
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!

author:The Premier League and the Bundesliga are crazy

Portugal meets France, physical reserves or damaged, it is very crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!

Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!

France eliminated Belgium and Portugal eliminated Slovenia, and the two seeded teams successfully advanced to prepare for the next eight-in-four finals.

The process of the game must have been more dangerous and exhausting for Portugal, especially the ups and downs of the two veterans, which is worrying.

Ronaldo didn't score a penalty, tears spilled on the field, Pepe mixed garlic at his feet, and almost gave a big gift.

The France backline looks to be comfortable with Portugal's attack. And the French can make a big fuss about Pepe's fitness.

The Portuguese played extra time and was physically and mentally exhausted.

The style that the French are used to, they didn't show all their teeth until the final, and the group stage could have been easily played, but even the group stage of this European Cup is very dull, utilitarianism is one thing, and the most important factor is that all the players have just finished from the five major leagues to the national team, and they are used to vacationing at this time, but they all hope to get through the seven games of the European Cup.

Mbappe splattered blood on the field and was almost disfigured, giving the Frenchman and the rest of the team a major frustration!

Mbappe should also be too excited to join Real Madrid successfully!

This factor of excitement made Mbappe suffer a big loss!

Fortunately, he did not leave the French team, and insisted on wearing a mask for the next games, and the French should calm down.

Having won the World Cup and won the World Cup runner-up, Deschamps' team has a lot of experience in major competitions, and it is very important to keep a cool head when encountering an old opponent like Portugal, especially the situation shown by the Portuguese team and the Slovenian team in today's game, which is worthy of targeted arrangements by the French team.

If Portugal can't score first, I'm afraid the French won't be completely unified in their thinking, and they will be as steady as an old dog, and it will be even more difficult to break through the French backline.

In the World Cup final, Argentina took the lead in scoring two goals, which made the French unify their minds and attack wildly. In the end, Muani's burst was blocked by Big Martin! It has become a classic picture, and the hatred is endless.

The Portuguese, who also needs to score first, is likely to beat France. After taking the lead, take the initiative to reclaim and compress the space at the back, so that the fast and sharp play of the French striker will be suppressed and fall into a positional battle, which will be a blessing for the Portuguese.

Conservatism is a popular element in this European Cup.

The French and the English are forbearing, and the two veterans of the Portuguese should also have full tanks before they can play, and after running out of fuel in extra time, the two veterans can be considered to rest in the starting lineup for the French team. Let the fast young man rush up and tear apart the French team's backline, which is consumed to a certain extent, and then there are veterans like Ronaldo to use their experience to profit for the Portuguese team.

Promote their strengths and avoid weaknesses, Ronaldo and Pepe, after experiencing the joys and sorrows of this game, it is time to let go, football is a young man's sport after all.

The AED equipment on the sidelines must be very perfect, and with Eriksen's case, UEFA's equipment upgrade must be very important, and the two veterans do not need to try it easily.

After Pepe chased after his opponent, the ball was already crouching down and gasping for breath before the ball rolled out of bounds. Such a sprint is very dangerous, and the 41-year-old body can no longer withstand such high-frequency heart rate stimulation.

Of course, the French saw these nodes, and targeted Pepe, until they forced Pepe to make a mistake due to lack of oxygen.

The early arrival of the France-Portugal decisive battle made the battle for the throne between Ronaldo and Mbappe a game of eight into four, which could have met in the final, but now it is advanced, it seems that the European Cup has not arranged a World Cup script, and Messi and Mbappe met in the World Cup final.

So who will enter the final and compete for the throne in this European Cup? Bellingham is in the top half of the zone and is likely to reach the final, while Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappe are both likely to be in the bottom half.

Bellingham plays in Germany and is very adaptable, he has played in the Bundesliga and he knows all these pitches very well.

UEFA's investigation into his bizarre behaviour in awarding the award may be a warning to the young man's bohemianism.

There are too many bad boys in football circles, and such a character is where creativity comes from.

Vinicius Jr. leads the Ballon d'Or in points, and Bellingham also has a chance to shine at the European Championships.

Bellingham scored a crucial goal, Southgate did not dare to replace him, England fell into a strange circle, the fans poured too much, the people's hearts gradually lost, and it was like a water to clean up.

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of He Jin": "Is it easy to do things in the country? If it is covered with water, it is advisable to think about it. Song Zhang Xiaoxiang's "Magnolia Flower Slow Purple Flute Blows Away": "Reading Biyue is long, the hosta is interrupted, and it is difficult to collect the water. ”

"The Biography of Zhu Maichen" is from the "Book of Han" written by Ban Gu, which tells the life experience of Zhu Maichen. Zhu Maichen is a native of Wu County in the Western Han Dynasty, and has loved reading since he was a child, even if his family conditions are very poor, Zhu Maichen still insists on learning day after day. When Zhu Maichen was in his forties, his wife Cui disliked Zhu Maichen's inability, so she divorced him.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was valued and served as an official in the Western Han court. Zhu Maichen's family is poor, but Zhu Maichen loves to read very much. He knew that he would one day be appreciated by the emperor, and for this reason, Zhu Maichen had been studying tirelessly. Zhu Maichen's wife is Cui's, and after the two got married, although they lived a very hard life, they understood each other and were considerate, and their lives were quite good.

