
In the past two days, many people have received a sum of money, and some people have received more than 6,000 yuan!

author:Xuecheng Fusions

[#这两天很多人收到一笔钱#, someone received more than 6,000 yuan! According to the Daily Economic News, on July 1, a number of netizens posted pictures that a sum of money had arrived - housing # provident fund annual interest #. Most people's provident fund accounts have received hundreds of thousands of yuan, and some people have received more than 6,000 yuan.

In the past two days, many people have received a sum of money, and some people have received more than 6,000 yuan!

According to the "Hangzhou Provident Fund Release", on June 30, the annual interest settlement of the personal accounts of employees deposited into the Hangzhou Housing Provident Fund has been completed. There were 4.355 million employees in the city's provident fund (excluding provincial government), with a total interest of 2.345 billion yuan, an increase of 15.4% over the previous year.

On July 1, the Suzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center announced that the city's housing provident fund depositors had a total interest of 2.615 billion yuan, an increase of 15.2% over the previous year and a record high.

According to the official WeChat of Wuhan Housing Provident Fund, the Wuhan Housing Provident Fund Management Center will pay interest of 2.993 billion yuan to 4.1752 million employees in 2024, with an average interest of 716.94 yuan.

In addition, generally speaking, the housing provident fund is adjusted for an annual unit from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of the current year. Many employers will adjust the provident fund payment base for employees based on their average monthly salary in the previous calendar year after completing the remittance business in June each year.

For example, many cities in Guangdong have recently issued notices on the adjustment of the contribution base of the housing provident fund in 2024, and at the same time optimized the withdrawal and loan policies.

According to the latest notice issued by the Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center, it clarifies the relevant issues related to the adjustment of the contribution base and contribution ratio of the housing provident fund in 2024 (from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025).

In the past two days, many people have received a sum of money, and some people have received more than 6,000 yuan!

The contribution base of Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund is adjusted to the average monthly salary of employees in 2023. The calculation of wages shall be carried out in accordance with the Provisions on the Composition of Total Wages issued by the National Bureau of Statistics. The adjusted contribution base shall not be lower than the city's minimum wage standard (the current standard is 2,300 yuan), and shall not be higher than three times the average monthly wage of employees in Guangzhou in 2023 announced by the city's statistical department, that is, 39,579 yuan. The contribution ratio of the housing provident fund shall continue to implement the relevant provisions of the state, not less than 5% and not higher than 12%, and the unit can independently determine the specific contribution ratio (rounded value) within this interval according to its own actual situation.

If your CPF adjustment has been completed, you can see if your CPF contribution has gone up or down when you get your pay slip in the near future.

In the past two days, many people have received a sum of money, and some people have received more than 6,000 yuan!