
Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

author:Hailin release

In order to give full play to the practice of civilization in the new era


Involve residents in depth

Civilized practice activities

Hailin Civilization Practice Center, Institute (Station)

Combined with the needs of the masses

A series of colorful activities have been planned

The event plan for July has been released

Let's take a look!

Important work reminders

July 1 The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

July 1 The 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland

July 6 Twenty-four solar terms ▪

July 7 The 87th anniversary of the July 7 Incident

July 22 Twenty-four solar ▪ terms and great heat

July 26 Paris Olympics open

July 28 Tangshan Earthquake 48th Anniversary Festival

New Era Civilization Practice Center

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Activity name: "Continuing the Red Blood" theme publicity activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 5, location: Linhai Square.

2. Activity name: "Prevent drowning before it happens, guard the door of summer safety" - summer drowning prevention theme activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 16, location: Hailin New Era Civilization Practice Center.

3. Activity Name: "Children's 'Painting' Civilization" Theme Painting Activity, Activity Time: 9:00 on July 23, Location: New Era Civilization Practice Center.

Hailin Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

The town of Hailin

1. Name of the activity: 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, activity time: 9:00 on July 4, location: Linhai Square.

2. Activity name: health knowledge promotion activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 7, activity location: Hailin Town People's Government.

3. Activity name: Flood control drill civilization practice activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 13, activity location: Shihe Village, Hailin Town.

4. Name of the activity: Carry out a reading sharing meeting, activity time: 14:00 on July 28, activity location: Hailin Town People's Government.

Emerging communities

1. Activity name: "Making 'fan' to the beauty, poetic summer" handmade fan DIY activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 11, activity location: emerging community comprehensive activity room.

Development Zone Community

1. Activity name: "Celebrating July 1st, Singing Red Songs" Theme Song Club, Activity time: 9:00 a.m. on July 1, activity location: Community Room of Development Zone.

2. Activity name: "Always follow the party" theme propaganda activity, activity time: 9:00 a.m. on July 3, activity location: community room of the development zone.

3. Activity name: "Cherish Life and Prevent Drowning" Summer Drowning Prevention Publicity Activity, Activity time: 9:00 a.m. on July 10, activity location: Community Room of Development Zone.

Unite the community

1. Activity name: "Watching Red Classics, Cultivating Family and Country Feelings" Red Film Activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 1, activity location: unite the Korean community.

2. Name of the activity: Carry out the red story sharing meeting, activity time: July 1, activity location: unite the community.

SITC Community

1. Activity name: Watch the red movie, activity time: 14:00 on July 19, activity location: SITC community.

Lihai Community

1. Activity Name: "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene" Civilization Practice Activity, Activity Time: 9:00 on July 12, Activity Location: Lihai Community.

2. Activity name: "Party Building Leads Cohesion, Red Songs Sing and Praise the Party's Grace" Civilization Practice Activity, Activity Time: 14:00 on July 12, Activity Location: Lihai Community.

Fangxing Community

1. Activity name: "Tracing the Red Footprints and Inheriting the Revolutionary Spirit" activity, activity time: 8:30 on July 3, activity location: Qitaihe Six Historical Data Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China.

2. Activity name: "Learn the history of the party, know the party's grace, and follow the party" Party history knowledge quiz activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 19, activity location: Fangxing Community Party and Mass Service Center.

Ocean Wave Community

1. Activity name: "Summer Cool Mo Water, Safe Swimming Prepared" activity, activity time: 8:30 on July 3, activity location: Ocean Wave Community.

2. Activity name: "Fan Dyeing Jiangnan Half-time Rain" activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 12, activity location: Hailang community.

3. Activity name: "Happy Old Age, Rest assured" activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 18, activity location: Hailang community.

4. Activity name: "Heat in the three dogs, heat stroke prevention and dampness" activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 24, activity location: Hailang community.

Zirong Community

1. Activity name: "Light and Shadow Story, Historical Covenant" Party member viewing activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 2, activity location: Zirong Community.

2. Activity name: Carry out allergic disease prevention publicity activities, activity time: 14:00 on July 5, activity location: Zirong community.

3. Activity name: "Red Classics, Telling the Journey of Youth" round to tell red stories, activity time: 14:00 on July 7, activity location: Zirong community.

Limhai Community

1. Activity name: "Guess the Red Song, Praise the Party's Grace, Play the Red Movement" Civilization Practice Activity, Activity Time: 9:00 on July 12, Activity Location: Linhai Community.

2. Name of the activity: Light the political birthday candle for party members, activity time: 14:00 on July 19, activity location: Linhai community.

Community of heroes

1. Name of the activity: "Celebrate the political birthday together and always keep the original intention of joining the party" theme party day activity, activity time: July 1, activity location: hero community.

