
Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

author:True as iron

The first paragraph: The dispute between Li Ergou's family

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Great Xia! The small town of Xilin in 2830, dilapidated and peaceful. Although poor, everyone has a happy smile on their face. The family room in the old street of the town is bathed in golden sunlight, the smoke curls up, and the aroma of rice fills the air, but there is no smell of meat.

Suddenly, this tranquility was broken by the sound of a quarrel at Li Ergou's house.

The old director, Feng Jianlin, took a puff of cigarette and scolded, "Two cowards can give Lao Tzu eye medicine." ”

After saying that, he rushed out of the yard in a hurry.

"Old thing, you're crazy! Don't eat, those two people don't fight and scratch! Do you want to care? The wife muttered behind her.

There is no way, the town is engaged in the construction of a civilized city, and their street, if they let Li Ergou's family fight, they will not be rated!

Feng Jianlin is a strong person!

Feng Jianlin just walked to the courtyard gate of Li Ergou's house.

I saw that Li Ergou and Yuezhen were scolding each other!

"You're unreasonable!" Li Ergou glared at his wife Yuezhen in front of him and roared angrily.

Yuezhen glared back at him without showing weakness, her cheeks were slightly red, she turned her head away, and there was a cry in her voice: "You are unreasonable, I am already 6 months pregnant!" Let me cook, you are a big man, you should go get firewood! ”

The sound of the two arguing echoed through the streets of the town, causing neighbors to poke their heads out to watch.

Feng Jianlin naturally knew why they were quarrelling.

He exhaled slowly, suppressed his anger, and persuaded: "Oh, what can't be said between husband and wife? Stop arguing, stop arguing. Li Ergou, you are a big man, get some firewood, you should. ”

As soon as these words came out, the neighbors who were watching the excitement laughed left and right.

How lazy Li Ergou is, who doesn't know?

Sure enough, the show started.

Li Ergou smiled innocently and said, "Old director, the firewood in this mountain belongs to the state, how can I take advantage of the country?" ”

As soon as the words fell, the audience burst into laughter!

"You!" The old director, Feng Jianlin, sighed helplessly and scolded in his heart. In the end, he had to throw off his sleeves and leave, leaving behind Li Ergou and the crying Yuezhen with a rogue face.

Yuezhen, who is six months pregnant, is full of grievances and anger in her heart. She decided to go to Tatoudianzi to get some firewood to calm her emotions and to prove that she didn't need to rely on her husband.

Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man! However, this man was chosen by himself! I don't agree with the family, and the common people have to catch pigs and watch the pigsty! Li Ergou's father is so virtuous.

At that time, Yuezhen was lost in love and broke off the relationship with her family in order to marry Li Ergou.

Who can you blame? Yuezhen muttered as she walked: "Damn Li Ergou, my mother gave birth to a child, so I will divorce you!" ”

Second paragraph: a brand new floral dress

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Tatou Dianzi is a vast meadow near the town, off the beaten track, with only 1 dilapidated hut and overgrown weeds. Yuezhen struggled through a bush to the edge of Dianzi.

She bent down, intending to pick up the dead branches on the ground.

I was already in a bad mood, and I was also unwilling, and the thought of divorce, like a demon, was floating in my brain and in front of my eyes! Soon, a feeling of exhaustion came from the body.

Yuezhen decides to find a place to rest for a while! Anyway, I brought dry food, gnawed on the dry food over and over again, and scolded "Li Ergou, you bastard, my mother hid all the money, and the only nest head in the family was also brought out by me, starving you bastard." Tears fell.

At this moment, her eyes were suddenly attracted by a woman lying not far away!

Yuezhen screamed in horror, and the nest in her hand fell to the ground.

She trembled and approached to check, it was a dead man!

I saw that the face of the female corpse was pale, her eyes were closed, and she was wearing a brand new floral dress.

A coquettish face, a little distorted!

"Ahh Killed! Yuezhen roared.

The third paragraph: Mo Xiaobei of the police station

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

I don't know where the strength came from, I stumbled back to the town, and at the entrance of the town, Yuezhen saw the police station!

Screaming and rushing in!

"I'm going to call the police, I'm killing someone!" Yuezhen is a little incoherent!

Household registration policeman Mo Xiaobei was woken up! When he opened his half-awake and half-asleep eyes, he was a little dissatisfied and said, "Don't shout, this is the police station." ”

"Murder! Killed! Yuezhen, grasp Mo Xiaobei's hand.

