
When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason

author:Jiang Zuo Mei Niang
When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason


Psychologist Leopold. Barack said:

"The face is a permanent habit of a person's inner emotions and life experiences, it is like a map, which can reflect a person's temperament and temperament."

Some people are young and look tired and anxious; Some people are close to their sixtieth year, but they look energetic.

Whether a person is beautiful or not is not only related to age, but also hides his living habits and emotional mentality.

It is often said that the best state of a person is one who has stories written in his eyes but no wind and frost on his face. It is true that this is the case, who doesn't want to go through thousands of sails and still be unstained by the dust of the years.

Instead of lamenting that the years are fleeting, it is better to learn to maintain health, nourish the heart, be calm, and smile at the future.

There is a reason why women are getting more and more beautiful when they reach middle age. If you want to live more and more beautifully, be sure to keep these 3 habits.

01 open-mindedness and no internal friction

The Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei once wrote:

"Go to the poor place of the water, and sit and watch the clouds rise."

This not only describes the beautiful natural scenery, but also contains an open-minded philosophy of life.

Do not be happy and sad because of changes in the outside world, and do not feel restless because of the gains and losses of external objects.

Life is a wonderful journey, no matter the flowers bloom and fall, the origin and the fate of the extinction, we must look down, look down, and be calm.

In the recently popular TV series "My Altay", Zhang Fengxia played by Ma Yili has a sense of relaxation.

When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason

She joined the Xinjiang Construction Corps when she was young, and after she met and married her husband, she followed her husband to the grassland to settle down.

It was a happy and warm family, but unfortunately her husband died unexpectedly a few years later, leaving her with only a young daughter and an elderly and sick mother-in-law.

In order to let his family have a better life, Zhang Fengxia sold fungus, opened a commissary, and followed the herdsmen to migrate to remote places to open shops.

But the psychological sadness and the pressure of money did not crush her, but a kind of tranquility and comfort could be seen in her.

She never cares about external comments, nor does she care about the grind of life, she lives her life down-to-earth, simple and happy.

In the play, Zhang Fengxia enthusiastically saved Gao Xiaoliang who was deceived. Gao Xiaoliang was originally a businessman who came to Xinjiang to make money, but after being deceived, he met Zhang Fengxia and had bad thoughts.

He pretended to be in love with Zhang Fengxia, and often described a better life in the future to her, promising to take her out of the grassland.

Under such an offensive, a spark of love quickly sparked between the two. However, when Zhang Fengxia was indulged in the relationship between the two, Gao Xiaoliang took away a large amount of money from her in the name of going to the county seat to deliver goods.

It wasn't until the money couldn't be recovered that Zhang Fengxia recognized the true face of this person.

When her daughter and neighbors found out, they sympathized with her plight and fought for her. But Zhang Fengxia quickly walked out and said to them: "What is this, you can still find the man if he is gone." ”

Then he hummed a tune, drank a little wine, and still smiled like a flower.

Zhang Qi, a self-media person, said:

"Looking young is an ability."

In the second half of life, what can really nourish yourself is your own open-minded heart.

There is warmth on his face, kindness is hidden in his bones, he is calm and breezy when encountering things, and his appearance is naturally calm and young.

We are the dust of the world, we don't have to be more serious about everything, we have to live more relaxed, chic, and open-minded in order to live as we like.

02Stay curious and energetic

When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason

When we were children, we were often curious about a leaf, about the clouds, about the murmuring of water...... I want to explore the mystery.

When we grow up, our curiosity is lost little by little.

In the adult world, we often do things that are recognized by the world step by step, chasing happiness and success in the eyes of the world.

But forget that in a person's best state, there is a curiosity about the world.

When people have curiosity, they will be full of passion for life, their brains will be young, and they will look vibrant, energetic, innocent, and beautiful.

Yan Ning, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was asked why she embarked on the road of scientific research when she participated in the show, and she replied that it was because of curiosity.

After learning about cytology from a junior high school textbook, she began to wonder: what do cells look like?

So, Yan Ning began to imagine that he could be like the Monkey King in "Journey to the West", who could change seventy-two times.

She can be as small as a molecule, go into the cell, and see what it looks like.

