
From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!

author:Hanjiang News
From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!
From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!

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From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!

According to the Notice of the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission on Improving the Time-of-Use Electricity Price Policy (Min Fa Gai Gui [2023] No. 8), the time-of-use electricity price for industry and commerce in Fujian Province has been adjusted (implementation time: from January 1, 2024, valid for five years).

Among them, the peak electricity price of industrial and commercial users

Peak electricity prices are implemented only in July-September

Let's find out~

From July to September, peak hour electricity prices will be implemented

Only for industrial and commercial users in the province

Residential and agricultural electricity prices will not be affected


The peak electricity price will be implemented from July to September, and the peak hours from 11:00 to 12:00 and 17:00 to 18:00 will be executed according to the peak electricity price.


The specific time period division and floating ratio are as follows:

From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!

*The price components participating in the peak-to-valley time-of-use float are only the "feed-in tariff" part, and other price components are not participating in the floating.

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Q: What are the changes to the implementation of peak tariffs?

From January 1, 2023, all industrial and commercial users with time-of-use metering conditions will be required to implement time-of-use electricity prices for four periods: peak, peak, normal and trough. In order to further improve the time-of-use electricity price mechanism in our province, according to the Notice of the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission on Improving the Time-of-Use Electricity Price Policy (Min Fa Gai Gui [2023] No. 8), from January 1, 2024, it will be clarified that only the peak electricity price will be implemented from July to September, and the rest of the months will be implemented in three periods: peak, flat and valley.

Q: Where can I check the status of my time-of-use electricity bill?

You can get the relevant electricity tariff information through the online State Grid App or go to the business hall.

Timely adjustment of the electricity price mechanism

It is conducive to ensuring the safe, stable and economic operation of electric power

Promote the development and consumption of new energy

Reduce the cost of electricity for the whole society as a whole

From now on, the electricity price will be adjusted! Involving users like Hanjiang!

Source | Southeast Power Grid, State Grid Fujian Electric Power

Edit | Chen Shaoxi Editor| Lin Yixia