The voice is trembling!

Mo Xiaobei instantly sobered up and straightened up the plump murder weapon.

I took out a pen and paper and began to record. Her face was like fine porcelain, and her skin was fair and delicate, with a faint flush. A pair of almond eyes were as bright as stars, shining with intelligence and alertness. Her eyebrows are soft and powerful, like two crescent moons hanging on her forehead, revealing a heroic spirit.

10 minutes later!

A phone call to the Lin family's mahjong parlor.

"I'm Mo Xiaobei, find me Director Wang Gang!" Her voice is crisp and firm, as melodious as a mountain stream, and with a power that cannot be ignored.

"Okay!" The little girl at the bar answered.

Xilin Police Chief Wang Gang listened to the phone call, and his state was full in an instant! I wailed in my heart: "Lao Tzu has been a policeman for 10 years and a sheriff for 5 years, but he has no chance to solve the case and make meritorious contributions. Come to life! ”

The small town of Xilin is too quiet, not to mention killing, and there are not enough 5 fights a year.

Fourth paragraph: The scene of the murder

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

After receiving the alarm, Wang Gang immediately led the police officers to the scene.

"Xiao Li, you block the tower head Dianzi, no one is allowed to approach! Xiao Mang, you immediately investigate the scene. Wang Gang commanded calmly.

10 minutes later!

Xiaomang's forensic doctor walked to Wang Gang's side and reported, "After a preliminary identification, I found that the female corpse was four months pregnant. “

Wang Gang suddenly asked, "Did the female corpse have sex before she died?" ”

Forensic Doctor Xiao Mang shook his head. scolded in his heart, "You are an old pervert, if there is, can Lao Tzu not say it?" ”

Wang Gang naturally didn't know that this little brother scolded him. He was already lost in thought. This discovery makes the whole case even more confusing, one corpse and two lives, who is the murderer? Why is it so cruel? “

Wang Gang frowned, he knew that this case was not trivial. returned to the police station and immediately said to Mo Xiaobei: "Immediately, report the case." ”

Mo Xiaobei is overjoyed, this is the opportunity given by the director to let her participate in solving the case!

Wang Gang can't help it, the name of the police station is good, but it's a pity that he is counted, there are a total of 4 policemen. Because, the town is too quiet, and the upper authorities deliberately cut 2 police places.

Wang Gang shook his head vigorously and issued an order again: "Xiao Li, go and get those cuties in the town for me." ”

turned around and said to Xiao Mang: "Don't fiddle with the corpse, it's not disgusting, immediately send out a missing person notice, hoping to find the family of the deceased." “

Xiao Mangden glanced at Wang Gang, and scolded in his heart, "This is a professional understanding or not." ”

Fifth paragraph: Tangled Li Ergou

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

A messy post!

The news soon spread through the town, and people were talking about what kind of secret was hidden behind the murder. The quarrel between Li Ergou and Yuezhen has also been re-raised, is this case related to them?

Li Ergou was dumbfounded, he was just lazy, not a gangster, what does the dead have to do with him.

However, the neighbors on the left and right didn't care about this, and they became active one after another, and the courtyard of the Li family was full of people, and there were also people outside the yard.

I don't know, what are they watching?

Feng Jianlin was in a good mood, such a big thing happened in the town, how could he, the director, have to get involved. As a result, an initiative was issued to all residents of the street to solicit leads.

Sixth paragraph: Mo whispered

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Just when Feng Jianlin's vernacular spat was flying, just when the police were anxious.

A young man who walked up and walked into the police station, saw Mo Xiaobei thinking about life at a glance, smiled evilly, walked over and patted Mo Xiaobei's shoulder, and said, "Sister, where is Sichun?" ”

Mo Xiaobei was taken aback, and when he looked back, he saw that it was his younger brother Mo Xiaosheng.

Instantly furious, grabbed his ear, and scolded: "Mo Xiaosheng, are you tired of being crooked? ”

Xiao Mang smiled and said, "Mo Xiaosheng, why are you provoking her again, come here, brother, fresh female corpse." ”

Mo scolded in a low voice: "Xiao Mang, you pervert!" I'm not the same person with you. ”

Xiao Mang paused for a moment and said, "Big beauty!" ”

"You're really sick, or you go to the hospital, check it out, maybe you can save it." Mo Xiaosheng decided that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Xiao Mang continued to smile and said: "If, someone provides clues, the bonus is 200!" You really don't want to see it? ”

Mo Xiaosheng's eyes lit up and said, "I am a warm-hearted and good citizen, of course I have to contribute." ”

After speaking, a brisk stride rushed to the bed.

