
It's crazy to retreat

author:Invest in convertible bonds
It's crazy to retreat

This article was originally sent yesterday evening.

On July 1, CATL, Kweichow Moutai and BYD fell and dragged down the core asset CSI A50 Index, but under the pull of small and medium-cap stocks such as CSI 500, CSI 1000 and CSI 2000, the CSI All-Share Index shrank slightly by 0.75%, standing above the 5-day moving average, looking forward to a rise in the market outlook.

It's crazy to retreat

On the disk, most sectors such as real estate, sand control, phosphorus concept, land circulation, seed industry, rare earth permanent magnets, supply and marketing cooperatives, and banks rose; A few sectors such as millimeter-wave radar, electrical instruments, MCU chips, liquor, industrial software, and EDA concepts fell.

It's crazy to retreat

The convertible bond market was active, with CSI convertible bonds rising 0.5% with a turnover of 49.4 billion yuan; The underlying stock rose by 0.9% on average, the Ningyuan Convertible Bond Equal Rights Index rose by 0.48%, the overall pure debt premium rose to 13.7%, the low-risk pure debt premium rose to 5.4%, and the median premium decreased to 24.3%.

Note: For the calculation method of Ningyuan Convertible Bond Equal Weight Index, please refer to "How Much Can Ordinary Retail Investors Earn on Convertible Bonds?" 》。

Large-market convertible bonds rose 0.88%, and high-risk convertible bonds rose 2.6%, the highest increase.

It's crazy to retreat

The stock prices of Dongshi convertible bonds, Guanghui convertible bonds, and Lingnan convertible bonds are lower than the face value of 1 yuan, and the market is not afraid of the risk of retreat, and the convertible bonds have skyrocketed to the top of the list, which can be described as crazy in the face of retreat.

At present, the two demon bonds of Yokogawa Convertible Bond and Shenglu Convertible Bond have to bow their heads and enter the list of decliners when they are redeemed at maturity.

It's crazy to retreat

For the views and principles of this article, please refer to "Value Convertible Bond Investment Strategy" (authors: Ning Yuanjun, Tang Bin).

It's crazy to retreat

Attention! There is a new convertible bond issuance", "1 convertible bond is proposed to be revised downward, and 5 convertible bonds are about to be satisfied", "high-priced convertible bonds are not redeemed" has been simultaneously posted on the WeChat public account, welcome to pay attention!

The relevant securities mentioned in this article do not constitute any investment advice, only for personal investment records and to share investment ideas, if netizens buy and sell according to the securities mentioned in the article, please bear your own risk!

