
After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape

author:Uncle Qiao
After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape

A woman has love for a man, she doesn't want the relationship between the two people to just maintain "friendship forever", she wants to stay with the man for the rest of her life, at this time the woman may subconsciously get close to the man, want to get closer to the man.

However, women have not crossed the line or confessed to men after all, women always secretly expect men to take the initiative, take the initiative to pursue themselves, and take the initiative to prove that they can be entrusted with their actions.

In fact, after a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and it is difficult to escape 3 reasons, after you know the reason, when the specific situation is dealt with, you will often easily hold hands with it in the end.

After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape

1. Reserved, shy, waiting for you to confess.

Some women always feel that you never get tired of seeing you when they interact with you, she likes to stay with you very much, and hopes to "stay with you forever", when she can't see you, she will miss you in her heart and look forward to seeing you again.

This is a woman's most sincere expectation, but a woman seems to deliberately cover up, did not show it, sometimes she is afraid that you will know that she has already been very affectionate with you, the reason is because women are introverted by nature and more shy, not good at expressing their feelings, dare not show their inner love.

At this time, the woman will wait, will wait until you take the initiative to confess, hoping that on a special day and special occasion you can take the initiative to show her love, but she is ashamed to agree to your pursuit.

After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape

2. There are concerns that want to test you further.

When the opposite sex is together, the woman is attracted to the qualities revealed in you, and she is longing for you, looking forward to getting along with you, and never being separated.

However, the woman does not take direct action to pursue you because she has concerns in her heart, she is worried that everything is an illusion, that she is just a halo effect, that you are unreliable and cannot give her the future she wants, that you have no feelings for her, and so on.

Women have too many concerns, always want to further examine you, want to further judge whether you are worthy of her trust, in fact, women from the bottom of their hearts to look at you, will have such "concerns", do not complain that women think too much, women really want to associate with you, will think long-term, at this time you should take the initiative, with actions to prove that you are worthy of trust, if the woman's concerns disappear, she will be willing to put into your arms, and you stay together.

After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape

3. Fear of rejection and low self-confidence.

When some women are in contact with you, they obviously have a love for you and want to integrate into your life, but she doesn't tell you directly "I like you", the fundamental reason is because she lacks confidence in herself, feels that her own conditions are very poor, her appearance is not high, she is worried that she is not worthy of you, and she is worried that she will end up humiliating herself and putting herself in a painful situation.

A woman is afraid of rejection, afraid that you will say to her "I don't like you"; This is the last thing a woman wants to see.

Because she knows that once she confesses to you and is rejected by you, it will destroy your existing friendship, and finally make her not have the courage to associate with you anymore.

After a woman is emotional, she does not confess, and there are 3 reasons why she can't escape