
Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

There are many financial stories

2024-07-02 10:30

Shockingly, in order to repay debts, the idea of subsidizing student nutritious meals was simply lawless.

Recently, the National Audit Commission released the 2023 Financial Audit Work Report, which is like a bombshell, revealing the phenomenon of misuse of funds in various places.

According to the audit results, 66 counties used 1.951 billion yuan of subsidy funds for nutritious meals for rural students to directly repay local government debts. And that's just 159 counties, but there are more than 1,200 counties in the country, and if all of them are audited, it is not known how much money has been misappropriated.

Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

In order to supplement their nutrition, the state has special subsidy funds every year for rural students whose family conditions are not good, and the purpose is to enable every child to grow up healthily. No matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter for your children, some places are used to living a lavish life, and now you have no money and can't live a hard life, so you can only suffer your children.

According to data released by the Ministry of Finance, as of the end of May 2024, the national local government debt balance was 423838 billion yuan, equivalent to 33.63% of GDP in 2023.

In the past 20 years, the real estate industry has been booming, and all localities have made a lot of money from land sales. Why did it completely change overnight, the income plummeted, the debts were high, and even the money for the subsidy of nutritious meals for rural students had to be misappropriated, 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan, and each county embezzled an average of 29.56 million yuan, and couldn't even get this money?

Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

The income from land sales is not a small amount, with the peak of 2019 selling almost 7.8 trillion yuan, and other years are several trillion yuan. Where did all the money go?

To be honest, no one has an answer, but from some data, you may be able to understand a thing or two.

In the past few years, many localities have said that they will reduce the number of personnel and reduce the number of personnel, but as a result, more and more people are in the system. According to the provident fund payment data, in 2023, the number of employees in state organs and institutions across the country who have contributed to the housing provident fund will be 48.359 million, 6.22 million more than in 2016, an increase of nearly 15%.

Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

That is, the more streamlined, the more people. This is only within the system, and the increase in non-staff personnel outside the system is even more terrifying. For example, the investigation of "Half Moon Talk" found that the number of non-staff personnel in A County of Wumeng Mountain was almost twice that of the number of staff members, which was greatly overstaffed.

Looking at their consumption, many brick-and-mortar stores are not doing well, but some high-end supermarkets and state-owned shopping malls often have people holding shopping cards and buying them one by one, and these people are definitely not ordinary workers.

There are also ineffective infrastructure all over the country, the 57-meter-high Guan Gong statue in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, which cost 170 million yuan to build and 155 million yuan to move away. The statue of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in Lushan, Henan, cost more than 7 million, but it turned out to be a copycat, and others only spent hundreds of thousands, so much difference, where did the money go?

In addition, according to media statistics, at least 26 high-speed rail stations across the country have not been opened for operation since they were completed and are in a state of abandonment. Each high-speed rail station costs more than 10 million, and some even exceed 100 million.

Guangdong Zhuhai Tram Line 1 took 4 years to build and 3 years to dismantle after operation, with a total investment of more than 1.6 billion.

Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

Of course, it is more common to repeatedly repair a road in various cities, all year round, and after repairing, it will be dug again every once in a while, and then repaired, and repeatedly, without money.

Why do localities like to engage in ineffective infrastructure? Look at Liupanshui, Guizhou, Li Zaiyong has been in power for three years, adding 150 billion yuan to the local debt, and in more than ten years, 432 million yuan has gone into his personal pocket.

With the decline in income, many places have tried their best to generate income, but this is unsustainable and the impact is still very bad, so it is better to reflect on where the money is spent.

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  • Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?
  • Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?
  • Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?
  • Nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidies were misappropriated to repay debts, so where did so much income from land sales go?

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