
Out of the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains

author:Shangluo News Network

Along the winding mountain road, the car drove into Fushui Town, Shangnan County. On the side of the road, new fruit is produced on the kiwi tree. What awaits them will be a "long journey".

"Our kiwifruit has been exported to Saudi Arabia and other countries and regions for four consecutive years." On June 24, in the Jiayide kiwifruit base in Wangjiazhuang Village, Fushui Town, Wang Feng, the production supervisor, told reporters that the base covered 6 villages in the town, including Majiagou, Yangqi, Youfangling and Wangjiazhuang, and expanded the village-level collective economy through the business model of "company (brand) + platform (e-commerce) + base + farmers", with annual sales of more than 2,000 yuan.

Out of the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains

On June 24, migrant workers worked at the fungus base of Qingshan Lushui Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Shangnan County. Photo by reporter Wang Jiawei

It's not just kiwis that come out of the mountains.

On May 22, Shangnan County held a tasting and promotion event in Hong Kong for Qinling Mountain Treasures in Hong Kong. More than 20 kinds of Shangnan agricultural products such as tea, edible mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, and kiwifruit were unveiled.

The number of days with good air quality in Shangnan County is stable at more than 330 days throughout the year, the climate is suitable, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and there are few pests and diseases, which is a suitable area for alpine vegetables. The "Vegetables for Hong Kong" project has not only enriched the "vegetable basket" of Hong Kong citizens, but also increased the income of the people in the mountainous areas.

Shangluo is the only city in Shaanxi Province that is located in the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains, and it is also a model city for the high-quality development of famous and high-quality new agricultural products in China. A total of 80 products in the city have been certified as national famous, special and excellent new agricultural products, ranking first among prefecture-level cities in the country.

It is not easy to get out of the mountains with such high-quality, large-scale agricultural products. How exactly should this channel be opened?

The "Business Western Europe" special train departed

Qinling Shanzhen ran out of "acceleration"

On May 21, in the Northwest Walnut Logistics Park in Yongfeng Town, Luonan County, boxes of Luonan walnut kernels and walnut products were stacked. There are red labels on the top of the containers, which are marked "to Arab countries" and "to Russia and Turkey".

Luonan is a key walnut producing area. Walnut is the leading industry for the local people to increase their income.

Last year was the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Shangluo signed a cooperation agreement with Xi'an International Port Area. On April 18 of the same year, the first China-Europe train "Shangxi Europe" special train departed from Shangluo, and Shangluo's walnuts and photovoltaic products started a fast journey to Central Asia and Europe.

A supply chain of goods from Shangluo to Xi'an to Central Asia and Europe has been opened, and Luonan walnuts have walked out of the mountains.

On April 16 this year, the China-Europe Express "Business and Western Europe" special train departed from Shangluo Land Port again. 108 tons of walnut kernels arrived at Xi'an International Port Station by the special train, and then took the China-Europe Express (Xi'an) to leave, which lasted 14 days to arrive at Kastanay Port in Kazakhstan.

"The normal operation of the 'Shangxi Europe' special train has played a role in promoting Shangluo's expansion of export trade. In the future, we will guide enterprises to take the 'Shangxi Europe' special train to bring more Shangluo products to the international market." Han Dongwen, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shangluo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said.

Since the beginning of this year, Shangluo has continued to contact Ningbo Zhoushan Port to explore trade modes such as rail-sea combined transport, international combined transport, and international freight forwarding, so as to create more convenient logistics channels.

Last year, Shangluo's exports to the "Belt and Road" countries reached 1.457 billion yuan, an increase of 142%, laying a solid foundation for promoting the integrated and coordinated development of Western businessmen and building a new pattern of open development of "east-west two-way mutual aid, land and sea linkage at home and abroad".

Agricultural products go to sea

The international "circle of friends" is constantly expanding

"In December last year, we exported half a ton of dried black fungus to Uzbekistan. This is the first time that the water fungus has gone abroad. Li Zhengsen, secretary of the party branch of Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County, said.

In order to promote the smooth export of water fungus, Shangluo Customs optimized the customs clearance service model, implemented the "5+2" appointment inspection service, and improved the customs clearance efficiency of the whole chain. At the same time, Shangluo Customs actively studies the national quarantine requirements for exports, understands the problems and difficulties existing in all aspects of the export of fungus from relevant enterprises, and does a good job in pre-export supervision and sampling to ensure product quality and safety.

