
In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

author:Freezing point history


Secretary Lei Li recalled that Vice Premier Yu Qiuli paid great attention to listening to the opinions of all quarters in his work. In March 1980, the Central Committee decided to establish the National Energy Commission, with Yu Qiuli as its director. After that, at work, the secretary Lei Li found some problems.

Therefore, Lei Li made a suggestion to Yu Qiuli: Transfer a deputy director from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission. After Yu Qiuli heard this, he attached great importance to it. He also asked Lei Li, who do you think is more appropriate?

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

Lei Li: Yu Qiuli is very strict and meticulous about his work

In April 1974, Lei Li was transferred back to the organ from the Xiangbei "57" cadre school of the State Planning Commission and was assigned to work in the duty room of the general office. Two months later, Lei Li was transferred to Yu Qiuli's office as a secretary. Before this, Lei Li had been working in the business department, and he only knew that the secretary was for the leader, and he didn't know what he served.

In January 1975, Yu Qiuli was appointed Vice Premier of the State Council. Two years later, Yu Qiuli was elected a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee. Since then, the documents sent to Yu Qiuli every day have piled up. An important task of the vigorous is to do a good job in the processing of these documents.

Yu Qiuli was too busy to sit down in the office to read the documents, so he usually took the documents home and used the time before going to bed at night to read them. At the beginning, Lei Li sorted out the documents a little and handed them over to the guards to take back to Yu's house.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

Once, Yu Qiuli said to Lei Li: "You brought me so many documents back, how can I see it?" You have to pick carefully and send me important documents. Since then, every day the documents sent by the Central Committee Office and the State Council Office have to be carefully read, and then screened and sorted. Pick out the important documents first, and then arrange them in order of importance.

As Lei Li later said: "I was educated by Yu Qiuli, and after continuous learning and exploration in practice, I gradually adapted to the work of a secretary. ”

It is said that after Yu Qiuli became vice premier, some of the requests and reports submitted by the economic departments to the State Council were sent to him by the Secretariat of the State Council for instructions. On one occasion, the Secretariat sent him a report requesting a new project. After reading it, Yu Qiuli told the people in the secretariat that such a document should first be sent to the relevant departments and bureaus of the State Development Planning Commission and to the deputy directors in charge, and asked them to seriously study them.

Before reporting to the State Council, it is important to understand three points: "First, whether the situation stated in the document is true; Second, whether the new project is urgently needed; 3. Whether the financial and material resources of the state can bear it. ”

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

In addition, before the document was handed over to Yu Qiuli, Lei Li and other secretaries had to read the opinions of the relevant departments and bureaus and the deputy director in charge, and then draft an approval for Yu Qiuli's reference when giving instructions. This way, it's much quicker to process. Of course, for some particularly important documents, Yu Qiuli had to personally preside over the meeting, repeatedly study with relevant personnel, and finally give instructions.

After following Yu Qiuli for many years, Lei Li found that the chief's requirements for work were very strict and detailed. As a result, he is very careful in his work. In Lei Li's own words: "There is really a feeling of 'walking on thin ice'. Of course, he is not afraid of being criticized for his mistakes, but for delaying the work of the leader.

Despite all the care, mistakes can still be made. At the end of July 1976, a major earthquake struck Tangshan, after which the State Council Administration of Organs and Affairs found a house for Yu Qiuli in the western suburbs. Yu Qiuli generally lives at home during the day and in the western suburbs at night.

One day in October, the secretary of the Yantai Municipal Party Committee in Shandong Province called and said: "I am in Beijing for a meeting and want to visit Comrade Yu Qiuli. Lei Li immediately reported the incident. Yu Qiuli said, at six o'clock this afternoon, you pick him up, and I will invite him to dinner. At that time, Yu Qiuli was at home, and Lei Li thought that the chief was asking him to take people to his home, so he didn't ask again.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

When the appointed time came, Lei Li led the guests to meet Yu Qiuli. But the guards told him that the chief had gone to the western suburbs. So, they hurried to the western suburbs, and Yu Qiuli was already in a hurry. Lei Li hurriedly explained the ins and outs, and Yu Qiuli became angry after hearing it: "Playing the piano randomly, why didn't you ask it in advance?" Such a rough style will make a big mistake. ”

Since then, Lei Li has been more cautious in his work, and he must ask clearly about the things that the leader explains. After September 1982, Yu Qiuli served as director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army.

