
Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

author:Rider Heart Sutra

Yutong light trucks, like the entire truck industry, suddenly "silenced" and rarely spoke. Why is that? In fact, it is not surprising to think about it, in this industry environment, it is one thing that enterprises are not excited, and it is the second to change the head to transition for a period of time.

Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

However, in this era of collective silence, enterprises should do the opposite, take the opportunity to increase the voice, occupy the minds of users, this era is not to see who will "shout"!

Of course, the volume of voice is only the icing on the cake of a company, and in order to succeed, it must be supported by technology and products. Yutong light truck wants to lead the way in the era of new energy light trucks, and has to learn from three companies.

Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

The first to learn BYD passenger cars

What to learn from BYD? The first is to learn its willingness to be lonely, make up your mind to bet on the courage of new energy, BYD sales in the past 6 months reached 341,700 units, the reason why there is such a momentum, but also thanks to the previous nearly 20 years in the industry, or it took nearly 20 years to do market cultivation and user concept training, this process is essential, other new energy car companies are now indirectly benefiting. But there is no doubt that in the new energy vehicle market, BYD is well-deserved the world's first, Yutong light truck should also have such a sense of responsibility, first cultivate the new energy light truck market, and then there will be sales everywhere. Second, we must learn it to build a technology fish pond ahead of the concept, the technology is reserved first, and when needed, it will be fished out and used, Yutong light truck has such technical strength, and it should also take the lead in the development of the industry in technology. The success of BYD passenger cars is enough to show that determination is the soft quality of an enterprise's success, and product strength is hard quality, and only by combining soft and hard can we take the lead.

Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

The second one learns Tesla

What is at the heart of Tesla's success? In fact, it tells a good story. A good story of low-carbon life and low-carbon travel for human beings. Tesla's early users were influential public figures, and the reason why they chose Tesla was not because it was more expensive, but because of the word "environmental protection" behind it. Public figures should set an example for the society, and advocating a low-carbon life is the best example. Therefore, if Yutong light truck wants to stand out, it is also necessary to tell a good story, a big story that makes the environmental protection of urban distribution logistics operation, so that those who have a sense of social responsibility and need to highlight the concept of low-carbon environmental protection of the enterprise large fleet choose new energy light trucks, in other words, the initial stage of the promotion of new energy light trucks is more not to sell products, but to sell feelings, the head logistics enterprises have been mobilized, the promotion of new energy light trucks can really accelerate, fantasizing about individual users of oil vehicles for electric vehicles, this path is too long, Judging from the current downturn in the industry, it is also unrealistic. How to tell the story of Yutong light truck, whether it can move people's hearts or not, or will directly determine its success or failure.

Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

The third Xueyutong bus

That's right, Yutong light truck should learn the spirit of Yutong bus well, which can be summarized as the perseverance of its own brand. Don't look at the current Yutong bus is the global boss, in fact, the development process is not easy, the domestic environment is changeable, the bus industry is extremely sensitive to passenger safety, customers, long-term bus orders, tourist cars swing between high-end and economic cars, catch up with the epidemic such uncontrollable factors are almost annihilated, overseas markets have Mercedes-Benz, Scania, Hino and other brands blocked, Yutong bus can do today's results in addition to efforts is a miracle.

At the same time, regardless of the great efforts made in the promotion of new energy buses, or the perennial persistence in school buses, as well as the substitution of Japanese brands in public and commercial vehicles, Yutong Bus represents a kind of aggressive spirit of the mainland's independent bus brand that is not afraid of difficulties and has the courage to challenge. In addition, Yutong bus is also synonymous with quality, the market asked ten drivers, there are nine and a half said that the quality of Yutong bus is the best, which requires years of word-of-mouth accumulation to form, and behind the natural Yutong bus in research and development, production of greater investment, which is worth learning from all Chinese automobile companies. In short, Yutong light truck should learn from Yutong bus, inherit good things, and study the truck scene thoroughly, and as for the realization of technology and supply chain construction, it is not a problem at all.

Why is Yutong light truck "silent"? If you want to succeed, you have to learn from three companies

In short, Yutong light truck to tell the story, to learn from the example, to have the courage to fight for the first, and as for the so-called "silence" is just a small series of ridicule, it is like a bamboo, the early silence is only for the skyrocketing moment, as long as the technology and products are studied well, the user needs are thoroughly studied, with the same feelings of building a national car, Yutong light truck will become the leader of the new energy light truck industry like Yutong bus!

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