
This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: July 6th out of the plum: this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, out of the plum coincides with the "little summer", and this day is still the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar "half a year" on this sunny day rain and thunder what is the omen? Will it be waterlogged this summer? Look at how the agricultural proverbs left by the ancestors are judged!

The ancients' method of judging "out of the plum" is relatively simple, just 7 words: "after the summer season, the plum is not out", which means that the first "unsun" after the small summer solar term is the day of the plum blossom.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

Some people may say that this method of judgment of the ancients is unscientific. Actually, it's quite accurate.

If you know the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, you will know that the time of the solar terms corresponding to the solar calendar is relatively fixed, and there is usually no difference of 1-2 days.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

And the ancients summarized the "plum" time in the first "Weiri" after the summer heat. You must know that "Wei" is one of the twelve earthly branches, and there will be a "Weiri" every 12 days. The summer season is around July 6 every year, so according to the method of the ancients, the "plum blossom" must be between July 6 and 18.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

Therefore, you see, the judgment method of the ancients is not a few days different from the current meteorological judgment of the "plum" time, which is the crystallization of the experience summarized by the ancients for thousands of years, and it will definitely play a certain reference role!

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, it is on July 6, this day is the Jiachen year [Dragon] Xin Wei Yue Xin Wei Day (the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar), not only the time of the small summer festival. It is still the first day after the summer heat, and it is the day of "out of the plum". In other words, this year's "Plum Day" and Xiaoxia meet!

According to the current almanac, the "Shenshu Sutra" says: "The mango is planted every time it is in the plum, and the small summer is not out of the plum." That is, the day of the plum blossom is the first "unsun" in the summer solar term. Ancient China has always used the Ganzhi calendar, which is a combination of ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches, which is used to record the year, month, and day. The future refers to the days with the earthly branch "Wei" in the Ganzhi calendar. Once every 60 years, there is only one time when the summer heat and the plum blossom are on the same day.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

In addition, this year's "Chumei" day corresponds to the first day of the sixth lunar month, and this day is also the "half-year festival" of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou in Fujian and Taiwan in mainland China and southern Fujian. This festival was very important in ancient times, second only to the Spring Festival. Offerings are usually made on this day to thank the gods and ancestors for their protection, and to pray for a good harvest of crops and the fulfillment of life.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

So, what are the signs of thunder, rain, wind and sunny days on this day? Our ancestors summed up a set of methods for us thousands of years ago! We can save it and check it later to see if it's okay!

1. The small summer sees the sun, and the big summer breaks the stones;

2. The heat is too hot, and the heat is cold early;


4. The rain hits the head of the small heat, and there is no need for cattle for forty-five days;

5. The small summer rain is like silver, and the big summer rain is like gold;

6. The rain in the sky, the rice in the pot;

7, Xiaoxia thundered, and turned into inverted yellow plums;

8. There was a thunder in the summer, and the yellow mold fell in forty-five days;

9, Xiaoxia thundered, reversed to make Huangmei;

10, Xiaoxia thundered, and Huangmei reversed in half a month;

11, Xiaoxia thundered, and wanted to make seventy-two wild yellow plums;

12, out of Meilei singing, Huangmei returned;

13, Xiao Xia Lei, Huang Mei Hui; poured yellow plum, eighteen days;

14, Xiaoxia thundered, and he wanted to pour Huangmei;

15. Get out of the rainy season and sit on the bow of the boat on the flat ground;

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

16. The thunder in the summer will change the sky, and it will be hot like the yellow plum rain;

17. The rain hits the small heat, and it rains for forty-five days;

18. The rain hits the small heat, and the cattle are not used for forty-five days;

19, the rain hit the yellow plum tail, forty-five days of rain;

20, out of Meitian tears, Huangmei went and back;

21, out of Meilong to visit his mother, Huangmei went back and forth;

22, out of Meilong tears, pour yellow plum again;

23. The rain hits the yellow plum tail, and the car water pulls off the yellow cow's leg;

24, welcome the plum one inch, send the plum one foot;

25. Thunder out of the plum, every grain is hard;

26. Out of the plum rain shower, there is no shortage of rain in Fuli;

27. It rained in early June, and it was cloudy for half a month;

28. At the beginning of June, there was a movement, and seventy-two storms reached the Mid-Autumn Festival;

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, "not met in 60 years", is this summer waterlogged or not?

29. The rain hit for half a year, and the widow was also worried;

30. On the first day of June, sprinkle a little, and the farmers eat and catch a big bowl;

31. When the rain hits the half-year festival, the autumn grain will definitely end;

32. On the first day of June, the face was broken, and the pot was dried in the field;

33. On a sunny day in the first month of June, the cow grass builds a pergola;

34. On the first day of June, one thunder pressed nine Taiwans, and no lightning was Taiwan.

On July 6th, the plum blossom is still the festival season of the summer solar term, and it is the first half of the New Year's Festival in June! Let's collect the above agricultural proverbs, compare them with the weather of the day, and verify them later to see if they are accurate!


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