
Guo Zonghai visited and condoled with old party members

author:Yilong broadcast
Guo Zonghai visited and condoled with old party members

On the afternoon of July 1, Guo Zonghai, secretary of the county party committee, visited the old party members, and extended sincere greetings and high respect to them on behalf of the county party committee and the county government, thanking them for their contributions to the party's cause and the economic and social development of Yilong.

Guo Zonghai visited and condoled with old party members

At the home of veteran party member Chen Dailun, Guo Zonghai had a knee-to-knee conversation with the old man, inquired in detail about the physical condition and living conditions of the old party member, sent him the party's warmth and care, and thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause and the economic and social development of Yilong. Guo Zonghai hopes that the old party members will continue to give full play to their residual heat while taking care of their health, and care about and support the development of various undertakings in Yilong. He urged the relevant departments and townships to earnestly keep the well-being of the old party members in mind, and make every effort to do a good job in caring for and caring for the old party members, so that they can feel the care and warmth of the party and the government.

When he came to the home of veteran party member Li Qianhe, Guo Zonghai asked about the health of the elderly, learned more about the employment of family members and children, and sent holiday condolences to the elderly, telling them to take care of their health, live an optimistic life, continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and make suggestions and contributions to the high-quality development of Yilong.

Guo Zonghai visited and condoled with old party members

Guo Zonghai pointed out that veteran party members have rich experience and valuable work experience, and are the wealth of the party and the state. Party organizations at all levels should always keep the well-being of old party members in mind and listen to their opinions and suggestions; It is necessary to give more care and care to the old party members, arrange their production and life, do practical things for them with heart and affection, solve problems, and let them spend a happy old age.

Guo Zonghai demanded that all party members and cadres should give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role, inherit and carry forward the hard-working spirit of the older generation of party members and comrades, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, and strive to contribute their own strength to the development of various undertakings in Yilong.