
Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

author:Film concentration camps

In the past two years, European and American dramas have become more and more like a river of decline.

What an exciting fairy fight it used to be!

But there is nothing new under the sun, so many years of filming and acting, still playing the leftover things.

Love, Death, Sex, Power Struggle, Human Nature, Sin......

But it wasn't until June that the new drama that the world was looking forward to came out, well, I'll admit that I was a little louder to you guys before-

"The Innocent Sinner"

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

This June, Jake Gyllenhaal fans can finally have a happy and celebrated New Year!

This new crime suspense drama created by AppleTV+ is the factory director's favorite genre to peel off the cocoon and solve the case, and it is also the first drama in which Lao Ji has played the leading role on the small screen in more than 30 years.

Of course, this is not Lao Ji's explosive solo show.

Apple TV, which has a lot of money, is also willing to pay for big coffee.

Based on the novel of the same name by novelist Scott Duro, there is also a 1990 film version, and the screenplay is written by multi-Emmy Award-winning "Big Little Lies" screenwriter David E. Kelley and "Star Wars" producer J.J. Abrams.

The cast is also very interesting.

"Love" - Ruth Nega; "Voices of Freedom" – Bill Kemp; "The Handmaid's Tale" - O· T. Fagburn.

There is also the film previously written by the director, the heroine of "The Worst Man in the World", Renate Reinsev.

She plays a mistress in the film.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

It's just that he died at the beginning.


The story begins with a murder.

Lao Ji plays the male protagonist who is a prosecutor in the city of Chicago.

He has a successful career, is tall and handsome, has unlimited charm, has a happy marriage, and has a happy family, no matter from which point of view, he can be said to be a winner in life.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

One afternoon, he received a phone call.

His close colleague and good partner, Caroline, was found tragically dead at home, and the way to die would never be suicide.

She was bleeding profusely from the head, apparently having been hit hard before she died, and had ropes tied around her neck, as well as her hands and feet.

The scene looked quite miserable.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

As soon as the case came out, it immediately attracted a lot of attention from the prosecutor's circles, the press, and all citizens.

Because the deceased Caroline was a very good prosecutor during her lifetime, she and the actor did a shocking murder case not long ago and brought the murderer to justice.

And coincidentally, Caroline's death was exactly the same as the victim of the case at that time!

Could it be that the murderer is seeking revenge?

But the murderer is already in prison, and there is obviously alibi.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

As Caroline's most tacit and thoughtful partner, the male protagonist decided to take the case one by one, step by step, peel off the cocoon, and find out the real murderer.

Fortunately, my colleague Caroline is fair!

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

So far, everything seems to be quite normal, right? You can't tell who's good and who's bad, right?

But the next direction will tell you -

What is called a nesting doll lie, what is called serial deception, what is called squeezing toothpaste to spit out the truth, what is called a man!!

As I said just now, this case has attracted a lot of attention in the industry, and many prosecutors are scrambling to take it, especially the male protagonist's sworn enemy.

And the male protagonist is the one who wants to take the case the most.

Do you think it's really just the same thing?

It's a dream~

Because Caroline, she used to be the mistress of the male protagonist before her death!!

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

The male protagonist and his wife, who met as early as 20 years old, got married because they accidentally had a child, and he loved his wife deeply, but he always felt dissatisfied with a certain part of his heart.

Caroline, on the other hand, fills that gap.

A very classic scumbag quote -

Deeply in love with the soul of one woman, as well as the body of another......

For many days and nights, the male protagonist seemed to be discussing work at Caroline's house, but in fact, he was doing human body connection.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

In the play, Lao Ji and Renate, who plays Caroline, have a lot of explicit boat scenes.

This is definitely not just to satisfy the lower-level interests of the majority of male compatriots who love to watch suspense dramas, but is completely for the future development of the plot to do enough foreshadowing:

The first is to make the image of the male protagonist's Wei Guangzheng begin to collapse, the second is to start to make the audience in front of the screen begin to doubt everything, and the third is to start connecting several key characters, the male protagonist, the male protagonist's wife, and the murdered female prosecutor.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

In fact, the wife has long known that her husband has betrayed her, so when she heard the news of Caroline's death, she was not shocked by the slightest heartache.

Instead, I've been watching the male protagonist's reaction.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

Do you think that's the end of it?


When the police were in Caroline's room, they collected a large number of male protagonist's fingerprints, DNA, and a lot of explicit information and call records between him and Caroline in his computer.

The male protagonist admitted to his wife-

It used to be broken, but I couldn't let it go, and the two later hooked up again.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

Do you think that's the end of it?


The forensic doctor also found out that when Caroline was killed, she was pregnant, and the factory director guessed that the child was most likely the male protagonist.

At the same time, a mysterious text message quietly entered the man's mobile phone-

I know you were there.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

The moment the information was made public, everyone was shocked.

The male protagonist's boss, the male protagonist's psychiatrist, and all the colleagues in the procuratorial profession are like eating a big melon, aren't you good colleagues?

And the male protagonist himself has also changed from a wise and martial, self-proclaimed righteous prosecutor to a notorious murder suspect.

Although he himself has always emphasized that I did not kill her.

But do you think people will still believe him?

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

The male protagonist of this play should be the most complex, profound, and psychological state among the roles Lao Ji received.

Even if he was wronged.

Anyway, it made me see the abomination of human males.

Ignoring the lower half of his wife and children's thinking, once he takes off his pants, he has no brains, lies one by one, only tells the so-called truth that is beneficial to himself, and feels that he is the most pitiful and innocent in the world.

When everyone else is a big injustice.

Matryoshka lies, serial deception, the most scumbag male protagonist appeared this year

Aside from that, this drama is still worth watching.

As soon as it comes up, it is the feeling of the seven deadly sins, with textured pictures and information-filled foreshadowing, full of suspense.

And the acting skills of the big devil per capita.

Who could the killer be?

Interested friends go after it and unlock the truth with the factory director.