
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day | Provisions on the circumstances and punishment of seeking benefits for specific related parties in violation of regulations

author:Nujiang Police
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day | Provisions on the circumstances and punishment of seeking benefits for specific related parties in violation of regulations
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day | Provisions on the circumstances and punishment of seeking benefits for specific related parties in violation of regulations
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day | Provisions on the circumstances and punishment of seeking benefits for specific related parties in violation of regulations

Article 94, Paragraph 2, Article 95, Article 96, and Article 104 of the Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China provide for illegal profit-seeking and punishment for specific related parties, which are divided into four categories:

1. Acceptance of property by a person with a specific relationship. The second paragraph of Article 94 of the "Regulations" stipulates that where the person takes advantage of his authority or influence to seek benefits for others, and his spouse, children, his spouse and other relatives and other persons with specific relationships accept property from the other party, and the circumstances are more serious, he shall be given a warning or serious warning; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions, Party probation, or expulsion from the Party are to be given.

The premise for the application of this provision is that Party members and cadres do not know that their relatives and other persons with specific relationships have accepted property, and if Party members and cadres use their power or influence to seek benefits for others, and they know that their relatives and other persons with specific relationships have accepted property from the other party and do not correct it, they are suspected of committing a crime of accepting bribes.

2. Engage in power trading. Article 95 of the "Regulations" stipulates that if a mutual party uses its power or influence to seek benefits for the other party and its spouse, children and their spouses and other relatives, staff members and other persons with specific relationships to engage in power transactions, they shall be given a warning or serious warning; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

In practice, some Party members and cadres seek benefits for others, and then use this as an excuse to require the other party to seek benefits for themselves or specific related parties; In some cases, after a party member cadre seeks benefits for others, the other party proposes to seek benefits for the party member cadre in return, and the party member cadre agrees or accepts. The two sides reach a consensus or tacit understanding to use each other's power to seek benefits for each other. As long as such acts exist, they will be punished accordingly.

3. Conniving at or acquiescing in the pursuit of personal gain by persons with specific relationships. Article 96 of the "Regulations" stipulates that those who connive at or acquiesce in the use of the power or influence of the Party members and cadres themselves or the influence of their positions to seek personal gains, and the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or serious warning; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. Where Party member cadres' spouses, children, their spouses, and other relatives or other persons with specific relationships receive remuneration without actually working, or receive remuneration that clearly exceeds the standard for the same rank despite actually working, and Party members and cadres know about it and fail to make corrections, it is to be handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

In practice, the spouses of some Party members and cadres use the influence of their positions to meddle in matters such as the transfer of land use rights, project construction, bidding and bidding to collect benefits; Some children of party members and cadres rely on their power, in the name of "doing business", empty gloves and white wolves, to collect huge "profits", and some relatives of party members and cadres "eat empty salaries" or receive salaries beyond the standard. Such behaviors seem to occur in the spouses, children and other specific related persons of party members and cadres, and the root lies in the party members and cadres themselves. Conniving at and acquiescing in the use of the influence of one's position to seek personal interests by certain people is actually turning the power given by the party and the people into a tool for personal gain. Party members and cadres must not only live a good life themselves, but also manage their families and staff members well, and never allow them to use their special status to seek illegal benefits.

4. Seeking profits for the business activities of specific related parties in violation of regulations. Article 104 of the "Regulations" stipulates that anyone who uses his or her authority or influence to seek benefits for his spouse, children, their spouses and other relatives and other specific related persons in the areas of approval and supervision, resource development, financial credit, bulk procurement, land use right transfer, real estate development, project bidding and bidding, and public financial revenue and expenditure, and the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or serious warning; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. Where authority or the influence of one's position is used to provide assistance and seek benefits for spouses, children, their spouses, and other relatives or other persons with specific relationships, such as to absorb deposits, promote financial products, or operate special resources such as precious and special products, it is to be handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

In practice, since the party and the state prohibit party and government cadres from doing business and running enterprises, some party and government cadres engage in "countermeasures", in which their relatives and persons with specific connections come forward to run businesses and enterprises, and use their power to provide convenient conditions for their relatives and persons with specific relationships in order to seek personal gains. Some party members and cadres will use special resources such as precious and special products to be operated by relatives and other specific related persons in violation of regulations, and use public power to create their own "cash cow"; There are also party members and cadres who use their authority to deposit the public funds of their jurisdictions or units in the banks where their relatives work, so that their relatives can receive high rewards from the bank. Such acts disrupt the order of the socialist market economy, undermine the social atmosphere, and infringe upon the integrity of the conduct of Party members and cadres in their duties, and shall be severely punished.

Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day | Provisions on the circumstances and punishment of seeking benefits for specific related parties in violation of regulations

Source丨Honest Nujiang WeChat public account

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