Mo Xiaosheng saw the female corpse and froze instantly!

She lay there quietly, as if she had just fallen into a deep slumber. Her countenance is serene and serene, like a clear spring in the moonlight, revealing a beauty that transcends life and death. Her skin had lost its luster of life, but it still looked delicate as jade, her eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on her face, like the light wings of a butterfly. Her hair was silky smooth, like a black waterfall, flowing silently behind her. Her figure is elegant, and every curve reveals feminine softness and gentleness.

"This is my goddess, Li Ruotong, how did she die?" Mo whispered, his voice was out of shape!

"Could it be that you failed to court, and you killed someone by mistake?" Xiao Mang asked, sure enough, this kind of person's thinking can amaze the world at any time!

"Get out! Her name is Li Ruotong, the school flower of our school, and her mother is our homeroom teacher, Li Qiao! Mo Xiaosheng was a little out of shape, and the whole thing softened, shaking all the time.

The goddess is gone! There is no motivation to study, he will never forget, when he confessed, Li Ruotong said softly: "We are still young, we should study hard and be admitted to university, your opportunity is still there, I will consider it." ”

Although Mo Xiaosheng knew that Li Ruotong had said this to at least 50 boys, he still firmly believed that with his own efforts, he would definitely arch this kohlrabi!

Paragraph 7: Revenge matters

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

The police immediately contacted Li Qiao, a female teacher at the town's middle school.

Li Qiao has been panicking for the past two days, and it seems that something bad is waiting for her.

After receiving the call, he immediately rushed to the police station. When she saw her daughter Li Ruotong, she couldn't cry anymore. She recognized the corpse of the woman at a glance as her missing daughter.

Wang Gang knew that this mother was on the verge of collapse at this time.

gave Mo Xiaobei a look, and Mo Xiaobei brought a glass of water.

Wang Gang said in a firm voice: "Teacher Li Qiao, now is not the time to be sad, we must bring the murderer to justice, give Li Ruotong an explanation, give the town an explanation, the city bureau attaches great importance to this matter, and has sent the most elite criminal police, you must stabilize your emotions now, provide clues to the police, and we will take revenge." ”

Li Qiao instantly sobered up, nodded and said, "I want revenge!" ”

Tears lingered.

Li Qiao fell into deep memories.

For a long time, her eyes lit up! Grief-stricken gave Wang Gang a clue: "Ruotong ...... She had recently been close to a boy named Qiu Mohan, and they ...... They may be in early love. ”

Wang Gang felt that the opportunity to solve the case had come!

Let Mo Xiaobei appease Li Qiao, rush out of the gate of the police station with Xiaomang, jump on a motorcycle with a car body, and prepare to go to the center of the town to investigate Qiu Mohan.

At this time, Xiao Li took 6 young people in flower clothes into the police station.

A young man who was full of anger was overjoyed when he saw Wang Gang and said, "Brother-in-law, if you tell Officer Li, we are willing to take a dual-card tape recorder and dance disco, which is not illegal." ”

Wang Gang glared at him and said, "Your sister will come to clean you up in a while, and Xiao Li will ask you something in a while, what do you know, just say, if there is a fatal case, provide effective clues, and the maximum reward is 500." ”

These words directly ignited the hormones of this group of young people in flowery clothes, and directly surrounded Xiao Li and said, "Ask me first, I know everything." ”

The eighth paragraph is close to the truth

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Xilin Middle School, a bit old. Located in the heart of the town, surrounded by lush greenery, it is peaceful and solemn. The school's buildings are simple and elegant, with red walls and tiles, shining with a warm luster in the sunlight. Every morning or dusk, the golden sunlight shines on every corner of the campus, adding a bit of mystery and romance. Walking into the campus, you will be attracted by that strong academic atmosphere. In the spacious classroom, neat desks and chairs are arranged in an orderly manner, and motivational slogans hang above the blackboard. The library is full of books, and the shelves are filled with all kinds of books.

Wang Gang is reluctant to admit that such a school would produce murderers.

