
Attention Hanjiang people! From now on, the term of such a loan cannot exceed five years!

author:Hanjiang News
Attention Hanjiang people! From now on, the term of such a loan cannot exceed five years!
Attention Hanjiang people! From now on, the term of such a loan cannot exceed five years!

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Attention Hanjiang people! From now on, the term of such a loan cannot exceed five years!

The revised Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans, the Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans, and the Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans came into force on July 1, clarifying that the term of loans for personal consumption shall not exceed five years; The term of the loan for production and operation shall generally not exceed five years, and the maximum shall not exceed ten years for the longer recovery period of operating cash flow corresponding to the purpose of the loan.

Source | CCTV News WeChat public account

Edit | Chen Shaoxi Editor| Lin Yixia