
The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held

author:Shaanxi Net Weinan Station

Poetry and civilization are prosperous, and the book is loud and beautiful. On June 27th, the final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was held in the auditorium of the Party School of the County Party Committee, welcoming the party's birthday, inheriting the red gene, praising a better life, stimulating the power of endeavor, and creating a strong atmosphere of good reading, good reading, and good reading in the county. Li Xiaoge, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Liu Chunhe, deputy director of the County People's Congress and chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, Wang Huafeng, deputy head of the county government, and Zhou Zhimin, deputy secretary and vice chairman of the party group of the county CPPCC, attended the event.

The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held

At the beginning of the event, Li Xiaoge said in his speech that Heyang is a country of etiquette and a city of culture, where 3,000 years of poetry have been passed down from generation to generation, and Chinese culture has been passed down forever. In recent years, Heyang has advocated reading for all people, insisted on being a cultural person, and carried out a series of reading activities to create a scholarly atmosphere, build a scholarly Heyang, and promote the construction of a civilized city with a scholarly city. She asked the cadres and workers of the county to devote themselves to the sea of books, make friends with sages, take pleasure in reading, take pride in reading, draw nourishment from the classics, and generate wisdom in literature. Make new contributions to the construction of "one district, one place and one county" in Heyang and the high-quality development of Heyang culture.

The event was sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee and the County Federation of Trade Unions, carefully prepared by various towns (streets) and departments, and selected more than 40 players to participate, and finally selected 12 outstanding players to participate in the finals through the preliminary and semi-finals. Duan Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Working Committee of the County Organs, Wang Xiaoming, Deputy Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Wei, Executive Deputy Director of the County United Front Work Department, Zhao Hongxing, Executive Deputy Secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee, Lei Bo, Director of the Editorial Office, Wang Dongmei, Vice Chairman of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Song Haiying, Director of the Editor-in-Chief Department of the County Financial Media Center, were invited to serve as judges.

The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held

At the scene of the competition, the climax was repeated and wonderful. The 12 contestants shared their recent reading lists, which are rich in content and have a wide range of topics, including "Do Your Best in Your Young Years", "Analects", "Lovely China", "The Biography of Su Dongpo", "Me and the Temple of Earth", "Awakening Age" and other books. The enterprising spirit of living up to the expectations of the times. Poetry recitation "Let's Read Together", dance "Red Detachment of Women", Allegro "Charm Heyang" and other wonderful programs added gorgeous colors to the event.

The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held
The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held
The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held
The final of Heyang County's "Reading Opens a Beautiful Country and Rejuvenates a Strong Country with Me" reading sharing activity was successfully held

After fierce competition, Wei Fei won the first prize, Liu Lijian and Li Lu won the second prize, Qiao Xiaohua, Li Ting and Huang Rongnan won the third prize, and Fan Linping, Tong Huanting, Lei Sicong and Hou Yahong won the Excellence Award. The Chengguan Sub-district Office and the Education Bureau won the Outstanding Organization Award. Li Xiaoge, Liu Chunhe, Wang Huafeng and Zhou Zhimin presented awards to the winners and winners respectively.

The most important thing is that the fragrance of books can go far, and there is poetry and books in the belly. The purpose of this activity is to continue the red blood of the party, carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the excellent traditional culture, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members at all times in their work and life.

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