The director of academic affairs knew that the problem was serious, and introduced Qiu Mohan very cooperatively. He was the first outstanding student in the town to be admitted to a major university and is currently studying at Rinking University. Qiu Mohan is the pride of our school. Excellent character and learning, integrity. His home is also a scholarly family. “

Wang Gang looked at the director of academic affairs with indifferent eyes, he had already decided to start with Qiu Mohan, Wang Gang was a policeman and a gambler. The mahjong parlor is a mixed place, and various news circulates every day.

Wang Gang doesn't mind, and uses the most malicious mentality to measure every suspect.

At this moment, a police car roared into the playground of Xilin Middle School.

Wang Ziming, the senior inspector of the Municipal Criminal Police Team, got out of the car, walked directly into the small conference room of the school, and exchanged a look with Wang Gang. The dean of academic affairs knew that the person was soft-spoken, and he turned around and left silently.

Soon, the police quickly contacted Qiu Mohan's family and learned that he had indeed returned home recently. This clue gave the police hope of solving the case, and they immediately interrogated Qiu Mohan.

Ninth paragraph entrapment

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Campus of Linkung University.

Qiu Mohan was a little distracted, Li Chunhua was very dissatisfied, and asked, "What's wrong with you?" ”

Qiu Mohan looked at Li Chunhua and said, "It's okay, it's just that I'm a little uncomfortable." ”

Li Chunhua is very beautiful and extravagant.

She is like a bright pearl, shining and eye-catching. She is the kind of lady who can be remembered at a glance, not only because of her beauty, but also because of her innate noble temperament. Her face was like finely carved porcelain, and her skin was fair and delicate, as if it could be broken by blowing. A pair of almond eyes, bright as stars, shimmering with wisdom. The corners of the eyes are slightly raised, the bridge of the nose is high, the lips are red and the teeth are white, the posture is slender, and the gestures reveal an innate elegance.

At this time, a voice came from the radio: "Qiu Mohan, a freshman and fourth-class student, hurry to the mailroom and send an urgent telegram." ”

Qiu Mohan's heart trembled, patted Li Chunhua's shoulder and said, "I'll go, I'll come." ”

When, when Qiu Mohan got the telegram, the whole person froze, "Mother's illness, return quickly." ”

Like an old cow, the green car worked tirelessly and slowly, and it took 24 hours to finally climb to Xilin.

Li Chunhua was a little worried, Qiu Mohan was speechless all the way, and his expression was depressed. As a girlfriend, she naturally wants to stand by his side at this time.

However, Li Chunhua didn't expect that they were greeted by 4 plainclothes!

As soon as the two of them stepped out of the green car, they were surrounded. "I'm Sheriff Wang Gang of Xilin, and I have a case, I hope you can cooperate."

Li Chunhua's heart trembled, because she saw Qiu Mohan's body shaking!

Paragraph 10: Truth

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

The interrogation room of Xilin Police Station is surrounded by thick and heavy walls, the interior decoration style is simple and cold, mainly gray and white, and a one-way perspective mirror is hung on the wall, allowing the interrogators to observe the reactions of the interrogated while protecting the privacy of the interrogators.

In the center of the room is a heavy wooden table with recording equipment and some papers. On either side of the table are two chairs, one for the interrogator and the other for the interrogator's seat. The chairs are all made of metal, sturdy and unadorned, giving them a cold and serious look. The interrogation room was slightly dimly lit, except for a chandelier above the table, which lit up the room with a cold white glow. This light makes everyone's expression appear exceptionally clear, and it is impossible to hide any subtle emotional changes.

In the face of police interrogation, Qiu Mohan tried to remain silent.

Wang Gang and Wang Ziming exchanged a look, and Wang Gang whispered: "You must know Li Ruotong, and you should be familiar with the child in her womb." “

Before the words fell, Qiu Mohan's psychological defense line collapsed instantly.

Qiu Mohan burst into tears!

Whispered, "I killed her." “

Wang Gang asked with some contempt, "If you don't love it, you break up, why kill people?" ”

Qiu Mohan suddenly raised his head and said, "I am a top student in Xilin Middle School, and Li Ruotong has had a crush on me for several years. I didn't know until my first night in college. A few of the best boys in our class got together and had some drinks. When I walked out of the hotel, I was stopped by Li Ruotong. She said she loved me and could give everything for me. “

Wang Gang suddenly answered, "So, you will steal the forbidden fruit." “

Qiu Mohan looked at Wang Gang with bloodshot eyes and said, "It's her, take the initiative!" It was she who got me. ”

Wang Gang went out in an instant, rushed over, and directly gave Qiu Mohan a slap.