Driven by strong curiosity, Yan Ning embarked on the path of scientific research, trying to explore the mysteries of the molecular world.

It is precisely this curiosity that drives Yan Ning to stay in the laboratory for up to 16 hours a day, and even works 48 hours in a row at the busiest time.

Even on Chinese New Year's Eve, she rushed back to the laboratory to continue the experiment after eating Chinese New Year's Eve dinner with her family.

As a doctoral supervisor at Tsinghua University, Yan Ning often chases stars, plays werewolf killing, sings with students, and mingles with students, and is known as the person who is most unlike a scientist.

At the age of 37, she led the team to overcome 50 years of unsolved world problems, and became the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of 45.

It is precisely because of her initial curiosity and desire for knowledge that Yan Ning is both talented and beautiful, and is called the "academic goddess" by her students.

There's a good saying:

"People who are beautiful are often full of curiosity and desire to learn."

Curiosity is at the heart of the human romantic spirit.

Because of curiosity, we focus more on ourselves, abandon distractions, and pursue our inner self.

Because of curiosity, we are simple-minded, positive, younger, more beautiful and energetic.

Let us maintain a curiosity and joy about every bit of life, give life a touch of color, and add a touch of beauty to ourselves.

03Adhere to self-discipline and do not indulge

When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason

There is a "melon seed effect" in psychology, which means that when we start to eat the first melon seed, we will never stop, and time will pass unconsciously.

That's why, we watch short videos over and over again, play games round after round, and can't stop at all.

People who insist on self-discipline will not indulge in "melon seed happiness", but focus their energy on things that are valuable to themselves.

I've heard this sentence:

"Don't underestimate a young and beautiful person."

Good looks are inseparable from the diet control and body management day after day behind it.

Self-discipline is really not chicken soup for the soul. The dopamine secretion brought about by self-discipline is not only manifested in the spirit, but also in the face.

Writer Liang Shuang once had an irregular diet and neglected exercise due to work.

During that time, she was very picky about what she ate and only wanted to eat heavy oil and spicy food. And working overtime for a long time, overwhelming the body.

Gradually, she obviously felt that she was in a bad state, not only her face was swollen, her face was acne, but her body always felt tired, and she would be so tired that she was out of breath when she went upstairs.

The people around him persuaded him many times, but Liang Shuang ignored it and didn't pay attention to this issue.

It wasn't until his body was about to break down that he obediently sought medical attention.

The doctor advised her to eat less heavy foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat three meals a day on time and ration, and develop an exercise plan to strengthen her body.

So, Liang Shuang adjusted his diet and made a weekly exercise schedule.

After a period of adjustment, Liang Shuang found that his mental state had been significantly improved.

The fatigue on my body has been effectively relieved, and when I occasionally need to stay up late at night, I can quickly adjust my state the next day.

The usual intake of spicy food has decreased, and the acne on his face has subsided unconsciously, Liang Shuang once jokingly told his colleagues that this is much more effective than spending a lot of money on cosmetics.

Not only is he more energetic, but the skin on his face is much more delicate, and his figure is no longer puffy as before.

Now she looks more energetic and energetic, and she is a lot younger.

We all hope that our youth will last forever, but we are lazy in action, envying others and lamenting that the years are unforgiving.

Overcome inertia and develop the habit of self-discipline, and you will find yourself lighter and more happy.

Instead of lamenting old age and frequent wrinkles, it is better to start from now on, eat reasonably, insist on exercising, live a vibrant life, and live younger and younger.

04 Mei Niang said

When people reach middle age, women are getting more and more beautiful for a reason

There are clouds in the Book of Rites:

"Those who are kind will have pleasure, and those who are happy must be graceful."

Time goes on, no one can be young and beautiful forever, but there are always people who look much younger and more beautiful than they actually are.

And the most important secret to staying young and beautiful is to infiltrate good habits and mindsets into our daily lives.

If the heart is open-minded, people will be tolerant and easy-going, and their faces will be supple;

Be curious, and people will be full of energy and clear eyes;

Adhere to self-discipline, people will actively work hard and be enthusiastic.

May you and I always be warm, always young and beautiful.