Gradually, Cui Shi thought that Zhu Maichen would not get ahead one day, and stimulated Zhu Maichen with vicious words every day. Zhu Maichen knew that he was at a loss, so he let his wife count it. One day, it was snowing heavily, and Cui asked Zhu Maichen to go up the mountain to chop firewood. Zhu Maichen hadn't eaten yet, so he dragged his hungry body up the mountain to chop wood. Zhu Maichen thought that as long as he chopped firewood and sold it, his wife would be happy. Unexpectedly, Cui's deliberately supported Zhu Maichen and asked the matchmaker to find a husband for herself.

Soon after, the matchmaker introduced Carpenter Zhang, who had a better family, to Cui's family. After Zhu Maichen returned home from selling firewood, his wife forced Zhu Maichen to write a letter of resignation. Zhu Maichen repeatedly persuaded the Cui family, saying that he would soon become rich and noble, and it would be good to endure it for a while. Cui Shi conclusively believes that Zhu Maichen is an ordinary man, and he will not get ahead in this life, let alone have a rich and noble life. After listening to Zhu Maichen's persuasion, Cui firmly said that even if he was on the street one day, he would not let Zhu Maichen come to help. As soon as Zhu Maichen heard that Cui's decision had been made, and it was useless to say more, he signed the letter of resignation. Zhu Maichen's wife left Zhu Maichen as soon as she got the letter of resignation, and immediately married Zhang Carpenter, who had a good family background.

After the divorce, Zhu Maichen, as before, chopped firewood and sold it for money, and studied while walking on the road. His ex-wife and new husband once met him when they were going to the grave, and when they saw Zhu Maichen cold and hungry, they gave him some food to eat.

After the death of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, the crown prince Liu Che succeeded to the throne, that is, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty liked Confucian ministers, and Zhu Maichen, with the help of his friends, was summoned by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Zhu Maichen explained the "Spring and Autumn Period" to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and commented on the "Ci of Chu", and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very satisfied with it, so he named Zhu Maichen as the middle doctor. Later, he was sent to serve as the Taishou of the Huiji, so Zhu Maichen returned to his hometown in fine clothes.

After Zhu Maichen took office in Huiji, he once met his ex-wife and husband on the road, who were being recruited to build roads as people's husbands. Zhu Maichen did not forget the old feelings, he stopped, invited them to the car, and took them to his home, where he warmly entertained them. A month later, his ex-wife hanged herself, and Zhu Maichen gave her husband some silver taels for him to bury properly.

After Zhu Maichen returned to his hometown, he also repaid many people who were kind to him back then, and he gave preferential treatment to his ex-wife out of this mentality, and he should not mean to be deliberately humiliated.

But later people added fuel to the fire and created conflicts to enhance the dramatic effect.

So Zhu Maichen's ex-wife was portrayed as a person who hated the poor and loved the rich, and after Zhu Maichen became rich, she was annoyed, and she had the cheekiness to find Zhu Maichen and ask for remarriage. Zhu Maichen took out a basin of water and poured it in front of the horse, saying that if he could take back the water, he would agree to remarry. The ex-wife was so ashamed that she committed suicide.

"When I entered the Wu realm, I saw his deceased wife and husband-in-law. The buyer parked the car, called the order, and drove his husband and wife to the Taishou House, placed it in the garden, and gave it food. After living for a month, his wife died by herself, and the courtiers begged her husband for money and ordered her to be buried. ”

This is the record of the story of Zhu Maichen and his ex-wife in the Book of Han. The official history does not record the story of the flood, nor does it say that Zhu Maichen humiliated his ex-wife, but said that he took his ex-wife and her later husband to the government together and let them enjoy happiness. But the ex-wife committed suicide after only a month. The reason for this can be found in the character of the character.

Judging from the historical record, the fact that his ex-wife was able to live a poor life with Zhu Maichen for more than 20 years shows that she is not a particularly material woman. When Zhu Maichen fainted near the cemetery with hunger, she also gave him food, which showed that she was a kind person. What she can't stand is that Zhu Maichen endorses when he carries firewood, because that will attract ridicule from many people. The most unbearable thing for an ex-wife should be the pointing and ridicule of others, which is a terrible human speech.

After living in the Taishou Mansion, the ex-wife probably didn't see less ridicule, but the previous eyes were laughing at Zhu Maichen, and now they are laughing at herself. Those eyes that ridiculed Zhu Maichen could make her decide to give up her husband and wife relationship for more than 20 years, and now these eyes that mocked her, she didn't know how much pressure she had to bear.

People are terrible, and her ex-wife was killed by words, which is also her character flaw: she values words too much, so she lets herself live in someone else's world. Such people are too tired to live, and when the pressure reaches a certain level, suicide becomes inevitable.

People are terrible in their words, and labeling others to satisfy their own selfish interests is a phenomenon of human society that will exist for another 4,000 years.

Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!
Portugal meets France, physical reserves may be damaged, and it is crucial to play a good start, otherwise it will be difficult to advance!

The various own goals of the European Cup add drama to the script.

Of these seeded teams that have been labeled by fans, only the Spanish team is still a clear stream, but when they meet the host Germans, they have to test their real combat strength.

If the Germans can finally make it to the final, it's not too late to crusade against the French and English.

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