2. Activity name: "Relive the Red Spirit and Strengthen the Original Intention of Joining the Party" Red Movie Viewing Activity, Activity Time: 14:00 on July 15, Activity Location: Hero Community.

Square Community

1. Name of the activity: "The Party Flag Flutters and Gathers People's Hearts, Neighbors Unite as a Family" to celebrate the "July 1st" theatrical performance, activity time: 10:00 on July 5, activity location: square community.

2. Activity name: Red classic movie "Founding Ceremony" viewing activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 16, activity location: square community.

Changting Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: "Welcome the July 1st Party Day, Work hard to write a new chapter" theoretical propaganda activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 1, activity location: Changting Town Government.

2. Activity name: "Remember History, Cherish Peace" Chinese Anti-Japanese War Victory Day Theme Education Activity, activity time: 14:00 on July 5, activity location: Changting Town Government.

3. Activity name: "Advocating Civilization, Establishing a New Style, Changing Customs, I Go First" theme education activity, activity time: 9:00 on July 16, activity location: the main laneway of Changting Town.

4. Activity name: Carry out drowning prevention safety education activities, activity time: 14:00 on July 26, activity location: Changqing Community, Changting Town.

Chaihe Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: Carry out the practice of watching red film civilization, activity time: July 1, activity location: the second floor of the comprehensive service hall

2. Name of the activity: Carry out safety knowledge publicity activities, activity time: July 15, activity location: friendship community jurisdiction

3. Name of the activity: Carry out volunteer service activities to clean our homes, activity time: July 26, activity location: Friendship Community Jurisdiction

4. Activity name: Carry out environmental remediation activities, activity time: July 29, activity location: Youyi Road, Chaihe Town

Xin'an Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: "Centennial Party History Reminiscences" July 1st Party Founding Day Activity, activity time: July 1, activity location: Xin'an Town.

2. Activity name: "Rest assured and worry-free in old age" civilization practice activity, activity time: July 12, meeting place: farmers' market.

3. Activity name: "Summer Cool Safety Prepared" World Swimming Day Publicity, activity time: July 14, activity location: Xin'an Town Central School.

4. Activity name: "Moisten the heart with books and take books as companions" civilization practice activity, activity time: July 19, activity location: rural bookstore.

New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Shanshi Town

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: "Sing the Red Melody and Build a Charming Mountain City" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, activity time: July 1, activity location: Xinxing Village Committee.

2. Name of the activity: Carry out the celebration of July 1st literary and artistic performance, activity time: July 1, activity location: Daonan Village New Era Civilization Practice Station.

3. Name of the activity: Volunteers of the agency watch red movies and visit the integrity education base, activity time: July 1, activity location: Hailin City.

4. Name of the activity: Carry out agricultural knowledge preaching, activity time: July 10, activity location: mountain town government.

Hengdao Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: Carry out the theme party day activities, activity time: July 1, activity location: Qilidi Party History Museum.

2. Activity name: "July 1st" volunteer red explanation activity, activity time: 7.1-7.5, activity location: Qilidi Party History Museum.

3. Name of the activity: Carry out flood control and emergency knowledge publicity, activity time: July 1, activity location: Hengdao Town.

4. Name of the activity: Carry out the training of the administrator of the rural bookstore, the activity time: July 1; Location: Farmer's Bookstore.

5. Name of the activity: Carry out the art show of township group literature lovers, activity time: July 15; Location: Linhai Square

6. Name of the activity: Carry out safety production publicity activities, activity time: 7.25-7.30, activity location: enterprises in Hengdao Town.

7. Name of the activity: Carry out environmental remediation activities, activity time: July 1, activity location: Hengdao Town.

Erdao Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: Carry out the celebration of "July 1st", activity time: July 1, activity location: Erdao community.

2. Name of the activity: Carry out national reading activities, activity time: July 9, activity location: Erdao community.

3. Name of the activity: Carry out environmental sanitation remediation activities, activity time: July 17, activity location: Erdao community.

4. Activity name: learn the knowledge of the solar terms of the Great Heat, activity time: July 22, activity location: Erdao community.

Sandao Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

1. Name of the activity: Carry out volunteer service activities for young volunteers to help environmental sanitation rectification, activity time: July 9, activity location: Sandaohezi Town.

2. Activity name: "anti-fraud and anti-fraud" publicity and education activities, activity time: July 17, meeting place: Sandaohezi Town.

3. Name of the activity: "Promoting the Reading Fashion and Passing on the Scholarly Civilization" National Reading Activity, activity time: July 24, meeting place: Sandaohezi Town.

Civilized practice I act | Civilized practice activity plan for July

Source: Municipal Civilization Office

Production丨Ge Chunlei Xiangwei

Editor-in-charge丨Xu Longjia

Picture review丨Liu Youlin Chen Lei

Producer丨Tao Xiaohong

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