
5 fitness minefields, be careful that the more you practice, the more you hurt your body!

author:Global Fitness


Fitness requires methods, and the wrong way will only make you go further and further and fail to get in shape. Here are 5 common fitness minefields, touch and hurt your body, don't step in!

5 fitness minefields, be careful that the more you practice, the more you hurt your body!

1. Fitness does not warm up, such as a blind man touching an elephant, not knowing the depth. Imagine if you were to venture into an unknown forest without a pathfinder, would you be in danger of unforeseen dangers?

In the same way, going straight to the fitness without a proper warm-up is like entering that unknown forest without figuring out the situation, which can not only easily lead to muscle strain, but also can lead to serious consequences such as joint sprains.

5 fitness minefields, be careful that the more you practice, the more you hurt your body!

2. There is no plan for fitness, just like sailing without a map and losing your way. Without a clear fitness plan, it is like getting lost in the vast sea, unable to effectively exercise the target muscle groups, and may even cause physical fatigue and affect health due to over-exercise.

We need to choose a plan that suits us according to our physical condition and stick to it in order to spend less time training a great body.

3. Assault exercise is like a flash in the pan, short and weak. Occasional assault exercises, although they can bring a short-term sense of euphoria, do not lead to long-term physical improvement, and are even prone to injury.

We should maintain the frequency of fitness and exercise, and gradually increase the training intensity, in order to gain a better body and a strong body. It is recommended to clock in more than 3 times a week, and control the time of each workout within 2 hours to avoid overtraining.

5 fitness minefields, be careful that the more you practice, the more you hurt your body!

4. The fitness action is not standard, like painting a snake, and it is too much. Not only do non-standard fitness movements fail to achieve the desired workout results, but they can also cause physical injuries due to wrong postures.

We need to learn the standard trajectory of movements, rather than blindly pursuing weights or exercising by feeling, only the right force can improve the fitness effect.

5. Frequent exercise of the same muscle group is like fishing in the dry water, and the gains outweigh the losses. Overexercising the same muscle group can cause over-fatigue and even muscle strain. Therefore, we should arrange a reasonable exercise plan and combine work and rest, so that all muscle groups can get sufficient rest and recovery.

5 fitness minefields, be careful that the more you practice, the more you hurt your body!

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