
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

author:Overseas brand vision

——Shaanxi Shengtang Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute held a symposium on the collection of works of "Celebration of July 1st" and "Ginkgo Cup".

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

July 1, 2024 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Shaanxi Shengtang Painting and Calligraphy Institute jointly held a joint conference with the World History Museum (Xi'an) and Shaanxi Qinling World Culture Communication Co., Ltd. "Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind; Carry forward the red culture and strengthen ideals and beliefs", organize the members of the team of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting and the party members of the academy committee to gather in the conference hall on the second floor of the Tianxia History Museum (Xi'an) in Dayan North Square to review the party's red history, review the party building and party history activities; and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "Ginkgo biloba" calligraphy and painting exhibition progress report symposium.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

On that day, the symposium focused on two central topics. It was presided over by Ms. Zhang Li, Director and Secretary-General of the Hospital Office. There are more than 30 leaders, committee teams and party member representatives participating in the meeting.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

First of all, Lei Ling, chairman of the National History Museum, delivered a welcome speech to introduce the historical origin of the Communist Party's founding day; Zhang Zhenqi, secretary of the temporary party branch of the hospital, delivered a speech and thanked everyone for participating in the discussion in the rain on this special and festive day; President Zhao Zhongmou was the first to speak, saying that since the founding of the CPC 103 years ago, it has led the Chinese people to make unremitting efforts and heroic struggles for the establishment, construction, and development of new China, and has won major victories at a turning point in history, making fearless sacrifices and making great contributions to the happy life of the 1.4 billion Chinese people today.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

In the discussion, everyone actively and seriously reviewed the glorious history of the party and remembered the original mission of the party; Moreover, they have expressed that they must have high standards and strict requirements, and strive to be a qualified Communist Party member's practical action, and deeply practice "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission".

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

By reviewing the red history and revisiting the party history symposium, we not only stimulated patriotic enthusiasm and beliefs, but also deeply understood that the Communist Party of China shoulders the lofty mission of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and is pioneering a great and magnificent cause that has never been seen before.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

Subsequently, the symposium turned to the second content, the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting used the art of calligraphy and painting to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of the times; Focusing on the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the people-centered creative orientation of art, and adhering to the principles of creative transformation and innovative development, we will inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, carry forward the red revolutionary culture, enhance the self-confidence of national culture, develop the "ginkgo" industrial chain, and digitally and dynamically improve the cultural ecological industrial chain. In addition, on October 1 of the Gregorian calendar (Jiachen Dragon Year), it is a happy occasion to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shaanxi Shengtang Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute, Shaanxi Qinling World Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and Tianxia History Museum (Xi'an) Cultural Development Co., Ltd. jointly held the "Ginkgo Cup" calligraphy and painting exhibition.

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times
The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

The leadership team of the institute is responsible for the division of labor in charge of the preparation of the calligraphy and painting exhibition and the head of the regional service center for the division of the collection of manuscripts, respectively, to the participating colleagues to report in detail the implementation of the process of solicitation of manuscripts in their respective departments: according to statistics, more than 100 pieces of calligraphy and painting works have been collected and received (of which half are calligraphy works and painting works). From the perspective of the conceptual content and art form of the works, the works are exquisite, colorful, and far-reaching, all of which give people a new era of artistic charm and enjoyment with strong perspective impact......

The centennial journey is magnificent, firm red faith, and the heart of the centennial heart will never change to compose the movement of the times

Finally, after listening to the report, the members of the leadership team of the hospital fully affirmed and recognized the recent work status and the results achieved, and encouraged everyone to continuously summarize innovative ideas and strive to improve work measures and methods; Carry forward the concerted efforts and work together to make the "Ginkgo Cup" calligraphy and painting exhibition a feast of artistic talents that is "cross-era, high-level, wide-ranging and strong". Through today's symposium, we will practice the rallying cry of "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high", dedicate the excellent national culture to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and jointly compose a triumphant movement of the new era and the realization of the "two centennial" Chinese dream!

Written by: Qu Jiang

Photo: He Caining

Editor-in-charge: Zhou Fengchuan