
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→

author:New Fujian
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→

Workers in new forms of employment

When it is believed that labor rights and interests have been infringed

How should they protect their legitimate rights and interests?

Take you to understand it in a picture

@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→
@新就业形态劳动者, there are these channels to protect rights and interests! A picture get→

Source: WeChat public account of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (WeChat ID: rsbzwwx)

Source: Putian People's Society