
How do you die from diabetes to the end? Most of them are "planted" on these 6 complications!

author:Medical original story meeting
How do you die from diabetes to the end? Most of them are "planted" on these 6 complications!

Everyone knows that diabetes is terrible, but the question is, what is so scary about it?

Only people who suffer from diabetes know that the most terrible thing about diabetes is the complications it produces, the complications produced by diabetes, some are acute complications, and some are chronic complications. Acute complications, as the name suggests, it has a particularly acute onset, if the treatment and treatment are not timely, then the patient may die in a short time, chronic complications, its onset is relatively slow, there is a gradual aggravation process, but it is often irreversible, that is, it will only get more and more severe, not less and less.

Chronic complications are slow, but when they reach a certain level, they are also fatal. As a doctor, I would like to remind everyone that the reason why many diabetic patients have a shorter life span is often planted on the following 6 complications, I hope you must pay attention to it.

First, diabetic hyperosmolar coma

This is one of the acute complications caused by diabetes, the onset is sudden, the onset is fierce, if the treatment is not timely, then the patient will die quickly, the reason why there will be diabetic hyperosmolar coma, in the final analysis, the main reason is poor blood sugar control, hyperglycemia leads to osmotic diuresis, if the urine output is much greater than the water intake, it will lead to dehydration, hypertonic, as the name suggests, is the emergence of hyperosmolar dehydration, which is a very serious water and electrolyte disorder.

At present, the mortality rate caused by diabetic hyperosmolar coma is as high as more than 50%, that is, one in two patients with diabetic hyperosmolar coma may die.

Second, diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis refers to hyperglycemia, hyperketoketo, ketonuria, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and metabolic acidosis caused by insulin insufficiency and inappropriate elevation of glycemic hormones in diabetic patients under the action of various triggers.

The reason why this situation occurs is that diabetic patients cannot use sugar for body functions, so blood sugar is particularly high, in order to give the body function, it is necessary to consume fat, and after fat decomposition, blood ketones will be produced, and the ketones will be higher and higher, which will lead to acidosis, thereby inducing diabetic ketoacidosis.

The mortality rate of diabetic ketoacidosis is also high and cannot be ignored.

How do you die from diabetes to the end? Most of them are "planted" on these 6 complications!

Third, diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a chronic complication caused by diabetes, which takes a long time to start from scratch, but the harm it causes is very great, especially when it causes chronic renal failure and even uremia, if you do not go to the hospital for treatment in time, the patient may be life-threatening.

Chronic renal failure leads to high potassium, sodium and water retention, metabolic acidosis, and heart failure, which are the main causes of death.

Fourth, diabetic vascular disease

This is another chronic complication caused by diabetes, vascular lesions are mainly microvascular lesions, long-term hyperglycemia can easily lead to atherosclerosis, blood vessels become narrow, and it is easy to induce serious diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.

Fifth, infections caused by diabetes

Infections caused by diabetes can be both acute and chronic, but either can lead to dire consequences, as diabetics have poor immunity, which often gives pathogenic microorganisms a chance to turn over, which can then lead to serious consequences.

For example, many diabetic patients with severe sepsis and diabetic foot may soon be fatal if not treated in time.

Sixth, hypoglycemia due to diabetes

Diabetic patients are often prone to hypoglycemia, on the one hand, diabetic patients increase the dose of drugs without authorization, including the dose of various oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin, on the other hand, diabetic patients eat too little, and the medication does not reduce the dose, once diabetic patients have hypoglycemia, it is often very dangerous, serious and may be fatal.

How do you die from diabetes to the end? Most of them are "planted" on these 6 complications!