"Shangluo Customs actively implements the relevant measures of the General Administration of Customs and Xi'an Customs to optimize the business environment, and promotes the special agricultural products of the Qinling Mountains such as fungus and mushroom sticks to go overseas." Wang Shusen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Shangluo Customs, said.

Li Zhengsen told reporters that this year, South Korean businessmen also came to investigate the water fungus, and the two sides will strive to reach production and marketing cooperation.

Today, Shangluo's international "circle of friends" continues to expand.

In March last year, the Shangluo Municipal Bureau of Commerce organized a delegation to South Korea to hold a special promotion activity for agricultural products and the big health industry. In May and June of that year, Korean merchants visited Shangluo twice to inspect the health products, and reached the purchase intention of walnut products and acorn jelly.

In April this year, the delegation of Shangluo City went to Italy and France to open up markets for Danfeng wine and conduct economic and trade visits. The Danfeng County Government and the Danfeng County Wine Association signed a memorandum of cooperation and cooperation agreement on industrial development with the Asti Municipal Government of Italy and the Sino-European Industry Promotion Association of France respectively. The overseas sales channels of Danfeng wine have been further opened.

Han Dongwen told reporters that the number of foreign trade partners in Shangluo City has increased to 56, and the top three trade volumes are Cambodia, Russia and South Korea. "A lot of people think it's incredible, because expanding foreign trade is not easy for us in this mountainous area," he said. ”

Nowadays, Shangluo cold-water fish are exported to Southeast Asia, Shangluo wormwood products are selling well in the China-ASEAN Expo, Danfeng wine, water fungus and national honey water and other Shangluo specialties are unveiled at the Shanghai International Import Expo, and the registered trademark of "Shangluo Walnut" is recognized and protected by 27 member states of the European Union...... More and more mountain goods have an "international style".

The "green channel" is open

New space for foreign trade growth continues to expand

Lingnan Biotechnology Poverty Alleviation and Development Co., Ltd., located in Luonan County, has a large-scale smart factory for the production of edible mushroom sticks and strains with advanced equipment. With the help of Shangluo Customs, the company's exports last year amounted to nearly 25 million yuan.

In view of the fresh and perishable characteristics of agricultural products, Shangluo Customs provides 7×24-hour appointment customs clearance service, opens up a "green channel" for export, gives full play to the advantages of "smart customs" construction achievements, adopts the "immediate declaration and release" customs clearance mode, accelerates the issuance of certificates, and improves the speed of customs clearance of agricultural products.

It's not just businesses that benefit.

Right now, in Qingshan Lushui Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Qingshan Town, Shangnan County, migrant workers are busy picking fungus in the fungus base. In the greenhouse not far from the fungus base, Ganoderma lucidum has grown into a "small umbrella".

Among the Qinling mountain treasures that participated in the tasting and promotion activities in Hong Kong, there are edible mushroom products from here.

With the continuous expansion of sales channels, the base needs more migrant workers. They have to build sheds, bury Ganoderma lucidum sticks, and cover ...... "can earn an average of 90 yuan a day." Working at home is a way to take care of your family and increase your income. Wang Liping, a migrant worker, said.

According to the latest data from the Shangluo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, by the end of 2023, the province's registered vegetable base for Hong Kong will cover an area of 22,000 mu, of which 13,700 mu will be in Shangluo City, accounting for 62%, ranking first in the province.

Nowadays, the pace of Shangluo Mountain goods out of the mountain is getting faster and faster.

In October last year, Shangluo's first cross-border e-commerce enterprise, Shaanxi Meierlun Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd., was unveiled in Danfeng County. This is an active exploration of Shangluo to cultivate new forms of foreign trade and promote opening up, which not only fills the gap of the city's new forms of foreign trade, but also opens up new channels for overseas trade.

"Shangluo Customs will further play a good functional role, continue to cultivate and expand the main body of foreign trade, take the initiative to improve the level of policy services, and promote the high-level opening up of Shangluo and the high-quality development of foreign trade." Wang Shusen said.