
Shi Binggang | Leisure Picking (20)

author:Heart-to-heart culture

Shi Binggang, a native of Bang Town, Chongming District, Shanghai, with a WeChat nickname "Biscuit", used to be a military clerk, a reporter and editor of the Farm Radio and Television Station, and the director and secretary of the Propaganda and Culture Center. He is currently the executive editor of Shanghai Business magazine, the deputy editor-in-chief of the official account of Heart Language, and a member of the Chongming District Culture and History Research Association. This article is published with authorization, please contact the editor of this official account for authorization for reprinting.

Leisure Picking (20)

A new interpretation of the diary

More than a decade before WeChat, Weibo and Douyin were popular, the "Talk" and "Log" columns in QQ Space once became a good platform for interaction and communication between friends in different places.

Once, a Shandong literary friend posted a "talk" in the space, to the effect that he said that he wrote too much and neglected to write a log, and he was a little apprehensive and confused. For this reason, I left this comment after his content: "If you have something to say, you can remember it when you want to, haha!" "It means that you can say whatever you want, and write a diary if you want! As a result, he extended it and replied: "I really haven't deducted it, is it possible that my brother will remember it if he wants to?" And then deliberately attached a smirk.

Shi Binggang | Leisure Picking (20)

In daily life, there is indeed a saying that is often used to criticize some people who are not happy to speak and do things, and they are slimy, called "If you have something to say, you can say it, and if you have a fart, let it go". I knew that this literary friend was not that kind of person, and I also knew that he was a person who could afford to make jokes, so I borrowed the expression of his words, created the second half of the sentence at random, and deliberately ridiculed it. As a result, Jiang is still old and spicy, and he didn't get hit, but he also gave you a bad smile.

When I was a child, I learned to write a diary, so I know what it means whether I call it a diary or a diary in the space, but once I really write or read the two words of diary separately, it will mean more, especially when it comes to Shandong literary friends who claim to be a self-proclaimed man, and it will give him more room for imagination. From the expression he gave, he knew that he immediately thought of the Japanese word for men's and women's beds.

This really can't blame him, our vast and profound, wonderful square Chinese characters, one word with multiple sounds, one word with multiple meanings, there are too many Chinese words, plus the dialect and native language, it is even more presenting a hundred flowers blooming, each with its own characteristics, giving the language more vivid colors and meanings to the text.

I once saw this joke:

The leader was on a business trip, and the female secretary was in the sleeper car, and the leader asked in the evening: "What time is it?" Female Secretary: "Ten o'clock." The leader asked again: "Is it whole?" Female secretary: "It's too early, no one else has slept yet!" The leader asked, "Is it ten o'clock?" Female secretary: "Let's wait until eleven o'clock!" ”

The joke is completely similar to the comment reply between my literary friends.

There are a lot of friends who have something to say in QQ space, and there is a literary friend who will post a few words every day to express his thoughts and feelings; There is also a literary friend who publishes a diary almost every day, and basically publishes it around 6:45 in the morning, putting the bits and pieces of life into words and sharing them with every space friend in time. To put it bluntly, in addition to envy and admiration, all I left was encouragement.

Shi Binggang | Leisure Picking (20)

Thinking back to myself, although I don't write and keep a diary every day, I often get a mobile phone to take pictures with me, and put some things that I think are delicious and beautiful with a description and put them in the space, which can be regarded as a means to attract attention and gather popularity! I think that the "Talk" column can be as simple as a sentence and a photo, but a log or diary is different, at least a few hundred words or more, a beginning, an end, and a specific content requirement in the middle, otherwise it is not a diary.

I never stick to the form and content of my diary, I write when I think of something, I write when I feel that I have something to say, I don't write anything when I have nothing to say, I just pay attention to the spatial dynamics of others, and I make my own comments when there are good things, and I don't care what others think, anyway, to tell the truth, even if I am misunderstood, or even scolded, I laugh it off.

Friends, if you have something to say, remember it every day, and don't be influenced by others. In today's highly developed Internet, let's happily swim in our respective QQ space, WeChat Moments, Weibo, and Douyin!

© Copyright Notice: The original articles of this official account are authorized by the author, any media and individuals to reprint please contact this official account for authorization, and indicate the source and author when reprinting, thank you for your cooperation.

Editorial Board of Heart Talk

Editor-in-chief: Lu Anxin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Shi Binggang

Vision: Shen Wenyi

The picture in this article comes from the Internet

The copyright belongs to the original author

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Shi Binggang | Leisure Picking (20)

Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Heart Whisper Culture


