
Chongming District's 2023 annual support project for the development of the real economy application notice

author:Science and technology mentor

In accordance with the provisions of the "Implementation Measures of Chongming District on Increasing Support for the Quality and Efficiency of the Real Economy" (Hu Chongjing Gui [2023] No. 1), the relevant matters related to the declaration of the district's support projects for the development of the real economy in 2023 are hereby notified as follows:

1. Scope of application

These measures are applicable to private entities registered in Chongming District in accordance with the law, operating and paying taxes, and meeting the requirements of Chongming's industrial orientation.

Second, the content of support and application materials

(1) "Upgrade" and "Limit" support

1. Support content

For the first time, industrial enterprises and service enterprises entered the database of industrial and service enterprises above designated size; For the first time, wholesale, retail, accommodation and catering commercial and trade enterprises entered the database of commercial and trade enterprises above designated size. A one-time reward of 100,000 yuan will be given to the above enterprises.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: 2023 Chongming District Support Project for Supporting the Development of the Real Economy Application Form (Annex 1, hereinafter referred to as the "Project Declaration Form"), Business License of Enterprise Legal Person (hereinafter referred to as a copy), and Enterprise Commitment Letter (Annex 2).

(2) Special materials: 2022 and 2023 enterprise audit reports, annual corporate income tax returns (tax seal, the same below). The "Gross Industrial Production and Sales Value Table and Main Product Output, Wholesale and Retail Trade, Accommodation and Catering Operations" table filled in by the enterprise on the Statistical Network Direct Reporting Platform (Shanghai) shall be printed with a screenshot of the page and stamped with the official seal of the enterprise.

(2) Expand the scale of support

1. Support content

Support will be given to the industrial and service enterprises above designated size and the wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering business enterprises above designated size to expand the scale of production and operation, and the output value of industries and services above designated size and the sales (turnover) of wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering enterprises above designated size in the current year will be given a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan and 150,000 yuan respectively.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2022 and 2023 annual enterprise audit reports, annual corporate income tax returns. The "Gross Industrial Production and Sales Value Table and Main Product Output, Wholesale and Retail Trade, Accommodation and Catering Operations" table filled in by the enterprise on the Statistical Network Direct Reporting Platform (Shanghai) shall be printed with a screenshot of the page and stamped with the official seal of the enterprise.

(3) Accelerate development support

1. Support content

For advanced manufacturing enterprises whose industrial output value exceeds 100 million yuan, 300 million yuan, 500 million yuan and 1 billion yuan for the first time, a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, 150,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan will be given respectively.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2022 and 2023 annual enterprise audit reports, annual corporate income tax returns. In the "December 2023 Industrial Gross Production and Sales Value Table and Main Product Output" table filled in by the enterprise on the Statistical Network Direct Reporting Platform (Shanghai), print a screenshot of the page and affix the official seal of the enterprise.

(4) R&D investment support

1. Support content

Industrial enterprises (producer service enterprises) in the previous year's research and experimental development investment (R&D investment) of more than 500,000 yuan will be supported, and the proportion of R&D investment in the main business income (R&D intensity) of enterprises will be 2.5%-4.5%, 4.5%-6%, 6%-8% and 8%, respectively, a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan will be given. For R&D investment and intensity of more than 10 million yuan and more than 3% respectively, a one-time reward of 1 million yuan will be given.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2023 annual corporate income tax return, 2023 corporate audit report.

(5) Honorary support for the project

1. Support content

For industrial enterprises (producer service enterprises) that have won the national and municipal major projects, benchmarking demonstrations, system construction, professional service platforms, brand demonstrations, special products and other awards, a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan at the national level and 300,000 yuan at the municipal level will be given respectively.

For the first time to be identified as a national-level specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprise, municipal-level specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and municipal innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan will be given respectively.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2023 honorary certificate or red-headed document (copy) of municipal government departments and above.

(6) Loan interest support

1. Support content

For projects that meet the requirements of ecological industry development in Chongming District and have been approved by relevant departments, if a single loan for fixed assets is more than 3 million yuan (inclusive), and the loan has been settled with the bank, a one-time reward will be given according to 50% of the actual interest, with a maximum of 3 million yuan.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2023 enterprise credit report, the loan business contract or relevant supporting materials, the interest settlement list issued by the lending bank, and the filing materials for fixed asset investment.

