
Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

author:Lishui release

The garden is full of emerald green

Ten miles of lotus flowers

It is located in Shiqiu Street, Lishui District

Nine acres of lotus pond of 100 acres of lotus

Dark incense floats and blooms

Let's check in for the exclusive romance of summer


Midsummer is the most touching season of the Nine Lotus Pond. Walking into the Nine Lotus Pond, as far as the eye can see, the verdant lotus leaves are scattered high and low, like an umbrella covering the water surface. Among the lotus leaves, the lotus flowers are slim, graceful and beautiful. The breeze blows, and the fragrance of lotus overflows, which is intoxicating. Feel the romance of green and red along the viewing plank road, as if you are in the beautiful poetry and painting.

Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

Nine lotus pond is currently the largest area in Lishui, the most varieties of ornamental lotus planting base, but also one of the fine lotus ornamental places in Nanjing, with more than 500 acres of lotus pond, more than 1,000 lotus varieties and more than 200 varieties of water lilies. "Lotus flowers are treasures from flowers to roots, and we have an annual output of 800,000 catties of lotus roots and 30,000 catties of lotus seeds, which are favored by the market." Wang Zhenbin, head of Nanjing Jiuhetang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the blooming period of lotus flowers every year is also the peak season for tourists, and nearly 1,000 tourists have been received every day recently. While appreciating the lotus, you can also buy fresh lotus flowers, lotus pods and other fresh goods on the spot.

Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

Small lotus drives big industry. According to reports, the nine lotus pond has also developed and launched lotus root powder, lotus leaf tea and other deep-processed characteristic agricultural products, the development of "lotus economy" according to local conditions, the formation of the whole industrial chain of agricultural tourism integration from lotus flowers, lotus seeds to lotus leaves, lotus pod deep processing, with an annual output value of nearly 5 million yuan, which has effectively driven the villagers' income increase and the development of the village's collective economy.

Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

Jiuhetang has carefully built a 200-meter art corridor, a more than 1,000-meter lotus appreciation plank road, and 4 lotus viewing pavilions and other special lotus viewing check-in places, so that tourists can fully appreciate the beauty of "wind and lotus on all sides" and feel the reality scene of "infinite blue lotus leaves" at close range.

Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

A set of GIFs to get a feel for it

"The lotus flower is different from the sun"

pomp and poetry

Wow all summer! Lishui is here......

Flowering period: from mid-June to the end of September

Recommended time to see: Best in the morning (pay attention to sun protection)

Address: Nanjing Jiuhetang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd

Admission: Free

Telephone: 13776669000

Source: Lishui release

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