; In 2022, Shanghai will cooperate with its Sanming counterpart, and Shanghai Hongkou District will be "twinned" with Taining. In the face of new opportunities, Taining has gathered wisdom and strength, actively integrated into the construction of "Huanda Jinhu Tourist Resort", deepened the tourism assistance of the National Railway, Shanghai-Ming tourism cooperation and tourism alliance, and strengthened the high-end tourism consumption and the cultural and tourism economic sector.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

In 2023, the county will receive a total of 8.952 million domestic tourists and a tourism income of 7.66 billion yuan.

Make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood

Significant progress has been made in people's livelihood

On June 24, at the construction site of the new Taining Qiuhong entrance and wiring project for the reconstruction and expansion of the Puwu Expressway, workers were carrying out the final sweeping work.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

Taining county town to Shangqing Township tourist highway

After the completion of the project, Taining County will add 3 new towns and towns within 30 minutes to conveniently get on the expressway, and at the same time, the five core scenic spots of Taining will be "beaded into a chain" to realize the interconnection of the best quality tourism resources in Taining, which is of great significance to promote the local development of the tourism industry, serve the revitalization of the countryside, consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation in the old Soviet area, and promote local economic and social development.

All the way, all the way, all the way to prosper. In recent years, Taining has actively promoted the development of characteristic industries along urban and rural highways, integrated brand express delivery into villages and towns according to local conditions, and boldly explored the field of highway maintenance empowered by science and technology. After years of construction, the county's rural roads have a total mileage of 811 kilometers, 100% of all villages have hardened roads, 100% of townships (towns) and county roads have reached the standard of three or more highways, and the rural passenger lines of towns and towns within 20 kilometers of the county have reached 100%, and 100% of all villages have been opened to buses. 100% of all townships and villages have set up logistics distribution stations (points), and the new pattern of rural road network with a rural postal logistics distribution rate of 100% has realized 100% of the delivery from township to village, and villagers can receive and send express delivery without leaving the village.

Three don't forget | Taining: Keep in mind the entrustment and take responsibility as a new chapter of high-quality development

Citizens travel by bullet train (data map)

With the completion and opening of Fuyin Expressway and Puwu Expressway, Taining has formed a half-day transportation economic circle from Taining to Nanchang, Fuzhou, Wuhan and Shanghai. In 2013, the Xiangpu Railway (Taining Section) was completed and opened to traffic, allowing Taining to achieve full coverage of direct bullet trains in key cities in China, and becoming the county-level station with the most stops in the city, which shortened the distance between time and space, accelerated the flow of materials and personnel, profoundly changed the appearance of urban and rural areas, and effectively promoted the process of urban and rural integration. "People enjoy their travel, goods flow smoothly" has been initially realized, and transportation has become one of the areas with the strongest sense of gain for the people.

Keep in mind the entrustment and move forward bravely.

Over the past 25 years,

Taining County is writing with solid efforts

The answer sheet of the times to build a better Taining.


Taining County will be high-spirited,

Unity and hard work, determined to forge ahead,

Strive to write a chapter of high-quality development in Taining in the old revolutionary area!

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center

Text: Taining Reporter Station, Xiong Minghuan, Liu Qingxiang

Image: Xiong Minghuan, Liu Qingxiang, Luo Wenjin, Xie Yueni, Taining County Rong Media Center

New Media Editor: Li Yuqing