
Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

author:Taste Pengzhou

100 years of elegance

Party History

One hundred and three years

The Communist Party of China unites and leads the people of all ethnic groups across the country in unremitting struggle

Overcome all kinds of obstacles

We have continuously won great victories in revolution, construction, and reform

This piece of Pengzhou is rooted

Red genes on the fertile soil

It not only carries the party's magnificent revolutionary history

It also carries the history of the party's hard work

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

June 28th

Held in Pengzhou City

"Carry forward the great spirit of party building and unite the strength of the Peng faction"

Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Show the party members and cadres in Pengzhou in the new era

Under the strong leadership of the party

Continuing the red blood

Overcome difficulties and work hard

The spirit of struggle to build the city of Pengpai

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

June 30th

"Building dreams with the party"

Pengzhou celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Theme theatrical evening

In the Guanqu Agricultural Culture Corridor


Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

With the accompaniment of the dance "Be My Sun", the party kicked off. Various forms of literary and artistic programs such as recitation of "Direction", guzheng performance "My Motherland and Me", dance "A Letter to Home", song "Eji in a Dream", sitcom "The Last Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner", and song "My Motherland" were brilliantly staged.

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

In addition, reviewing the oath of joining the party, the "Building Dreams with Love, Youth Walking" care project for young people in difficulty and other links have also created a strong atmosphere of loving the party, praising the party, and respecting the party. The whole performance is rich in form, clear in theme, inspiring, with a variety of art forms, eulogizing the new era, affectionate gifts for the party's birthday, further enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the masses in Pengzhou, and creating a strong atmosphere of loving the party and the country.

In today's Pengzhou

Red genes and red culture have long been integrated

Everyone's blood

Condensed into the spiritual temperament of the city

In order to express deep feelings for the party, the motherland, and the hometown

Let's walk into these "red landmarks"

Recreate a piece of history and a legend

Peng Peng invites you to join you

Forge the original mission

Draw on the strength of endeavor

Check in to the red landmark of Pengzhou

Find the path of the original heart


Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

In 2013, Pengzhou City carried out the naming of the first batch of CPC history education bases, and named a total of 6 party history education bases, namely: the site of the 1929 Peng County Party Congress, Bingyi Pavilion, Liu Dengpan Uprising Memorial Hall, Li Yiyu's former residence, "Shotgun Club" Memorial Hall and Pengzhou Martyrs Cemetery. In 2017, four bases, including the "Baoshan Village History Exhibition Room", "Bailu Earthquake Site Park", "5719 Factory History Museum" and "Pengzhou Archives Archives Exhibition Hall", which exhibited the history of the Party during the socialist construction period of Pengzhou City, were named the second batch of "Pengzhou Communist Party History Education Base".

The site of the 1929 Peng County Party Congress

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

"1929 Peng County Party Congress" site Fazang Temple Tablet Pavilion

In 1929, Yang Shiqin, the founder of the underground party organization in Peng County, organized the first party member meeting in the county in the stele pavilion of Fazang Temple in Shidongbu Community, Danjingshan Town, Pengzhou City, with about 40 party members participating. At the meeting, Yang Shiqin conscientiously conveyed the spirit of the meeting of the higher-level party committee, deeply analyzed the grim situation facing the party, carefully planned the plan for dealing with the enemy, and conducted party discipline education for new party members. This congress opened a chapter in the history of the Communist Party organization in Peng County and laid a solid foundation for the development and growth of the underground party in Peng County. The county's first party member meeting held in the stele pavilion of Fazang Temple is a milestone event of the underground party organization in Peng County, which will forever be recorded in the annals of history.


Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

Bingyi Pavilion was built to commemorate He Bingyi, a revolutionary martyr who died in the "May Massacre". It was built in Pengxian Park in 1984, and was demolished in 2004 due to urban planning, and then moved to Pengzhou Park.

The plaque "Bingyi Pavilion" was inscribed by Li Yiyu, and the pavilion pillar was hung with the couplet of "Shanghai-Hong Kong clouds horizontally write Dan's heart and blue blood, and Jiuxi Spring Warmth Yangying Heroic and High Wind". In the center of the pavilion stands the white marble statue of He Bingyi, and the wooden plaque is engraved with a brief introduction to He Bingyi's life. Visitors can come here at any time to admire the demeanor of the martyrs and feel the heroic righteousness of the martyrs stirring the sky.

Liu, Deng, Pan Uprising Memorial Hall

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

The memorial hall is located on the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Building of Longxing Temple, where it was the location where Liu Wenhui, Deng Xihou, and Pan Wenhua secretly telegraphed Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu to launch the "Chengdu Uprising".

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

In November 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army began to march into the southwest. Under the deterrence of the powerful offensive of the People's Liberation Army, the policy inspiration of the Communist Party of China, and the active promotion of the underground party organizations in Sichuan, on December 9, Generals Liu, Deng, and Pan led their troops to electrify an uprising at Longxing Temple in Peng County, which is known as the "Chengdu Uprising" in history.

The Chengdu Uprising promoted the peaceful liberation of Chengdu, accelerated the process of understanding and enlarging the southwest, played a good role in coordinating the quick victory of the entire southwest campaign, and contributed to the final victory of the People's Liberation War.

