
Intangible cultural heritage, singing and dancing, Putuo here to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Thoughtful client

On the occasion of the arrival of "July 1st", the Social Development Office of Taopu Town, Putuo District, carried out a series of theme activities of "Feeling the Party's Kindness on the Festival and Talking about the Red Gas Station in the North" at the Party and Mass Service Center in the north of Taopu, and joined hands with community party members, residents and co-construction units to hold rich and fulfilling characteristic activities.

Under the party emblem, their red stars shine; On the stage, they are determined by singing...... Now, let's "walk into the scene" and witness this exciting moment together.

Review the oath of joining the party and strengthen the original mission

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution and ......" Under the leadership of the central party branch, the old party members raised their right fists one after another, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and reviewed the solemn commitment.

The sonorous and powerful oath resounded throughout the center and echoed for a long time. "Every time I revisit, it is a profound spiritual baptism, and it is also a re-departure of continuous struggle." The party members present said that in their future work and life, they will, as always, take the oath of joining the party as a mirror, a ruler, and a driving force, and practice it against each other, so as to "swear a life" and stick to it for life.

Inherit the light of intangible cultural heritage and "light up" the red heart in the chest

The center invites party members in the jurisdiction to draw their own "party emblem in their hearts", feel the glory of the party in the close immersive experience of gold foil decoration skills and the beauty of intangible cultural heritage, and "light up" the red heart in the chest.

Intangible cultural heritage gold leaf painting is an ancient craft that has been inherited for thousands of years, and is a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, which is deeply loved by people for its exquisite skills and unique art. At the scene, under the leadership of the center's handicraft experts, the party members have started to create the "party emblem" gold leaf painting, step by step, carefully outlined, glued, pasted, pressed, cleaned, and hotstmed, and every detail embodies the party members' admiration and love for the party emblem.

Intangible cultural heritage, singing and dancing, Putuo here to celebrate "July 1st"
Intangible cultural heritage, singing and dancing, Putuo here to celebrate "July 1st"

Singing and dancing to the party,

"Zhisuo cute baby" praises the party's grace

The voice of the children, "crossing" the centenary of the founding of the party; Immature posture, release vigorous vitality...... In the center, the theatrical performances brought by the "child stars" of the co-construction unit Lotus Dance Children's Art and the "old babies" of the community self-governance team are also in full swing, deducing a piece of music of the times where all ages enjoy together and my heart is dedicated to the party.

Intangible cultural heritage, singing and dancing, Putuo here to celebrate "July 1st"

Everyone at the performance scene was full of energy and energy, and "Mulan", "Dunhuang Music and Drums" and "Red Star Twinkle" took turns on the stage, with climaxes and a blend of etiquette and music.

Intangible cultural heritage, singing and dancing, Putuo here to celebrate "July 1st"

The rich and colorful cultural programs filled every corner of the center, and the adults present felt like entering a time tunnel and traveling through the 100-year eventful years. After the children's performance, the community self-government team greeting dance troupe also danced enthusiastically, leaving a good memory in everyone's hearts with familiar red songs and dancing postures......

Source: Shanghai Putuo