
What are the precautions for the operation of the gluing machine?

author:Yonggao Machinery

Adhesive machine, as an important production equipment, is widely used in textile, leather, plastic, paper and other industries. Its main function is to bond two or more materials together by means of heating, pressurization, etc., to achieve the desired composite effect. However, in the process of using the gluing machine, if you do not pay attention to some operational details, it will not only affect the bonding effect, but also may cause damage to equipment and personnel. Therefore, this article will detail the operating precautions of the gluing machine.

What are the precautions for the operation of the gluing machine?

1. Safe operation

1. Wear personal protective equipment: Before operating the gluing machine, you must wear personal protective equipment, such as safety helmets, protective glasses, earplugs, protective gloves, etc., to ensure the safety of personnel.

2. Keep the working area tidy: Make sure that the working area around the gluing machine is clean and tidy, and there is no accumulation of debris to prevent accidents during operation.

3. Avoid wearing loose clothing: Operators should avoid wearing loose clothing, long hair or long accessories, so as not to be involved in the equipment and cause danger.

4. Comply with the operating procedures: The operator must receive relevant training, understand the operating principle, safety specifications and emergency handling methods of the adhesive machine, and operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures.

What are the precautions for the operation of the gluing machine?

2. Equipment preparation and inspection

1. Check the status of the equipment: Before operation, check whether the power supply and air source of the gluing machine are normal, and whether the equipment is in an operating state. At the same time, check whether the tools, rollers and transmission parts of the equipment are intact, and replace them in time if damaged.

2. Select the right adhesive: according to the type and performance of the material to be bonded, select the appropriate adhesive, and mix it according to the process requirements.

3. Cleaning equipment: Before use, the adhesive machine should be cleaned to remove dust, oil and other impurities inside the equipment to ensure that the equipment is in a clean state.

What are the precautions for the operation of the gluing machine?

Third, the operation process

1. Place the material correctly: Place the material to be bonded at the feed port of the gluing machine and make sure the base position is correct. At the same time, take care to make the edge of the lining slightly smaller than the piece of clothing, and the adhesive side is facing the reverse side of the clothing.

2. Adjust parameters: Adjust the temperature, speed and pressure of the bonding machine according to the characteristics of the material and the process requirements. During the adjustment process, the parameter values should be gradually increased or decreased to avoid adjusting too large or too small at one time.

3. Pay attention to the bonding effect: in the bonding process, the bonding effect should be observed at any time, if the bonding is poor or the amine permeability is serious, etc., the machine should be stopped in time to check the sound and adjust the parameters.

4. Prevent material waste: In the feeding process, attention should be paid to controlling the amount of materials to avoid waste. At the same time, clean up the remaining adhesives and materials in time to keep the equipment clean and hygienic.

What are the precautions for the operation of the gluing machine?

4. Shutdown and maintenance

1. Correct shutdown: After completing the bonding work, the feeding system should be turned off first, and then the power switch of the gluing machine should be turned off to stop the operation of the equipment.

2. Cleaning the equipment: After shutting down, the working area of the adhesive machine should be cleaned to remove the residual materials and adhesives. At the same time, carry out routine maintenance of the equipment, such as cleaning the equipment, lubricating the transmission parts, etc.

3. Record the operation: After each operation of the gluing machine, the operation record form should be filled in to record the operator, operation time, operation content and equipment status. This helps to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner, improving the operational efficiency of the equipment.

In short, when operating the gluing machine, it is necessary to strictly abide by the safety operation procedures and precautions to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. At the same time, strengthen the daily maintenance and maintenance of the equipment, improve the stability and reliability of the equipment, and provide a strong guarantee for production.