
On Saturday, the exam begins!

author:Happiness Dongtai
On Saturday, the exam begins!

The Jiangsu Provincial Higher Education Self-study Examination for July 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the self-examination) will be held on July 6-7. In order to create a fair and safe examination environment, according to the unified requirements of the Ministry of Education, our province implements the security check of candidates entering the test center (or the closed area in the test center), and candidates should actively cooperate with the staff to complete the security check, and shall not bring mobile phones, smart watches (bracelets) and other communication tools into the test center. The Provincial Education Examination Agency reminds the majority of candidates:


Prepare for the exam

(1) Prepare the examination certificate

Candidates must take the initiative to present (1) their own admission ticket and (2) valid resident ID to enter the test center. Since mobile phones are not allowed to be brought into the closed area, and it is not possible to verify the identity by checking the electronic ID card in the mobile phone, the electronic ID card is not used as a valid document for test entry. If you lose your ID card, you can use your "temporary ID card" or "temporary photo ID issued by the public security organ for taking the national education examination". Those who do not meet the requirements will not be allowed to take the test.

(2) Standardize the carrying of examination supplies

When entering the test center (or the closed area within the test center) and the test room, test takers need to undergo smart security gates, manual security checks, facial recognition and other checks. Candidates should take the initiative to cooperate with the staff of the test center to complete the security check, and are not allowed to bring mobile phones, smart watches (bracelets) and other communication tools into the test center. If the mobile phone cabinet is used to store communication tools by itself, the test center is only responsible for the normal use of the facilities and equipment, and does not have the obligation to keep the items stored in the mobile phone cabinet.

Please place your personal belongings in advance, try not to carry keys, magnetic cards, lighters, metal bracelets, rings, necklaces and other items, and try not to wear clothes, shoes and hats, hairpins, etc. with metal decorations, so as to avoid repeated security checks and affect the normal entrance examination. Try not to bring laptops, tablets, or other non-test-related items or valuables into the test center to avoid losing them.

Candidates are only allowed to bring 0.5 mm black ink pens, pens, pencils, compasses, rulers, triangles, erasers and other necessary stationery (some courses can bring watercolor pens and ordinary calculators without storage function). Books, notes, dictionaries and other items must be placed in designated places and are not allowed to be seated.


Comply with exam requirements and discipline

(1) Observe the examination time

On the day of the test, it is recommended that candidates arrive at the test center 1 hour before the test to undergo security checks, identity verification, and illegal item checks, so as not to affect the test. Candidates who arrive late will not be allowed to enter the test room 30 minutes before the start of the test, and candidates who are late will not be allowed to enter the test room until 15 minutes before the start of the test.

(2) Strictly abide by examination discipline

Candidates must carefully read the "Candidates' Integrity Examination Commitment Letter" and sign in the prescribed column of the "Candidates' Integrity Examination Commitment Signature Book". Before starting to answer the questions, candidates must carefully read the answer instructions on the answer sheet, and fill in the admission ticket number, name and handwriting information collection correctly and clearly in the designated position of the answer sheet as required. When answering questions, candidates should answer in the answer area specified in the answer sheet, and the answer in the test paper, scratch paper and places other than the specified area will be invalid, and it is strictly forbidden to make any marks on the answer sheet.

During the test, the whole test room will be recorded and videotaped. The test center can only start answering questions after the test is signaled, and stop answering immediately after the test end signal is issued.

Candidates must strictly abide by the relevant laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the examination, and take the examination in good faith. If there is any violation, once verified, it will be seriously dealt with in accordance with the "Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations" (Order No. 33 of the Ministry of Education) and other provisions, and will be recorded in the national education examination integrity file. Organized cheating, providing cheating equipment or other assistance; Illegally selling or providing test questions and answers to others; Those who take the test on behalf of others or let others take the test on their behalf will be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.

Candidates are advised not to believe all kinds of fraudulent information that sells "test questions or answers", and if there are clues, they can contact the relevant departments in time to jointly resist the intrusion of harmful information and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

I wish all candidates good results!

On Saturday, the exam begins!

Producer丨Xiaodong Editor丨Xiaolu

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiaofei Editor丨Little Pig

On Saturday, the exam begins!