
The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:Jingtai Media

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will eulogize the glorious history of the party, cherish the noble demeanor of our ancestors, inherit the red gene, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, strengthen our mission, and promote the high-quality development of our work. On July 1, the Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

During the activity, Su Junxia, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Jingtai County People's Court, gave a party lesson entitled "Pondering and Studying the Regulations and Practicing and Not Slacking Off on Party Discipline", requiring all party members and police officers to strengthen their political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, always be loyal, clean and responsible, and persist in transforming the learning results into specific practices to promote trial enforcement work to "go ahead and set an example", and promote the high-quality development of court work. Representatives of party members, representatives of party activists, and representatives of young cadres and police officers made exchange speeches respectively, and everyone said that they should strive to be pioneers, set an example, administer justice fairly, take responsibility, strive to keep up with the advanced, learn from the model, bloom their youthful demeanor in the struggle, practice the original mission with responsibility, enhance the awareness of "if I am suing", handle every case with heart and affection, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.

The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Zhang Chi, a police officer from the Trial Management Office of the Jingtai County People's Court: As a young police officer of the court, I am well aware of my responsibilities and missions. The law is the embodiment of fairness and justice, and we, as law enforcers, must always keep in mind the purpose of the Party, adhere to the spirit of the rule of law, serve the people, and contribute to social stability.

The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".
The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

In the ceremony of reviewing the oath of joining the party, all party members and police officers faced the party flag, raised their right hands, and solemnly swore an oath: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution and ......" The oath was sonorous and powerful, and it conveyed the determination of the party members and police officers to maintain social fairness and justice and the belief that they are willing to fight for the cause of justice for life.

The Jingtai County People's Court organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Wei Jianjun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Jingtai County People's Court: Looking back on the history of the party, eulogizing the glorious history of the party, so that party members and police officers can further establish the concept of loving the party for the people, and further enhance the red gene, integrate our concept into law enforcement and case handling, and strengthen the true character of the political organ of Jingtai Court, and contribute to the development of the county's judicial cause.

Reporter: Yang Jiadong

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