
Different places, the same them


Today, we celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

On the eve of the party's birthday, banking and financial institutions in various localities have organized and carried out a variety of activities. Paying homage to the relics of the revolution, reviewing the oath of joining the party, reading red books, and carrying out themed party days...... Bankers celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in different places and in different ways.

In Beijing, the Beijing Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China organized party members and cadres and party building units to visit and study the former sites of red newspapers and periodicals such as the editorial office of "New Youth" and the Beijing Newspaper Museum. Everyone looked back on the century-old red journalism, learned about the history of the revolutionary activities in Beijing in the early days of the Communist Party of China, and gained more insight into the great revolutionary spirit.

Different places, the same them

Source: Agricultural Bank of China.

In Shanghai, volunteers from the Bank of China gave voluntary explanations to visitors at the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the process of explanation, they narrated the glorious history of the party, and guided the young people of BOC and the public to stop and gaze in front of the cultural relics and historical materials to understand the background, convening process, discussion and decision-making process of the meeting.

"Every explanation has deepened my understanding of the great spirit of party building, and I will continue to tell the story of the founding of the party and pass on the light of faith, so that I and more people can be illuminated by this light." Zhang Yijie, a volunteer docent of the Communist Party of China and an employee of the Minhang branch of the Bank of China, said.

In addition to visiting the red education base and paying homage to the relics of the revolution, the bankers also celebrated the arrival of "July 1st" in more forms.

Fuzhou Branch of Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank carried out the activity of "Party Member Bright Identity", and set up a red service window of "Party Member Demonstration Post" in the business hall to provide services to customers. Its sub-branches have carried out the activity of "Warm Sunset, Care for the Elderly, and Build a Beautiful Home Together", and have made continuous efforts to further strengthen the communication and cooperation between the bank and the village community.

On the eve of July 1st, IB organized party members and cadres to review the oath of joining the party and recall their hearts and minds when joining the party.

"This year marks the 12th year that I have joined the Communist Party of China and the 10th year of consumer rights protection. Over the years, I have always kept in mind the purpose of 'serving the people wholeheartedly', based on my own post, continued to practice the concept of 'finance for the people', demonstrated loyalty with firm faith, and practiced responsibility with practical actions. Tan Bitao, an employee of the Changchun branch of the Industrial Bank, said.

On the day of July 1st, the Party Committee of the head office of China Construction Bank sent a letter to all party members. In the letter, the Party Committee of the head office of CCB once again told everyone about the advanced deeds of Comrade Zhang Fuqing, and said that the advanced deeds of Comrade Zhang Fuqing are the precious spiritual wealth of CCB, and its spiritual connotation is highly consistent with the value orientation of financial culture with Chinese characteristics, and is a vivid practice of financial culture with Chinese characteristics. May 24 of each year is designated as the "Learning from Zhang Fuqing Day", and the activities of learning from Comrade Zhang Fuqing are carried out on a regular basis, aiming to encourage the majority of party members and cadres to stick to their original intentions, be indifferent to fame and fortune, be strict with themselves, work hard and dedicate, inherit the red gene of CCB, continue to struggle, and make new contributions.

Different places, the same them

Also on the day of "July 1st", Zheshang Bank held the "Unveiling Ceremony of the 'Red Zhejiang Bank' Party Building Brand Wall". At the ceremony, Zheshang Bank launched the bank's "Thanksgiving and Forge Ahead, Red July" series of activities, and took this opportunity to celebrate this important day with the majority of party members and cadres.

Different places, the same them
Source: Financial Times Client Reporter: Zuo Xi Editor: Liu Nengjing E-mail: [email protected]