Wang Ziming pursed his lips, he knew that Wang Gang was also the father of a daughter. Just last night, Wang Gang's wife gave Wang Gang a final order to let his precocious daughter return to school.

Qiu Mohan was beaten up, and it took a long time to say, "After going to a key university, I met Li Chunhua." I think Li Chunhua is my girlfriend. I'm ready to break up with Li Ruotong. I deliberately asked for leave to go home and break up with Li Ruotong, but I didn't expect that Li Ruotong was already pregnant with my child. However, the contraception I prepared that day. “

When Wang Ziming heard this, he deeply felt that Wang had just beaten lightly, this is a scumbag! Always be ready! "Could it be that Wang Gang's daughter was also taken advantage of by this goods?"

Wang Ziming's evil taste exploded instantly.

Qiu Mohan's voice trembled a little, his breathing was a little short, and he said, "Li Ruotong threatened me with a child and asked me to give up Li Chunhua. Otherwise, she would drink medicine, in order to stop her from doing stupid things, I was in a hurry, and I accidentally grabbed Li Ruotong's neck, but I didn't expect it to be too heavy, and she stopped breathing. I had thought that there were many wolves in the meadows, and no one went, and that my crimes would not be discovered. never thought that Sister Yuezhen would run to the tower to get firewood, and thus found Li Ruotong's body. I plead guilty. “

Qiu Mohan fell into a dead silence and stopped talking.

It was at this moment that the door to the interrogation room was pushed open.

Li Chunhua led a middle-aged man in.

Li Chunhua stared at Qiu Mohan and asked, "You killed her?" ”

Qiu Mohan nodded, as if he had exhausted his strength.

Li Chunhua burst into tears, she knew that Qiu Mohan gave up the last chance to turn the tables.

The middle-aged man leaked a sly smile, he didn't look down on Qiu Mohan at all, this is a phoenix man, he can't be on the stage, the forces of the Li family can easily settle such a trivial matter, but Qiu Mohan's performance proves that he is not worth it.

Section 11: Celebration of food stalls

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!


The small town of Xilin was plunged into a huge shock. People can't imagine that Qiu Mohan, who is usually gentle and elegant, would commit such a heinous crime. His family, friends, and neighbors were in disbelief, and at the same time saddened by Li Ruotong's passing.

Li Qiao couldn't accept the fact that her daughter had died, and she washed her face with tears all day long, grief-stricken.

The police prosecuted Qiu Mohan, and a just trial has finally arrived! The court eventually sentenced him to life in prison.

Xilin food stalls!

Wang Gang, Xiao Mang, Xiao Li, Mo Xiaobei and Mo Xiaosheng had a dinner to celebrate.

Mo Xiaosheng received a bonus of 1,000 yuan from the police.

Wang Gang, Xiao Mang, Xiao Li, and Mo Xiaobei were promoted by one level.

Everyone's happy!

As night falls, the lights of the barbecue stalls come on, illuminating everything around. The light of the charcoal fire danced in the night, reflecting the cheerful faces of the people. In the midst of the smoke, skewers of barbecued meat tumble over the charcoal fire, giving off an enticing aroma that makes people salivate. The guests sat around the stalls, some chatting and laughing loudly, and some immersed themselves in tasting the food, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious. The barbecue chefs are busy flipping the roast and expertly sprinkling various spices with skillful and rhythmic movements.

Wang Gang took a cup and said: "Brothers, we have accumulated a lot, solved the homicide case in 3 days, and since then we have reached the pinnacle of life. ”

Xiao Li smiled, a glass of wine was dry, he was a person who was quick to act.

Xiao Mang said: "This girl is really interesting. ”

Mo Xiaobei glanced at him and said, "You pervert, stay away from me." ”

Mo Xiaosheng seemed to hear the voice outside the words, and asked, "Brother pervert, there is something in your words!" ”

Xiao Mang filled Mo Xiao with a glass of wine and said, "Brother-in-law, you understand me." ”

"You touch the corpse with a hand, and you still want to be an old lady?" Mo Xiaobei immediately quit.

Wang Gang and Xiao Li turned on the giggle mode.

"Sister, let the perverted brother say." Mo Xiaoyan was a little dissatisfied.

Xiao Mang said: "I made a DNA for Li Ruotong's children and Qiu Moyan, you guess, the result." ”

Wang Gang suddenly answered and said, "They don't have anything to do with each other, right!" ”

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by Wang Gang!

