
The eldest woman and child staged the speed of life and death, and the dragon and phoenix fetus were born safely

author:Shanghai Changning

Early morning emergency! Fetal breech presentation, premature rupture of membranes, umbilical cord prolapse! Surgery is required! A few days ago, a life-and-death rapid treatment was launched in the elderly women and children, and with the full treatment of medical personnel, the newborn was saved from danger.

Huihui (pseudonym) is a mother of twins who is 36 weeks pregnant, and she had just had a normal prenatal checkup the day before, but she experienced a thrilling scene a few hours later.

At about 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, after a rollover, Huihui's amniotic water broke. woke up her husband on the side, and under the escort of 120, Huihui soon came to the emergency department of Changning District Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

The person who treated Huihui was Chen Xiaoxi, an emergency doctor. After a quick examination, the results made the on-site doctor's mind rise to the throat: fetal breech presentation, premature rupture of membranes, umbilical cord prolapse.

Umbilical cord prolapse is one of the most urgent complications in obstetrics and is an important cause of fetal death before and after delivery. Umbilical cord prolapse can make the fetus squeeze the umbilical cord during delivery, affecting the fetus and the mother's gas exchange, resulting in fetal hypoxia, suffocation and even death.

The situation was critical, and Dr. Chen Xiaoxi immediately called the third shift doctor, Wang Chunchun. A few minutes later, Wang Chunchun rushed to the emergency room.

"Because of your bravery, we're halfway there!" While comforting Huihui, Wang Chunchun notified the anesthesiology department and neonatologists that they decided to perform cesarean section on the spot in the emergency room.

The eldest woman and child staged the speed of life and death, and the dragon and phoenix fetus were born safely

The life of the fetus hangs by a thread, and time is life. In the next 5 minutes, on the short emergency operating table, Dr. Wang Chunchun hunched his back and performed the operation seriously and skillfully. At 3:34 a.m., with the loud cry of the child, a boy and a woman were successfully delivered. The elder sister weighs 2400 grams and the younger brother weighs 2190 grams, both with a score of 9.

At half past eight in the morning, it was still drizzling outside the window. Accompanied by her husband, Huihui was lying quietly on the hospital bed at this time, her face was slightly tired, but her face was full of happy smiles.

Wang Chunchun, who was busy with the night shift, remembered Huihui after the operation, so he came to the ward to visit. When she saw Wang Chunchun who came forward, Huihui's eyes moistened in an instant, "Thank you, Dr. Wang, it was you who saved our mother's life and reunited our family happily." ”

The eldest woman and child staged the speed of life and death, and the dragon and phoenix fetus were born safely
The eldest woman and child staged the speed of life and death, and the dragon and phoenix fetus were born safely

Photo courtesy of Elder Women and Children

Written by: Zhao Li

Editor: Bi Yangjing

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

The eldest woman and child staged the speed of life and death, and the dragon and phoenix fetus were born safely

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