
The Party Committee of the 71st Group Army carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

author:Bright sword southeast

On the glorious festival of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the 71st Group Army organized the "July 1st" theme party day activities, and guided all party members and cadres to always keep in mind the identity of party members, constantly strengthen the awareness of party members, actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and strive to strengthen the army under the banner of the party more firmly by watching red documentaries, reviewing the oath of joining the party, immersive military history education, collective signature ceremony, and special party group meetings.

The Party Committee of the 71st Group Army carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

▲Review the oath of joining the party. Photo by Li Lin

The bright red party flag guides the direction, and the sonorous oath expresses the feelings of serving the country. Walking into the Military History Museum, the flags of honor, the stories of heroes and models, and the precious pictures made everyone deeply inspired and enthusiastic. All the staff of the party committee unanimously said: "In the pursuit of historical footprints, I realized the loyalty and belief of the revolutionary ancestors, and the moment I raised my fist to review the oath of joining the party, I strengthened my firm belief in following the party with an iron heart and gathering strength to win." ”

The Party Committee of the 71st Group Army carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

▲Watch the documentary. Photo by Gong Dalin

"As a party member and cadre, we must adhere to the unity of learning and thinking, knowledge, belief and action, arm officers and soldiers with scientific theories, shape officers and soldiers with faith and belief, and inspire officers and soldiers with sacred missions, so as to promote the political construction of the army to go deeper and more practical." During this period, they also focused on "thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference" and held a special party group meeting, where everyone talked about their understanding, their feelings, and their direction.

The Party Committee of the 71st Group Army carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

▲Visit the Military History Museum. Photo by Li Lin

A ritual, a lifetime of faith. At the event, the author saw that party members and cadres solemnly signed their names on the banner printed with "Always Loyal to the Party, Loyal to Socialism, Loyal to the Motherland, and Loyal to the People" to express the glory and pride of "Please rest assured that the party will strengthen the army with me".

The Party Committee of the 71st Group Army carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

▲Organize a collective signing ceremony. Photo by Jia Ruilong

Author丨Zhou Zhenguo, Zeng Xianfa, Song Fangwu, Liao Peng

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