
Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

author:Southwest Guizhou, China
Abstract:Entering the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party with unprecedented courage and determination, opened up a new realm of self-revolution of the century-old party, and explored a successful path of relying on the party's self-revolution to jump out of the historical cycle.
Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel
Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

Party organizations at all levels throughout the country have been hardened and improved in the course of study, consolidated and cultivated in education, and earnestly laid a solid ideological foundation for comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central government has concentrated on rectifying a number of weak and sloppy grassroots party organizations. Through the above rate, tracking and asking for results, the situation in various places has taken on a new look.

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

The strict enforcement of discipline and the study and education of party discipline carried out in the whole party not only make iron discipline "grow teeth" and exert authority, but also make cadres pay attention, be vigilant, and know how to stop, and temper an impeccable "steel body".

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

Strict management of officials, through a series of pioneering measures to rectify the administration of officials, a set of current "reform" and long-term "establishment" combination punch, strict management and supervision of cadres has gradually become the norm. The cadre team has undergone a "revolutionary forging" that has been reborn.

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

The style of work has become the "golden business card" of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and the masses of the people have become participants and beneficiaries of the work style construction.

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has carried out an unprecedented anti-corruption struggle, insisting on no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance.

Micro-political discussion film|100 tempered into steel

Since the beginning of the new era, through the great practice of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, our party has won the historical initiative of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the people and the heartfelt support of the people, and has won the historical initiative of the whole party to achieve a high degree of unity and unity, walk in the forefront of the times, and lead the people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Second Instance Zhou Bo

Third trial Shu Pengqian

(Editor-in-charge: Wen Guokun)