
Live in the moment and don't feel anxious!

author:Lie Wheat

Living an unhappy life is full of anxiety.

Whether it's at work or in life, endless anxiety plagues a person's life, making life more and more painful, and I don't know how to get relief from it.

But all anxiety actually stems from your own "thinking too much", and before things happen, you are anxious about this and that...... As everyone knows, life is not as bad as you think, and subconsciously thinking about things to the worst possible is the source of my anxiety.

Instead of letting yourself be trapped by anxiety, you should think about it and try to live in the moment.

The moment may not be beautiful, but feel it with your heart, and everything is beautiful.

Live in the moment and don't feel anxious!

1. The anxiety that you can't let go of will trap you

Today is worrying about tomorrow, tomorrow is worrying about the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is anxious...... It is said that it is "prevention is better than prevention", but if you think too much, it is easy to make yourself anxious, and worry about whether something bad will really happen in the future that you can't bear.

Regardless of whether something bad will happen for the time being, but before it happens, being anxious is undoubtedly messing up.

Once upon a time, there was a person who accidentally offended someone, and for fear of retaliation, he scared himself to death.

His death stemmed from his own anxiety, subconsciously thinking about the worst possible, so that he had no courage to face reality, so he chose to use death to escape reality, but he didn't know that things might not be so bad at all, everything was just a fantasy created by excessive anxiety.

What you are anxious about may not come true, but if you are too anxious, things will definitely get worse.

Many times, what makes you anxious is actually yourself, you can't think about it, let yourself get into the horns, thinking that everything you don't know is "fear", but you don't know that you haven't experienced the "blind thoughts", you are just scaring yourself.

If the present is not good, don't be anxious about the future, try to live the present, and everything will be better.

Live in the moment and don't feel anxious!

2. If you want to be a man, life can become better

Negative emotions can make a person languishing and feel that life is not going well.

But everything you look at negatively is not unsatisfactory everywhere, it's just that you have trapped yourself in negativity and have not paid attention to everything in front of you.

Pay attention to life, you will find that life is not as bad as you think, although the money is not much, but enough to spend by yourself, you can eat the food you want to eat, do what you want to do; Although I am busy at work, I still have time to rest after work, so I can read a book, play sports or learn something new......

Before something bad happens, you should be anxious first, not only will not solve the problem, but it may also make the problem more serious, but it is better to think about it, free yourself from negative emotions, put your focus from the future back to the present, and try to live every day in the present.

What people can do is to live the present moment well, live the present life well, and everything will slowly get better.

What you are anxious about is the future, what you want to live is the present, and try to live the present well, so that life can become better.

Live in the moment and don't feel anxious!

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