
The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

author:Harmony East District

The spirit of the red boat refers to the voyage, and the splendid China is moving forward. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China, review the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, solidly promote the study and education of party discipline, and encourage party members and cadres to carry forward the great spirit of party building, lay a solid foundation and continue to build a solid ideology, and move forward bravely and resolutely on a new journey. Recently, the Party Branch of the District CPPCC Office has actively carried out joint learning and co-construction with the Party Branch of the Research Office of the Provincial CPPCC General Office, the Party Branch of the News and Publicity Department of the Provincial CPPCC General Office, and carried out a high-level, warm, and powerful Party Day activity to welcome the "July 1st" theme through theoretical learning, integrity education, tracing footprints, public welfare services, etc., based on the CPPCC, enriching the connotation of party building and enhancing the vitality of party building around the center.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

Learn the ideas of leaders, and build a clear direction together. Learning has always been the main line of raising awareness and strengthening beliefs, and the joint study and co-construction starts with "learning", and the party branch secretary of the district CPPCC office leads the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he inspected Qinghai, and party members and cadres have said that they should seriously study, vigorously publicize, and resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech as the primary political task for the current and future period, and strive to show the CPPCC responsibility and make CPPCC contributions in promoting the construction of Qinghai and the high-quality development of the eastern district. In order to improve the learning effect, the secretary of the party branch of the Provincial CPPCC Museum of Culture and History focused on the six disciplines of the party, and taught the special micro-party course of party discipline learning and education for all party members and cadres with the title of "revisiting the story of party history and strictly abiding by party rules and party discipline", and guided party members and cadres to further enhance their party spirit and discipline awareness, strictly abide by the discipline line of defense, and always maintain the background of integrity.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

We should pay attention to warning education, be honest, efficient, and strengthen our confidence. Combined with the study and education of party discipline, in order to further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, the joint study and joint construction of "strict" as the key, organize party members and cadres to visit and study the warning education base of Xining City, through listening to explanations, allegorical pictures and texts, and watching warning education videos, so that party members and cadres are once again shocked in their hearts and their thoughts are once again profoundly cleansed, so that they know awe, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line, and constantly deepen the firm belief in self-vigilance, self-examination, self-respect, and self-discipline and strive to enhance the solid line of defense against corruption and degeneration. In order to jointly build a clean and efficient CPPCC organ, we will give full play to the role of the CPPCC as a special consultative body, and promote the work of the CPPCC with high quality.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

Looking for red memories, inheriting the imprint according to the original intention. The Hehuang Folk Culture Exhibition Hall is a non-profit private exhibition hall funded by Ma Yuhai, the District CPPCC Commissioner of Culture and History, which collects and displays a series of Hehuang cultural collections, yellowed food stamps, old photos, and old books and newspapers that record the changes of the times, just like a black and white old movie, which freezes the past of the Hehuang area. Party members and cadres went to the Hehuang Folk Culture Exhibition Hall to further cultivate patriotism and enhance their belief in forging ahead by observing the historical and physical evidence bearing the imprint of splendid civilization and appreciating the profound and profound development of the economy and society.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

Gather the strength of one heart and one heart to promote national unity and integration. By visiting the preface hall of the theme education exhibition hall of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation in Chengdong District, the strong voice of the times, the source of concentricity, the content of the integration and coexistence, harmony and symbiosis, and the symbiosis of 100 seeds and the afterword, the party members and cadres can truly feel the vivid practice of the people of all ethnic groups in the eastern part of the city living and learning, co-building and sharing, and working and enjoying together in the long river of historical development. At the same time, the "Ma Ying Studio" and the "Liu Jianping Committee Studio" jointly carried out the "Public Welfare Account" to celebrate the July 1st Party Day, and distributed condolences and presented calligraphy and painting works to 15 Communist Party members and 20 people in difficulty in the jurisdiction at the event site.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

Pour the benefits of the CPPCC and help the dream of the college entrance examination to show its glory. The ten-year cold window will not live up, and a lifetime can also be expected. In order to better play the role of the CPPCC members' "public welfare number" through train, and show the responsibilities and feelings of CPPCC members in the new era, the joint study and co-construction are based on "reality", on the basis of the good response of the masses for the voluntary filling in the counseling activities of the district CPPCC members last year, on June 26, the 2024 "Helping the College Entrance Examination and Achieving Dreams" activity was carried out on June 26 with the "January One Sector, January One Theme" of the District CPPCC Member Post Station as the carrier. Party members and members of the education and economic sectors who have the ability and rich experience to fill in the voluntary filling guidance will provide voluntary filling counseling and assistance for candidates and parents in need in the jurisdiction, and effectively provide comprehensive, multi-level and three-dimensional guidance for candidates in the jurisdiction to fill in the voluntary filling in the college entrance examination through the interpretation of the 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling policy, design career planning counseling, employment trend analysis and "one-to-one" counseling and counseling, so as to escort the college entrance examination and relieve the worries of the masses.

The Party Branch of the CPPCC Office of Chengdong District carried out the party day activity of "Building a Concentric Circle under the Party Flag" to welcome the "July 1st" theme party day activity

Producer/Wu Dongjian Editor-in-charge/Li Xiaoyun

Editor/Li Ting

Contributed by the District CPPCC Office

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