One night, Yu Qiuli told Lei Li to inform the deputy directors to go to Zhongnanhai for a meeting at 9 a.m. the next day. Lei Li immediately notified the General Political Duty Office. At 7 o'clock the next day, Lei Li was a little uneasy, so he called the General Political Duty Office. The officer on duty said that he checked the duty record of last night, which was not recorded.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

It turned out that after the staff on duty the first night answered the phone, they were in a hurry to do another thing, and as a result, they forgot to notify the meeting. Lei Li immediately made a decision, and asked the staff on duty to immediately notify the leaders to attend the meeting. Due to the timely remediation, there was no mistake.

Lei Li gave Yu Qiuli advice and transferred a deputy director from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

Yu Qiuli often asked the staff around him to report the situation to him and make suggestions. After the establishment of the National Energy Commission in March 1980, several deputy directors were transferred from the Ministry of Coal, the Ministry of Water and Power, and the Ministry of Petroleum.

In his work, Lei Li found that several deputy directors were very familiar with the business of the original work department, but they did not understand the economic situation of the whole country, and often considered problems from the standpoint of their own industry. Once, after Yu Qiuli approved the documents, Lei Li reflected the situation to him.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

After listening to Lei Li's opinion, Yu Qiuli asked him, "Who is appropriate?" Lei Li said: "I think Comrade Yang Bo is more suitable. Yu Qiuli nodded, and then immediately went to discuss with Vice Premier Yao Yilin. At that time, Yu Qiuli and Yao Yilin worked in the same building, and it was very convenient to discuss problems. Soon, Yu Qiuli came back, and he said to Lei Li: "Comrade Yilin completely agrees with your suggestion. ”

Soon, Yang Bo was transferred to the National Energy Commission as executive deputy director and deputy secretary of the party group. Yang Bo, formerly known as Yang Honglu, is an adult in Shandong. He participated in the revolution in 1940 and joined the Communist Party of China the following year. Yang Bo's ability is outstanding, and when Lei Li was in the State Planning Commission, he admired him very much. Recommending Yang Bo this time, Lei Li is obviously considering from the perspective of whether he is competent for his current work.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

After following Yu Qiuli for many years, Lei Li found that he rarely left time for himself. For example, in May 1983, he returned to his hometown in Jiangxi, which is said to be the first time he has returned to his hometown after a 54-year absence. Lei Li accompanied him to visit his father and fellow villagers. At the guest house, Yu Qiuli asked Lei Li, what is your impression of the past two days? Lei Li said: "The people are too poor, and life is too hard. ”

Then he spoke about some of what he had seen and heard. He said that when the chief came at night, and it was dark in the village, he asked, "Isn't there an electric light?" The common people told him that there were electric lights, but they were afraid of spending electricity! During the day of the next day, the chief met with the people, and the township cadres prepared some fruits, candies and melon seeds, which were distributed to the children present. Some parents said that if they are stained with the chief's light, their children will not be able to eat such a good thing during the New Year.

After Yu Qiuli heard this, he immediately fell into deep thought. He said that after more than 30 years of liberation, why are the people's lives still so poor? When the village cadres invited Yu Qiuli to go to Jinggangshan to have a look, Yu Qiuli refused, saying that he would not go anywhere, and immediately convened a meeting of the cadres to study how to boost the economy.

In 80, the secretary suggested that Yu Qiuli be transferred from the State Planning Commission to the Energy Commission

At the meeting, Yu Qiuli said with great emotion that the people in the Jiangxi revolutionary base area have made tremendous sacrifices and contributions to the Chinese revolution. We should make the economy better and develop faster, so that the people's living standards can gradually improve.

After Yu Qiuli stepped back, once, he asked Lei Li to talk. The two chatted about the bits and pieces of getting along over the years. Lei Li came to Yu Qiuli in 1974 and died in 1992, a full 25 years. Yu Qiuli expressed his gratitude to Lei Li very affectionately, saying that he had given him a lot of help in his work.

After hearing this, Lei Li was very moved. With the chief's words, Lei Li felt that no matter how hard the work was, no matter what kind of effort he had to put in, he felt that it was worth it!

References: "By Yu Qiuli's Side", "Yu Qiuli at the National Energy Commission"

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