
Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations

author:Sioux Chamber of Commerce
Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations
Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations

At 2:10 on June 30, Comrade Shen Wenrong, chairman of the board of directors of Jiangsu Shagang Group, died of illness at the age of 78.

Shen Wenrong once said that I have dedicated my life to steel, and I have no regrets.

When he was 12 years old, Shen Wenrong's family was poor, and whenever he saw the steelmaking, he was still very excited - although his stomach was still growling with hunger, it couldn't stop him from sincerely rejoicing at the prosperity of the motherland's steelmaking industry. Perhaps he himself did not realize that this was the beginning of his "iron love" for more than half a century.

Today's shagang ranks 348th on the Fortune Global 500 list released in 2023.

As Shen Wenrong said, he has dedicated his life to the steel industry and has been fighting for steel all his life.

Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations

Shen Wenrong's business philosophy

From the first day of Shagang's establishment, Shen Wenrong has found the core positioning: adhere to the development strategy of science and technology piloting, and arm himself with the most advanced technology.

Shen Wenrong emphasized that an enterprise is often something that others can't do, and if you do it, you will have the competitiveness to surpass others; What others can do, you can also do, you can't call it competitiveness.

The steel industry cannot simply become bigger and stronger, but should be refined and stronger. Entrepreneurs must be responsible, the more difficult the situation, the more difficult it is!

In 2020, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, how to operate the enterprise, Shen Wenrong gave his own five thoughts:

First, understanding is the most important. Entrepreneurs are people who stand in the present and look at the future, and they must understand the national policies thoroughly, so as to seize the opportunity in the shortest possible time;

Second, leave room for improvement. Don't do things too much, many private enterprises have broken their capital chains largely due to excessive blind optimism and no room for error;

Third, stay hungry. Industrialists should regard themselves as a demanding and delicate craftsman, never satisfied, maintain hunger, and make the products better and better, even to the extreme;

Fourth, not deliberately. Entrepreneurs should go with the flow, respect nature, make use of nature, and seek a good ecological environment for the development of enterprises.

Fifth, stay in awe. If an entrepreneur does not have a sense of awe, he will only be consumed by profit. If you only know interests and do not understand benevolence, you cannot be regarded as a successful entrepreneur. As business owners, we must maintain awe, unify the interests of the country and the interests of the enterprise, think quietly, and do business seriously.

Shen Wenrong encouraged the majority of Suzhou businessmen to strengthen their confidence and do a good job in the "three things"——

Only by doing a good job in the real economy, developing the manufacturing industry, and facing the challenges of the crisis, can we be more calm, and in the face of international competition, can we win the initiative.

Work hard, strengthen the ability of independent innovation, focus on the industrial chain and supply chain, work "strength", "supplement" and "extension", overcome the "stuck neck" link, and promote Jiangsu manufacturing to climb from the "plateau" to the "peak".

The key to running an enterprise is to do its best, find the right positioning, grasp the present and seek the future, continuously improve the level of the enterprise, and seek new and greater development.

In 2021, in the face of the new situation, Shen Wenrong called on Jiangsu entrepreneurs to:

First, we must conform to the trend and grasp important strategic opportunities. Enterprises should combine the national strategy with their own reality, find the meeting point of government-enterprise cooperation, and open a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win.

Second, we must give full play to our advantages and build a solid foundation for the real economy. The manufacturing industry is an important support for building strategic advantages for future development, and the top priority for enterprises is to improve the modernization level of the industrial chain and strengthen international competitiveness.

Third, we must see the situation clearly and promote the improvement of management quality and efficiency. Companies need to strive to improve the precision and effectiveness of their measures. For example, in intelligent manufacturing, low-carbon energy saving, green environmental protection, product research and development, technological innovation, etc., we must actively act and work hard.

Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations

Shen Wenrong's classic quotations

Shagang is a company that people sincerely admire, and Shen Wenrong is also an entrepreneur worth following and a mentor of Su Shang!

Today, let us review Shen Wenrong's golden sentences, feel his thoughts, thoughts, wisdom, and beliefs, and forge ahead.


To be a boss, you must have the mentality of part-time work, and this boss can do well. The boss is actually the biggest part-time worker, don't feel that being a boss is terrible, don't think that being a boss is enjoyment, the boss just does a little more than others, thinks a little more. This is the thinking of our generation of business leaders, who do not want to be the boss easily, but are ready to endure hardship.


To enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, one of the key issues is management. First, there must be a management team that connects the previous and the next; Second, it is necessary to implement flat management. The so-called flattening means that the management level should be few, and the hierarchical authorization should be carried out thoroughly, and secondly, the management efficiency should be improved by using the method of accounting minimization.


Entrepreneurs must have the courage to deny themselves. We must protect those things that are advanced, but if we continue to protect those things that are backward because we are not aware of them, it will create a vicious circle. There are also some decisions that have been made in the past, which may not still be correct until now, and we must correct, adjust, and change them in a timely manner.


For entrepreneurs, the most important thing to integrate is new thinking and new methods, because any innovation comes from ideas. The world is changing, and many of the lessons learned in the past may no longer be applicable today. However, what entrepreneurs need to do is to find an entry point to "respond to all changes with the same" in the midst of continuous change, and this entry point is to change themselves, so as to find new development space.


If Jiangsu manufacturing wants to build a brand, it must first polish products, improve quality, and adhere to the concept of innovation. As long as you find a foothold, Jiangsu manufacturing will definitely be able to go to the forefront of the industry step by step, and the brand will naturally be created.


An entrepreneur is a person who stands in the present and looks at the future, and must understand the national policy thoroughly, so as to seize the opportunity in the shortest possible time.


Only by doing a good job in the real economy, developing the manufacturing industry, and facing the challenges of the crisis, we can be more calm, and in the face of international competition, we can win the initiative.


Manufacturing is the foundation of the real economy, the capital of local economic development, and an important support for building strategic advantages for future development. To vigorously develop the real economy represented by the manufacturing industry, it is necessary for Suzhou business enterprises to focus on improving the modernization level of the industrial chain, accelerating the adjustment of industrial structure, accelerating the research and development of neck technology, strengthening product quality improvement, enhancing product added value, enhancing the right to speak in the industrial chain, and enhancing the competitiveness of the international market.


Banknotes are just a number for me, and the value of people lies in contributing more to society.


Philanthropy can do as much as it can, but entrepreneurs are not philanthropists, entrepreneurs do business, and it is the whole country and society that benefit. Boosting the economy is the greatest philanthropic undertaking. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of philanthropists and entrepreneurs, and not to grandstand.


When we talk about hard work, we don't mean that everyone should wear torn clothes with a hungry belly, but that banknotes should be used on the blade, and that we should do more and do good things with less money.


At the beginning of starting a business, it is often easy to work hard, because there is nothing, and you can only work hard to start a business. At a certain stage of development, it is difficult to persist in hard work and not change or give up due to the changes of the times.


For a long time, people have always been accustomed to pinning the heavy task of developing advanced productive forces on state-owned enterprises, and I believe that private enterprises are also fully capable of undertaking this responsibility.


Corporate philosophy, enterprise spirit, the purpose of running a factory, these cultures are rooted in the soil of the enterprise, and the enterprise without corporate culture will not survive, otherwise the building will collapse after it is built.


- Shen Wenrong

Shen Wenrong's success has aroused curiosity in the society, and the media has also interviewed him many times about the secret of his success. He said: "People have their own hobbies in their lives, and my hobby is steel. Doing what you like and want to do is not tiring, you don't feel bitter, you feel that this work is enjoyment."

He also said: "Happiness depends on our efforts and struggles!" A person eats, drinks, and has fun for decades, and it is also decades to serve the country as much as possible. In these decades, when you close your eyes, you have to feel that you have no regrets. ”

According to public data, in 2023, shagang will rank fourth in China and sixth in the world with 40.54 million tons of crude steel output, second only to China Baowu, Anshan Iron and Steel Group and Hegang Group, three state-owned enterprises in China, and continue to be the largest private iron and steel enterprise; At the same time, with a revenue of 42.784 billion US dollars, it has been ranked 348th in the Fortune Global 500 for 15 consecutive years, and has increased nearly 100 places in 15 years.

Saying goodbye with such achievements, Shen Wenrong should have no regrets, and he has drawn a successful end to his lifelong career.

Shen Wenrong's business philosophy and classic quotations