
The party emblem shines, and the warmth is transmitted! The Fuqiang Community of Chaohui Street, Huinan County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

author:Ji Pao investigation

On July 1, the Fuqiang Community of Chaohui Street, Huinan County was filled with a strong and warm festive atmosphere, and the community party committee walked into the homes of retired old party members and presented them with a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

The party emblem shines, and the warmth is transmitted! The Fuqiang Community of Chaohui Street, Huinan County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

At each household, the party secretary had a cordial conversation with the old party members, asked them about their physical condition and living conditions, and wore this commemorative medal of great significance for them. The old party members received the commemorative medal, their faces were full of pride and excitement, and they recalled their original intentions and unforgettable years of joining the party.

The party emblem shines, and the warmth is transmitted! The Fuqiang Community of Chaohui Street, Huinan County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

At the same time, the Development and Reform Bureau, a co-construction unit, also took active action and sent condolences to 5 poor party members in the community. The staff of the National Development and Reform Bureau cordially communicated with the poor party members, learned more about their living conditions and practical difficulties, encouraged them to maintain an optimistic attitude, bravely faced the challenges of life, and expressed their continued care and support for them.

The party emblem shines, and the warmth is transmitted! The Fuqiang Community of Chaohui Street, Huinan County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

This activity fully reflects the care and concern of the party organization for party members, further enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization, and helps the community construction to get better and better.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Wang Chao

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Ma He

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