
After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

author:Lovely Filipino girl

In the past, the turmoil arose, and now the waves are calm. Six years have passed in a hurry, and Wu Jinyan's name is still being sung in the rivers and lakes.

In the past, the anger of the six princesses of CCTV was like thunder, but now looking at the current situation of Wu Jinyan, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion: the world is like a chess game, and life is not spring.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

It is said that back then, Wu Jinyan became popular all over the country with the drama "Yanxi Raiders", and commercial performance invitations came one after another, and she won the reputation of the best actress in the costume TV series of the Huading Awards.

However, behind the glory, there was a sudden storm. The six princesses of CCTV, known for their arrogance, rarely criticized them by name, pointing directly at their "big name" behavior. For a time, public opinion was in an uproar, and Wu Jinyan's name was also covered with dust.

The scene at that time was like a sudden frost in spring, which caught people off guard. However, the world is impermanent, and after six years, looking at Wu Jinyan, not only did he not fall silent due to the turmoil of the past, but he became more and more active in the circle, with continuous commercial performances and new dramas, and his popularity increased instead of decreasing.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

Such a scene is really surprising and thought-provoking: how can Wu Jinyan still "get along peacefully" in such adversity?

Looking back on the past, the anger of the six princesses of CCTV is actually for a reason. At that time, Wu Jinyan was a smash hit, and the six princesses of CCTV wanted to invite him for an interview to entertain the audience.

Unexpectedly, on the appointed day, Wu Jinyanfang suddenly changed his hexagram and changed the interview location, and the rent of the new venue needed to be borne by CCTV, which made the staff wait for a long time. This move undoubtedly angered the six princesses of CCTV who were conceited, and they were angrily criticized.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

However, the insight of the world is all knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article. Although Wu Jinyan was angrily criticized, he did not collapse because of this. On the contrary, after the turmoil, he was more humble and cautious, and worked hard to improve himself.

His acting skills have become increasingly sophisticated, and his works have been repeatedly acclaimed. Coupled with the operation of its team, it has repeatedly shown a positive image, and gradually regained some of its reputation.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Wu Jinyan did not avoid talking about this matter because of the turmoil in the past, but apologized to the public at the appropriate time and in a sincere manner.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

Although this move cannot completely erase the past mistakes, it also allows people to see her growth and change. As the ancients said: "Knowing mistakes can be changed, and good is great." Wu Jinyan's attitude has undoubtedly won him a lot of sympathy and understanding.

Moreover, Wu Jinyan's success is also inseparable from the careful planning and operation of the team behind him. In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, a person's success is often not isolated.

Wu Jinyan's team understands this and is able to quickly adjust their strategy to offset the negative impact with a positive image when they encounter a turmoil. At the same time, they can also seize the opportunity to launch new works and speak with strength. In this way, Wu Jinyan's career can be sustainably developed.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

In addition, Wu Jinyan's personal charm cannot be ignored. She not only has outstanding acting skills, but also has a kind heart. In terms of public welfare, she also spares no effort to contribute her strength. This love and sense of responsibility has undoubtedly won her more respect and love.

Six years have passed in a hurry, and Wu Jinyan has come out of the turmoil of the past and has become a bright star in the entertainment industry. Her success is not accidental, but is the result of her tireless efforts, the meticulous operation of the team and the unique charm of the individual.

Looking at the current situation of Wu Jinyan now, I can't help but sigh: Where is spring in life? As long as you have the courage to face challenges, constantly improve yourself, and maintain sincerity and kindness, you can shine more brightly in the face of adversity.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

Netizens are also talking about this. Some people praise Wu Jinyan's perseverance and courage to change; Some people lament that the entertainment industry is complex and changeable, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

However, no matter how she evaluates, Wu Jinyan's current situation is enough to prove that she is no longer the "big-name" actress who was angrily criticized by CCTV in the past, but has grown into a powerful actor who is highly respected and loved.

After being angrily criticized by CCTV for 6 years, looking at Wu Jinyan's current situation, it is no wonder that she has been "safe and sound"

The world is like a new chess game, and life is not spring. May Wu Jinyan continue to move forward on the road in the future, constantly surpass himself, and create more brilliant achievements!

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