
The results of the first round of the French election were announced, Macron's "big bet" failed, and Sino-French relations may face variables

author:Sun Xuwen

The results of the first round of voting in the French National Assembly election, which began in Macron's desperate mentality, were reached on the evening of June 30. According to reports published by the Observer, citing a number of French media, the far-right coalition party "National Alliance" led by Le Pen won 34.5% of the vote in the first round of voting, and the left-wing "New Popular Front" came in second with 28.5% of the vote. Macron, who single-handedly started the chaos, and his centrist coalition party "together", came in in third dramatically with 22.5 percent of the vote. Although this is only the first round of voting in the National Assembly election, it can be seen from the vote share of all parties that Macron's "big gamble" can be described as a complete failure.

As a result, a considerable number of Syriza supporters, dissatisfied with the results of the first round of voting, began to take to the streets and express their opinions with emotion. According to French media reports, on the night of the opening of the votes, a large number of left-wing coalition supporters protested loudly on the main roads of Paris, Lyon and other cities, and even smashed shops on the streets, attacked the security forces, and once caused physical clashes. In less than a month, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris, France, and the chaotic domestic politics have made many foreign media worry about whether this year's Paris Olympics can be smoothly landed.

The results of the first round of the French election were announced, Macron's "big bet" failed, and Sino-French relations may face variables

The fact that the first round of voting alone provoked such a violent reaction shows that the social rift caused by political antagonism in France is far worse than the outside world imagined. But what is even more noteworthy is that the far-right forces in France, which have been stigmatized and marginalized for decades and have never really been in power since the end of World War II, now have the opportunity to come from behind the scenes to the forefront. To be sure, it was left-wing supporters who took to the streets to protest, but those "silent majorities" were more powerful. The fact that the "National Alliance" was able to achieve such a huge lead just shows that there are a considerable number of groups in France, whose voices have not been taken seriously, let alone formed into the mainstream of society.

And when these suppressed voices come together, they erupt with unprecedented power. At this point, whether it is France, the European Union, or even the entire West, it is no longer possible to blame the rise of the far-right on the "demagogy" of one or some political figures, and both the left and the center must admit that it is the current state of French society that has created a hotbed for cultivating far-right forces. And the "catalyst" for all this is the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has dragged on to this day.

The results of the first round of the French election were announced, Macron's "big bet" failed, and Sino-French relations may face variables

The conflict that has spread across Europe has delayed France's post-pandemic economic recovery, and the country's finances have been redirected to support a war effort far away in Eastern Europe. However, the resulting burden must be borne by the people, and the slightest dissatisfaction will be labeled as the "far right" by the left or even the center, and it is this extreme dissatisfaction with the so-called "common values" that gives the far-right coalition led by Le Pen for a long time the opportunity to stand in the "C position" of French politics. It should be noted that although this is an election that will determine the power of the French parliament in the next few years, the direction of its results can affect China.

As a representative of the French far-right forces, Le Pen also adheres to the principle of "French supremacy", and if the other side really wins the election and takes control of the Congress, the pro-American forces in France will be suppressed like never before. Of course, this does not mean that France will adjust its relations with China, and given the conservative ideology of the far right, it is not impossible for France to adopt more extreme protectionism against China.

The results of the first round of the French election were announced, Macron's "big bet" failed, and Sino-French relations may face variables

Of course, taking a step back, even if the far-right forces in France do not want to establish deeper cooperation with the mainland, as long as the core members of the EU are held by the far-right forces and have just completed the high-level change, the EU decision-making level, which is more pro-US than in the past, will also fall into chaos, and this will create favorable external conditions for the mainland to break through the blockade of the West.

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