
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

author:Shanghai Changning
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

"High temperature" & "thunderstorm" as standard in summer

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees


【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

The rain in Shencheng has subsided a little today, and it has a short break for half a day. The temperature has risen significantly, and the maximum temperature at noon has exceeded 30 degrees, which is relatively hot and humid due to the light wind and high humidity.

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

Today's live map

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

Tomorrow's weather

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

Schematic diagram of the location of the subtropical high at 14:00 on July 2

As the subtropical high lifts northward, the Meiyu belt in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will also adjust northward. Shanghai will be on the edge of the subtropical high tomorrow, with mainly cloudy weather, and the sunshine that everyone is looking forward to will be online soon! At the same time, the temperature will also rise significantly, and the maximum temperature is expected to reach 34-35 degrees. In addition, due to the rapid rise in temperature, it is easy to have short-term showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, so everyone is reminded to take precautions. Tomorrow, the wind will be stronger, with southerly winds of 4~5 gusts of 6, 5 gusts of 6-7 in coastal areas along the river, and southwest winds of 4-5 in the afternoon. The relative humidity is between 90%-60%.

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

Weather trends

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

In early July (July 1-10), the heavy precipitation area was adjusted to the north. Precipitation mainly occurred in the Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, northern and western parts of Jiangnan, northwest and southwest China, and eastern and southern Tibet. Around July 10, a new round of heavy precipitation will be ushered in along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

From tomorrow to the 8th, the weather in Shanghai will open the classic mode of summer: "cloudy + afternoon thundershowers + high temperature". The high temperature continues and the weather is hot, so please be sure to take precautions against heatstroke and cool down. It is expected that after the 9th, with the southward fall of the subtropical high, there will be another significant precipitation weather process in the city.

Tomorrow's weather

Weather for the next few days

July 3 (Wednesday): Cloudy, partly cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, 27~35 degrees

July 4 (Thursday): Cloudy, partly cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, 28~36 degrees

July 5 (Friday): Cloudy, partly cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, 29~36 degrees

July 6 (Saturday): Cloudy, partly cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon, 29~36 degrees


【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees
【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

Source: Shanghai

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

【Weather】Sunshine is coming soon! The "high temperature + afternoon thundershowers" mode is turned on synchronously, and the highest temperature tomorrow will reach 34-35 degrees

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