
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

author:New Fujian

A branch of lotus flowers

Summer is full of ponds

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang



The greenery is abundant

I saw a touch of red in the blue pool

I know that the first wave of lotus flowers this summer has quietly bloomed

Now is a good time to visit

Let's go, let's enjoy the lotus together!

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang


When a dragonfly taps on the surface of the water

The lotus pond in Zhugong Village, Tateyan Township

It has become a place to enjoy lotus

Walk up the boardwalk and look around

Lotus flowers hug each other on all sides

Summer is hidden here!

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

Lotus flowers appear one after another

Those that are budding and blooming are in full bloom

Lotus flowers in a variety of shapes

Grow freely with a natural attitude

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang


With blue sky, white clouds, green trees

Aiei Seiju

Show the poetry of summer

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

A pond full of lotus flowers

It has the artistic conception of "lotus leaf field moving breeze".

A breeze gusted

The wind follows the shadow of the lotus

The corners of the clothes seem to be stained with the fragrance of flowers

How this situation and this scene are not fascinating

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

Stroll arm-in-arm

Viewing the scenery and enjoying the lotus

Everywhere the eye looks

The blue sky and blue sky complement each other

The red flowers and green leaves are fragrant

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

Here's the lotus

A pleasure to be enjoyed

More edible food

Pick a lotus flower

Close your eyes and feel the fresh scent of lotus seeds

It will not be bitter if you eat it with the core

It's really crisp and sweet

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang
"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

June to September is the golden period for lotus flowers

It is also the best time to enjoy the lotus

Make an appointment with your friends

Come to Lianjiang to listen to the wind and enjoy the lotus!

"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang




"Lotus" you have an appointment! It's → here in Lianjiang

Text: U Thant

Photography: Wu Dan, Lin Ho Ming

Editor: Wu Dan

Review: Yao Yangjie, Li Jianyu

Producer: Qiu Xuefei

Submission email: [email protected]

Director of the Propaganda Department of the Lianjiang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, produced by the New Media Department of the Lianjiang County Financial Media Center, please indicate the source for reprinting.

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Source: Hailianjiang