Wang Gang sighed and said: "I visited Li Ruotong's best friend Wang Yang, and she told me that Qiu Moyan did not let Li Ruotong get pregnant, and in order to save Qiu Moyan, Li Ruotong spent money with others, conceived a child, and threatened Qiu Moyan with this child. ”

Xiao Li actually spoke, "Li Ruotong, a scholar, is not simple." ”

Mo Xiaobei pursed her lips, as a woman, she despised this kind of person.

Xiao Busy was a chatterbox, took a puff of cigarette, and said slowly: "Deformed love makes people become ghosts." ”

No one noticed that Mo Xiaosheng's face suddenly turned pale, and he didn't speak, just silently, drinking wine.

Because he is still a student, everyone basically talks about the internal affairs of the police system, so no one pays attention to him.

At 10 p.m., the wind suddenly picked up.

"It's going to rain, let's disperse." Wang Gang drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

Chapter 12: Whose Child Is It?

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Mo Xiaobei and Mo Xiaoyan returned to the rental house. Mo Xiaobei suddenly asked, "Mo Xiaoyan, you have something on your mind, tell your sister." ”

Mo Xiaoyan's face suddenly turned red, squatted on the ground, and whimpered: "The person who had a relationship with Li Ruotong is me." ”

Mo Xiaobei was stunned, she knew that Li Ruotong had two lives, and that child was actually her younger brother.

For a long time, Mo Xiaobei squatted down, hugged Mo Xiaoyan and said, "Don't be sad, didn't you say that there are many boys who pursue Li Ruotong?" Perhaps, that child is not yours. ”

"Sister, my heart is blocked." Mo Xiaoyan cried! The 1,000 yuan in the pocket of the jacket seems to be less beautiful.

Outside the window, a gust of wind suddenly rose and whistled through the silent streets, shaking the branches and making a low moan. Then the rain poured down without the slightest hesitation or tenderness. The raindrops are like beads with broken threads, densely packed, smashing into the ground fiercely, making a "popping" sound, and intertwining with the howling of the wind into a passionate nocturne.

Under the baptism of this heavy rain, the world became blurry and distant, and the light of the street lamps faded in the rain curtain, forming a circle of soft and hazy light. The sound of the rain drowned out all the subtle sounds, leaving only the pure, unadorned sounds of nature.

The heavy rain at midnight is like an affectionate outpouring of nature, which does not ask about the return date, regardless of everything, only wishes to completely cleanse the fatigue and hustle and bustle of the world in this silent night, leaving a fresher and brighter start for tomorrow.

Chapter 13: The Final Redemption

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

Xilin Police Department Detention Facility.

Outside the door stood the middle-aged man, sitting silently on a long wooden chair, smoking a cigarette. He sat there, gently holding a cigarette in one hand, and casually propping up the table next to him with the other, his eyes narrowing slightly, as if at this moment, all his thoughts were slowly drifting away with the rising wisps of smoke. There is an unspoken maturity and profundity in the gesture. The light of the fire flickered on the cigarette butt, reflecting the outline of his face, adding a bit of vicissitudes of charm. The act of smoking is not hurried, and every detail seems so calm, as if at that moment, time has also slowed down.

He doesn't understand, is it worth everything that the eldest lady of his family has done for that scumbag?

Li Chunhua is wearing a blue dress today, which is what he wore on his first date with Qiu Moyan.

Looking at Qiu Moyan, who was extremely haggard, Li Chunhua's heart trembled, and his mouth was bitter.

"I have hired the best lawyer for you, as well as Lin Jing's forensic doctor Li Dao, he is a world-class authority, after his identification, Li Ruotong did not die of suffocation, but poisoning! It is estimated that you will not be sentenced too heavily in the second trial. Li Chunhua's words instantly ignited Qiu Moyan's anger.

Qiu Moyan seemed to think of something, her voice trembled a little, and said: "Yes, I have already told the police, Li Ruotong threatened me, if I don't break up with you, I will drink poison and commit suicide on the spot, I accidentally stuck her neck in order to stop her, she seemed to have really drunk some medicine at the time, I didn't expect that she was poisoned, poisoned, Chunhua, only you can help me, help me, I don't want to go to jail." ”

Li Chunhua looked at this once glorious boy, and was at a loss at this time, completely disappointed.

He stopped talking and walked out of the detention in silence.