Li Yiyu's former residence

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

Li Yilu (1903-1990), born in Dongdajie, Tianpeng Street, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, was an older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, a time-tested communist fighter, poet and calligrapher.

The former residence of Li Yiyu is located at No. 19, Southeast Market Street, Tianpeng Street, close to the "Wangshuli" historical and cultural block, and the repair and protection project was launched in 2017. After the repair, the former residence is a quaint triple courtyard with the architectural style of western Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, which retains the original characteristics of green tile roof, double-layer cornice, bucket bracing wooden columns, checkered doors and windows, etc., and the bauhinia tree in the courtyard is luxuriant, which conveys the deep feelings of longing.

"Shotgun Club" memorial

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

The "Shotgun Club" Memorial Hall is located in Osmanthus Community, Osmanthus Town, Pengzhou City. On the eve of the liberation of Pengzhou, the poor peasants in Fengle, Osmanthus and other places in the mountainous areas of Pengxian County, under the leadership of the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China, set up an armed peasant armed "hunting rifle club" that did not leave production. This contingent overcame unimaginable difficulties under extremely difficult conditions and actively carried out revolutionary activities, thus shaking the foundation of the local reactionary forces and making positive contributions to the liberation and the suppression of the rebels and bandits.

Pengzhou Martyrs Cemetery

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

In July 1995, Pengzhou Martyrs Cemetery was approved as a "patriotic education base" by the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government. The old martyrs' cemetery was discontinued in September 2012, and the new martyrs' cemetery is located in Shuangsong Village, Danjingshan Town, and was opened to the public in November 2012.

Baoshan Village History Showroom

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

The showroom is located in Baoshan Village, Longmenshan Town, Pengzhou City, and was built in May 2013. Through words, pictures, physical objects and other display methods, the showroom tells the story of Baoshan people, under the leadership of the two village committees headed by Jia Zhengfang, adhere to the development of the village collective economy, from poverty and backwardness to common prosperity of the development process, tell the story of Baoshan Village from earthquake relief to post-disaster reconstruction and leapfrog development of the entrepreneurial process, not only show the development history and struggle history of Baoshan Village, but also the inheritance and promotion of the spirit of Baoshan. In October 2011, it was named the "Fifth Batch of Patriotic Education Bases in Sichuan Province" by the Propaganda Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Bailu Earthquake Site Park

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

Bailu Earthquake Site Park is located in Bailuchang Community, Bailu Town, mainly composed of "the most bullish teaching building", "Tianxin" group sculptures, earthquake experience hall, science museum and training hall, which comprehensively demonstrates the extraordinary course and important achievements of the Party Committee of Bailu Town leading the party members and cadres of the town to unite and unite in the face of disasters and disasters to promote earthquake relief and rebuild their homes. The park is an important commemorative site of the "5.12" earthquake and a vivid classroom for party spirit education and patriotism education.

5719 Factory History Museum

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

Located in Lichun Town, Pengzhou City, it was built in October 2011 with an area of 576 square meters. The exhibition hall shows the development process of Factory 5719 through pictures and objects. The pictures of the exhibition hall are divided into 15 chapters, including "traceability, military products, civilian products, talents, and party and masses", showing the process of hard work, pioneering and innovation led by the party committee of the 5719 factory, and carried forward the craftsman spirit of striving for perfection and climbing the peak.

Pengzhou Municipal Archives Archives Exhibition Hall

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

The Pengzhou Municipal Archives, located in Building 4 of the Pengzhou Administrative Center, is a national second-level archive, with relatively rich party history and patriotism education resources, and is the "Pengzhou Patriotism Education Base". Its exhibition hall is divided into physical exhibition and photo exhibition, with the history of Pengzhou as a clue, based on the archives, a detailed introduction to the development of Pengzhou and some historical figures and various periods, especially after the reform and opening up of the county party committee, the central work and important achievements of the county government, focusing on the brilliant achievements made after the withdrawal of the county and the establishment of the city, showing the scene of earthquake relief in the "5.12" earthquake and the new look of Pengzhou through the post-disaster reconstruction, and the future development plan of Pengzhou is shown to the world in the form of pictures and texts, so as to inspire Pengzhou people to work hard, The exhibition hall has become a window for Pengzhou's external propaganda and an educational base for loving the party, the country and the hometown.

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

Looking for a piece of light and shadow party history

Sing a song of endeavor

Let's look back at the song and the years

Experience the original intention and persistence of the Communists

Remembering and celebrating the red spirit

Build dreams with the party!

Issue: 3108 Issue

Text: Liu Daixuan tasting Pengzhou

Picture: Qiao Gang, Zheng Xiaojuan, Liu Fan, tasting Pengzhou

Editor: Liu Daixuan Editor: Deng Ruyue Review: Yang Hua

★ Please indicate the source for reprinting, copyright protection is inseparable from your and my participation!

Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!
Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!
Continue the red blood and build dreams with the party!

"Tasting Pengzhou" WeChat solicitation of papers!

Dear friends, "Tasting Pengzhou" WeChat is soliciting excellent manuscripts from the whole network!

Submission email: [email protected]

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Pengzhou Municipal Party Committee

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yuyan

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ye Tao and Feng Yanli

Editor in charge: Liang Dan, Long Yang, Liu Qian

Editor: Liu Daixuan, Deng Ruyue

Producer: Pengzhou Rong Media Center

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