
Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project

author:Shanghai Changning

Today (July 1), Changning District held the 2024 Youth Work Joint Conference Special Meeting and Practical Project Promotion Meeting to further promote the 2024 Changning Primary School Students' Love Winter and Summer Nursery School and the "Chasing Light Cottage" two practical projects for the micro-renovation of the family living rooms of minors in distress, so as to help create a youth development-oriented urban area.

The 2024 Caring Winter and Summer Nursery School for Primary School Students is a two-level practical project for the people in the urban area, a project for the Shanghai citizens' hearts, and a people's livelihood supervision project for the District People's Congress. The summer nursery school for primary school students in Changning District has been running for 10 years, and this year it opened the cold nursery class for the first time, which has received great attention from all walks of life. The summer nursery school will officially open on July 8, with 26 classes in 10 towns and districts in the district, with an enrollment of nearly 1,300 students, once again hitting a record high.

The location of this summer nursery class has been optimized and adjusted according to the experience of the cold nursery class, and we will try our best to meet the needs of residents in the jurisdiction to enroll in the nearest nursery. Adhere to the safe operation of classes, formulate detailed safety management regulations, and purchase accident insurance for students, teachers and volunteers; Enrich the content of the activity, integrate the resources of the "city, district, and street" levels, and create a limited edition activity package system in Changning that covers "childlike heart to the party, intangible cultural heritage experience, science popularization interaction, physical fitness, and growth navigation", and will distribute more than 1,500 course activities in total to help children spend a safe, happy and meaningful holiday.

Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project

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The micro-renovation of the living room of the "Chasing Light Hut" for minors in distress is a practical project for the private sector in Shanghai, which was included for the first time this year. The project is mainly to carry out "1+3+6+X" renovation of the rooms where minors in difficulty (minors of Shanghai nationality who meet the relevant policy standards such as difficulties and difficulties and have difficult living conditions). Including: renovating 1 room for minors for the declared object; Transform the 3 major sides of the "top + wall + ground" room; Equipped with 6 necessities for life and learning, such as beds, desks, and wardrobes; Provide X types of assistance such as companionship services, psychological counseling, and legal aid for minors in difficulty, as well as value-added services such as "Dream Fulfillment Packages".

Changning District plans to renovate 20 family rooms this year, and the first batch of 6 construction families has been identified. A few days ago, the district's first "Chasing Light Cottage" micro-renovation project for families of minors in distress has officially started in Chengjiaqiao Street.

Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project

Liu Ping, deputy secretary of the Changning District Party Committee, attended, and Gu Jieyan, deputy head of the district, presided over the meeting. At the meeting, the Youth League District Committee reported on the progress of the 2024 Changning District Primary School Students' Love Winter and Summer Nursery School and the "Light Chasing Cottage" work and the next step arrangement. The District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, Xinhua Road Street, and Chengjiaqiao Street made exchange speeches respectively. The leaders of the relevant member units of the District Youth Work Joint Conference and the leaders of the special supervision group of the District People's Congress attended the meeting.

Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project
Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project

Written by Mao Yiyun

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Changning held a joint meeting on youth work to fully promote the love nursery class and the "Chasing Light Hut" project

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