
When a child goes to a martial arts school to study and is beaten by the coach as a mental disorder, parents have an unshirkable responsibility

author:Micro-words and micro-comments

To be honest, I never had an interest in martial arts.

I always believe that no matter how high the martial arts are, one shot will bring you down. In today's society, the rule of law is upheld. It's no longer the era when anyone can fight is who is powerful.

Some people may say that martial arts training is not for fighting, but for physical fitness. I have to think so, it's even more funny. To strengthen the body, is martial arts the only choice?

Clear-eyed people know that martial arts in real life are actually fancy. It seems that one move and one style are quite powerful, but in fact, they are all set up routines. In front of those who engage in sanda and boxing, it is absolutely vulnerable.

When a child goes to a martial arts school to study and is beaten by the coach as a mental disorder, parents have an unshirkable responsibility

I have seen a lot of people who practice martial arts, they usually boast of being superior, and they often express that they are not convinced, and they go head-to-head. The results are interesting. If you win, you say that you are powerful, and if you lose, you say that others don't talk about martial arts.

There is also an indisputable fact that the cost of studying in a martial arts school is quite high, and it is basically higher than that of a normal compulsory education school. As for the management of the school, there is not much to praise.

A few days ago, Mr. Gao said that in mid-February this year, he sent his 14-year-old son to study at Henan Tagou Martial Arts School, and the annual tuition fee required 45,000 yuan.

Speaking of Henan Tagou Martial Arts School, the popularity is high. Back then, relying on the movie "Shaolin Temple", martial arts became a hot business. A large number of schools have also been derived.

When a child goes to a martial arts school to study and is beaten by the coach as a mental disorder, parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Tagou Martial Arts School is just one of them. But with its own unique advantages, it quickly stood out. He has appeared on the big stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times. He has also participated in numerous large-scale celebrations.

For this reason, despite the family's financial pressure, Mr. Gao still sent his son over. His purpose is also very simple, he hopes that his children will have a better future.

What he didn't expect was that one day last month, his son quietly called home and said, come and save me. He immediately rushed to visit the school and was surprised to find that his son was being beaten by the coach.

What shocked him even more was that when the child saw him, he didn't know him at all, and the whole person's spirit was in a state of collapse. As a father, seeing this scene, the pain in my heart can be imagined.

According to the relevant medical records and pictures, the child had injuries to his face, neck, buttocks, legs and other parts. Some wounds are red around them, while others are old wounds. Presents with memory loss, slow thinking, and suspicious auditory hallucinations.

When a child goes to a martial arts school to study and is beaten by the coach as a mental disorder, parents have an unshirkable responsibility

Of course, there must be people who say conclusively that jade is not cut, and it is not a weapon. People do not learn, and they do not know righteousness. Practicing martial arts will definitely have to endure hardships. Otherwise, leave quickly.

Bah, children go to school to study, not to be a target. has done bad things, refuses to admit it, and wants to clear his name with his conscience, but in the end he can only end up with chicken feathers.

The martial arts school instructor who beat the child has been taken criminal coercive measures by the police in accordance with the law, and what awaits him will be severely punished by the law. After treatment, the child's condition improved. However, Mr. Gao had no way to be happy.

The condition was improved with the help of medication, and the doctor was not sure whether his son's disease would recur. If the disease always recurs, what should the child's future life be?

Talking about this with a big brother, he unceremoniously pointed out that in order to make their children successful, parents do not hesitate to invest a lot of money to instill different education and training, but ignore the physical and mental health and happy growth of their children.

When a child goes to a martial arts school to study and is beaten by the coach as a mental disorder, parents have an unshirkable responsibility

At present, it is even more undesirable to forcibly let children learn martial arts. It fully shows that parents themselves have the bad potential intention of making their children superior in attack power, and now they regret it. (Text/Sun Xinhe)

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