
He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

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He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran


Have you ever thought that a musician's legend can be written with just one album?

In this era of fast-paced music, there is such a person who has frozen his music career with an album, but has left an indelible mark on the Chinese folk music industry.

He is Zhao Jiran, a musician who chose to live forever in 1988.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Northwest Youth: Artistic Enlightenment

In an ordinary family on the Loess Plateau in northwest China, the young Zhao already had an innate sensitivity to art.

When he was 12 years old, a chance chance changed the course of his life.

It was a cold winter day, and when Zhao was shopping with his mother, he was fascinated by the ballet performance of the street performers.

The beautiful dancing and the powerful music have planted the seeds of art in Xiao Zhao's heart.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Although his family was not wealthy, his parents did their best to send him to study ballet.

"I remember the first time I stepped into the dance studio," Zhao recalled years later, "the children who were much younger than me, with such beautiful movements, and I was as clumsy as a bear."

But I know that I have found my passion. "

The years of the Art Troupe: The beginning of the road of music

After five years of cold and summer, 17-year-old Zhao has been successfully admitted to the local art troupe with extraordinary perseverance and talent.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

This decision not only exposed him to the wider world of art, but also laid the foundation for his future musical career.

In the art troupe, Zhao has not only danced, but also learned to play the guitar and drums.

"At that time, I was like a sponge, frantically absorbing all kinds of artistic nutrients," Zhao said, "Every performance, every rehearsal, I felt the charm of art." "

It was during this period that Zhao began to dream of becoming a musician.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

The yellow earth of the northwest, sorghum wine, and Xintianyou, these elements are deeply imprinted in his musical elements, laying the groundwork for his unique musical style in the future.

Central Academy of Drama: The Pursuit of Actors' Dreams

With his love for performing arts, Zhao has resolutely participated in the admission examination of the Central Academy of Drama.

His talent and hard work did not fail him, and he successfully stepped into the doors of this temple of art.

In the days of Chinese opera, Zhao was already like a fish in water.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Not only did he get to know Li Yapeng and Chen Jianbin who would become well-known actors in the future, but more importantly, he found his own musical style here.

"Chinese opera taught me how to express emotions and how to tell stories," Zhao said, "and these techniques were later incorporated into my music." "

A difficult start: the "little transparent" years of showbiz

After graduating from Chinese opera, Zhao has already devoted himself to the entertainment industry with great expectations.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

However, reality gave him a slap in the face.

In the first three years, although he starred in many TV series, he was always in a state of "small transparency", and it was difficult to gain the recognition of the audience.

This period was extremely difficult for Zhao Ran.

"I wondered countless times if I was a good fit in the industry," he recalls, "but every time I picked up my guitar and started singing, I knew this was the life I wanted." "

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

1988: A turning point in his musical career

In 1988, at the age of 27, Zhao had already ushered in a turning point in his music career.

This year, he decided to record his first album "Living in 1988".

"It was a special era," Zhao said, "and the spring breeze of reform and opening up was blowing all over the land of China, and people were full of hope and passion."

I want to record the spirit of this era with music. "

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

"Live in 1988" is a live recording and contains 12 songs.

This unique choice fully embodies Zhao's pursuit of music in its most primitive state.

On the album, we can hear the echoes of the audience, the whistles one after another, and even some live noises.

These "imperfect" sounds, on the contrary, add a unique charm to the album.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

"Living in 1988": The birth of an album

"Living in 1988" is not only a music album, but also a microcosm of an era.

Zhao has used his unique voice and musical talent to completely seal the memories of 1988 in this album.

Every song on the album is like a time capsule.

Some wore bell-bottoms, which were popular at the time, and danced energetic breakdances; There are people who are hopeful for the future and passionate about life.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Zhao has used his music to vividly present these images in front of the audience.

"I want the audience to be able to travel back in time and space through my music," Zhao said.

A unique art of covers: giving new life to classics

In addition to original works, Zhao Jiran's cover art is also a must.

In "Living in 1988", there are many cover works, each of which has been given new life and unique charm by Zhao.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

The most impressive thing is his interpretation of "Am I the One You Love the Most".

In 2013, at the Phoenix Border City Music Festival in Hunan, Zhao had already sung this song affectionately in the bad weather of wind and rain.

His younger brother Zhao Muyang silently stood behind him holding an umbrella for him, and this scene became one of the most moving moments in the history of Chinese folk music.

"At that moment, I felt like I was not singing, but telling a story about love," Zhao recalled, "and every note carried my perception of life and time." "

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Original masterpieces: "White Temple" and "I'm at Ease"

Although Zhao's covers have been widely acclaimed, his original songs are equally brilliant.

In the album "Living in 1988", the two original songs "White Temple" and "I Will Be Free" are particularly eye-catching.

"White Temple" profoundly expresses the inner struggle and pain of art creators.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Zhao Jiran once said: "I have a deep love for beautiful women all my life, obsessed with those beautiful women who cannot be looked at directly and cannot be desecrated, but I have never had a moment of beauty, and I have never had even one brilliance."

This sentence not only reflects the unattainable pain of the artist's pursuit of perfection, but also reflects Zhao's profound analysis of the self.

In contrast, "I'm at Ease" shows Zhao Jiran's other attitude towards life.

This song, which is considered to be Zhao Jiran's masterpiece, is full of love for life and yearning for freedom.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

Forever 1988: Zhao Jiran's philosophy of music

Zhao has chosen to freeze forever in 1988, a decision that has puzzled many people.

However, for Zhao Jiran, this is his purest insistence on music.

"1988 represented the purest and most passionate moment of my music career," Zhao explained, "and I didn't want commercial factors to affect my music creation.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

By freezing the year in which I live, I can always maintain my original love and pursuit of music. "

This unique musical attitude has allowed Zhao to occupy an irreplaceable position in the Chinese folk music industry.

He is not only an excellent musician, but also a witness and recorder of that special era.

Zhao Jiran's influence: a monument to folk music

Although Zhao already has only one album, his influence extends far beyond the album itself.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

His musical style influenced many later folk musicians, and his persistence and pursuit of music became a role model for many musicians.

"Zhao has taught us that music is not about catering to the market, but about expressing the truest feelings in our hearts," says a young folk musician.


Zhao has achieved a legend with an album, and his musical spirit will always live in 1988 and in our hearts.

He is a legend in the folk music industry, he has an album in his life, and he has been living in 1988, he is Zhao Jiran

His story teaches us that true music is not about quantity, but about quality; It's not about commercial success, it's about loyalty to art.

In this rapidly changing world, Zhao Jiran's music is like a monument that will never collapse, allowing us to return to that era full of hope and passion at any time and feel the purest charm of music.

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