
Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

author:The Internet is a messy show

July has just begun, and the new car-making forces have released their report cards for June. As shown in the chart below, this is the June sales volume announced by the major new power brands, and also compares the data of the previous month, the same period last year, and the cumulative January to June.

Judging from the sales volume in June, Ideal ranked first and Wenjie ranked second, both of which were delivered more than 40,000. Aion delivered more than 30,000 units, ranking third. Then there are NIO, Leap, and ZEEKR with more than 20,000 deliveries. and then to Deep Blue, Xiaopeng, Nezha, and Xiaomi, with a delivery volume of more than 10,000.

Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

On a month-on-month basis, except for Aion's decline, others are rising, and year-on-year only Aion and Nezha are declining, and others are also rising. The cumulative number of months from January to June compared with the period from January to June last year, only Aion and Nezha declined.

It can be seen that the vast majority of car companies, whether year-on-year or month-on-month, are growing, and this is also a trend, after all, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is increasing, for brands, as long as they do not regress, they will grow.

Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

And the Xiaomi SU7 that everyone is concerned about, also broke through the 10,000 mark in June, with a total of more than 25,000 deliveries in three months, it is obvious that Lei Jun did what he said this time, saying that he would deliver more than 10,000 in June, and sure enough, it was more than 10,000.

In fact, everyone knows that for Xiaomi, it is not the sales volume that is worried, but the production capacity, because Xiaomi has locked more than 100,000 orders in just about a month.

But because Xiaomi is a new brand, the production capacity is not high, if you want to increase the delivery volume, you have to increase the production capacity, and the increase in production capacity is not an overnight thing, and the factory needs to expand production.

Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

So later, Lei Jun said that starting in June, Xiaomi's automobile factory will open double shifts to ensure that more than 10,000 vehicles will be delivered in June. In addition, Lei Jun also said that he would ensure the delivery of 100,000 vehicles throughout the year and sprint to deliver 120,000 vehicles.

Lei Jun didn't brag this time, and sure enough, he still did what he said, and delivered more than 10,000 units in June. As for July, Lei Jun's expectation is also more than 10,000 units, which is really a bit conservative to be honest.

Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

According to the data, Xiaomi SU7 delivered 7058 units in April, 8630 units in May, and a total of 25,600 units have been delivered, if you want to complete the guarantee of 100,000 units this year, 120,000 units, then in the next 6 months, at least 75,000 units will be delivered, and 95,000 units will be delivered.

According to the calculation of 6 months, Xiaomi will deliver an average of 12,500 units per month in the next month to complete the goal of delivering 100,000 units this year, and it will reach about 16,000 units per month to achieve the goal of 120,000 units. So in July, only a delivery of 10,000 units was ordered, which is indeed conservative, what do you think?

Lei Jun does what he says: Xiaomi SU7, delivered more than 10,000 units in June, entering the top 10

At present, if the user orders Xiaomi SU7, the page shows that the pick-up cycle of the SU7 standard version is 27-30 weeks, and the fastest car that can be picked up is SU7 Pro, and the pick-up time is 21-24 weeks, and the slowest pick-up is SU7 MAX, and the pick-up time is 29-32 weeks.

It can be seen that delivery is still the biggest factor affecting everyone's purchase, this year's order car, next year can be raised, in this case, how many people have the patience to wait? Therefore, Xiaomi still has to work hard to expand production capacity, and the delivery volume of 10,000 a month is far from enough.

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