Qiu Moyan roared, "Chunhua, don't ignore me, I love you." ”

When Li Chunhua left the door of the detention center, he paused and spit out a sentence: "Qiu Moyan, you disappointed me so much, if time could come back, I wouldn't choose to love you!" ”

The sound is small.

It doesn't seem to be said to Qiu Moyan, it's more like to himself!

The middle-aged man was a little heartbroken when he saw Li Chunhua's lonely appearance, and whispered: "Miss, everything is arranged, don't be sad, Xiang Qiu Moyan, a person who was educated by his native family, is like this, he has no chance to carp and jump into the dragon gate." The master has already spoken, asking you to cut off the relationship with him, and he can't handle the very small things well, and he will not be able to use them in the future. Mrs. introduced you to the second son of the Wang family, whom you know. ”

Li Chunhua felt deeply tired and just nodded.

She sat quietly in the car, her body seemed to be shrouded in a faint layer of sadness, her beautiful face had lost its former brilliance, and her eyes flashed with imperceptible tears. Her long hair was gently scattered, but it lacked the elegance of the past, and it looked a little messy. There was a hint of bitterness at the corners of her mouth, but even so, she maintained a distressing beauty, a kind of strength that bloomed in vulnerability, and people couldn't help but be moved.

Chapter 14: Protect the Living

Town Horror, if time could come all over again, I wouldn't choose to love you!

The next day.

The weather was unusually hot.

Wang Gang turned on the fan to the maximum and drank a large tea jar of strong tea. I fell asleep in a daze.

No way, the town is calm again.

With nothing to do, it's better to sleep and recharge your energy.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Mo Xiaobei rushed in and whispered, "Sir, something happened!" ”

Wang Gang woke up instantly, his eyes were shining, and he asked, "There is another case?" ”

Mo Xiaobei pouted and said: "There is no case, Li Ruotong's case has been retried, and that Qiu Mohan has appealed!" ”

Wang Gang closed his eyes instantly, and said with some dissatisfaction: "What do I think is the matter? Fuss. ”

Xiao Mang also walked in and said, "Li Ruotong was not strangled to death, he drank medicine and was poisoned." ”

Wang Gang opened his eyes again and muttered: "Young man, it's impetuous, it's mentioned in our report, what does it have to do with us?" How the court decides is not our business. It's okay, just find a place to cool off, I didn't sleep last night, make up for a beauty sleep. ”

Mo Xiaobei said unrelentingly: "The scumbag should be damned!" That's it, if Li Ruotong dies after drinking medicine, it will be recognized by the court, and he will be cheaper. ”

Xiao Mang looked at Mo Xiaobei's choppy appearance. Shaking his head, he said, "It's a pity, brainless." ”

Mo Xiaobei was furious, "You are a dead pervert!" ”

Wang Gang watched the two of them fighting, and felt a little envious in his heart, "It's good to be young." ”

Xiao Li walked in and said to Wang Gang: "Brother, Qiu Moyan has taken shit luck, Li Chunhua has a deep family background, and he actually rescued people, I don't know what these old men think." ”

Wang Gang sighed and said: "Qiu Mohan is a scumbag, Li Ruotong is also to blame, Li Chunhua is affectionate and righteous, I don't know what the judge thinks now, if I judge this case, it will not be easy." ”

Xiao Li thought for a while and said, "What should we do?" ”

Wang Gang thought for a while and said, "Don't do anything, suppress all the news." The court will judge the case fairly, but pity the hearts of parents all over the world, Qiu Moyan and Li Ruotong's fault, and they can't let their parents be hurt again. ”

Xiao Li thought for a while and asked: "In the second trial, Qiu Mohan will definitely be sentenced, Li Ruotong's mother will not approve it, and she will definitely be sued." ”

Wang Gang thought for a while and said, "Don't interfere too much, tell her the truth." ”

In the afternoon, the sun is as hot as molten gold, scorching the earth hot. There was a dull and hot smell in the air, as if even breathing had become heavy. The shadows of the trees swayed, but they were powerless to resist the rolling heat, only swaying a few times occasionally, as if telling the helplessness of the heat. The streets were sparsely populated, and the occasional figure hurriedly walked by, all wearing wide-brimmed hats, desperately looking for the next shady place. The chirping of cicadas echoed through the sky, and they seemed to be complaining about the unbearable heat, adding a touch of noisy heat to the afternoon.

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