
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!

author:Corps Police

[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!

[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!

Hammers, sickles, banners of faith

Red, blue, loyal undertones

The root of the people's public security is the party

What the party flag refers to, the police flag towards

To solemnly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The Second Division Public Security launched a poster with the theme of "July 1st".

Freeze the moment, the most beautiful picture

In the name of the police, protect the people

Be vigilant to the party and make every effort to escort it

[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!

(Original hand-drawn comics)

[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!
[I took a photo with the party flag] a group of "July 1st" posters to pay tribute to the party!


Source: Tiemenguan Public Security Bureau of the Second Division

Editor: Zhang Caiyuan

Editor-in-charge: Li Tong

Review: Wang Qin


Corps Police Circle

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