(7) Transportation and logistics support

1. Support content

If the industrial output value of the previous year is less than 50 million yuan, 5,000 yuan (inclusive) to 100 million yuan, 100 million yuan (inclusive) - 300 million yuan (exclusive), and more than 300 million yuan (inclusive), a one-time reward of no more than 30,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan, and 120,000 yuan per year will be given respectively.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: 2023 annual corporate income tax return. In the "December 2023 Industrial Gross Production and Sales Value Table and Main Product Output" table filled in by the enterprise on the Statistical Network Direct Reporting Platform (Shanghai), print a screenshot of the page and affix the official seal of the enterprise.

(8) Rent subsidy support

1. Support content

For industrial enterprises that concentrate from townships to the park and lease standard factory buildings in the park, they will be exempted from the rent for the first year and half of the rent for the second and third years if they are found to be in line with the development orientation of the industrial park. Subsequently, if an industrial enterprise above designated size leases a standard factory building of more than 1,000 square meters in the industrial park, and the annual tax output is more than 500,000 yuan/mu (inclusive), it can be rewarded at no more than 50% of its rent in the current year.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: plant lease contract, 2023 annual corporate income tax return (tax payment related supporting materials).

(9) Support for moving into the park

1. Support content

A one-time support subsidy of 150,000 yuan per mu will be given to enterprises that concentrate and acquire land from townships to the park and put into operation within the agreed period of the land transfer contract.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: land transfer contract, completion acceptance through the relevant certification materials, environmental impact assessment related certification materials.

(10) Land vacancy support

1. Support content

For the existing enterprises on sporadic industrial land in townships and towns, if they are found to be in line with the development orientation of the industrial park, voluntarily relocate to the industrial park, and use the original industrial construction land to complete the reduction and vacate it, a one-time reward of 300,000 yuan per mu will be given according to the area of the enterprise's sporadic industrial land warrant.

2. Application materials

(1) Basic materials: project declaration form, business license of enterprise legal person, and letter of commitment of enterprise.

(2) Special materials: relevant certification materials for land reduction and vacancy, and original property rights certificates.

3. Declaration methods

(1) Application time: July 5 to August 5, 2024

(2) Online material declaration: Enterprises log in to the "Chongming District Enterprise Exclusive Webpage", find the "Chongming District Industrial Development Service Platform", click on the "Electronic Business License or Legal Person One Pass" to log in, select "General Policy" → "Support for the Development of the Real Economy", and fill in the basic information and declaration content of the enterprise according to the relevant elements of the "2023 Chongming District Support Project for Supporting the Development of the Real Economy" (Annex 1), upload the basic materials and special materials, etc., and submit them within the specified time. And it is necessary to inquire online in a timely manner about the preliminary review opinions of the township and group (park) where it is located.

(3) Acceptance of offline materials: Within 10 working days after the application project is approved by the township and group (park) online, the enterprise shall download and print the application form, business license of the enterprise legal person, the letter of commitment of the enterprise and other relevant certification paper materials of the project online, and submit it to the relevant acceptance department of the district economic commission in duplicate after being stamped by the township and group (park).

Source: Chongming, Shanghai

Shanghai Industrial Policy Service Center

Policy Services Department: Director Fang

Telephone-WeChat: 15618903837

*The policy content published in this article is compiled and interpreted by the Shanghai Industrial Policy Service Center, if there is any error, please contact us.

Shanghai Industrial Policy Service Center: Authoritative policy guidance + investment promotion platform in the park

Policy support: guide enterprises to apply for various government special subsidy funds, including Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Economic and Information Commission, Development and Reform Commission, Commerce Commission and policy fund projects of various district departments. Professional planning, key declaration, ensure project approval, and obtain support funds.

Investment attraction in the park: Shanghai municipal-level park, directly recruit enterprises to settle in, sign support agreements, implement enterprise tax rebates, arrange talents to settle down, and rent-free land and factories. Encourage talents to start a business, register a company with 0 yuan, provide an address free of charge, and counsel to apply for entrepreneurial policy subsidy funds. Chongming District's 2023 Annual Support for the Development of the Real Economy Support Project Application Notice - Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Policy Service

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