
Two newborn puppies were abandoned, and the girl kindly brought them back and found a dog mother with milk to feed!

author:Cute pet healer

I hope that every shovel officer will think carefully about whether he can take care of the dogs. Don't abandon them easily, because every action you make is related to their fate for the rest of their lives! If you encounter a stray dog, try to help if you can!

Two newborn puppies were abandoned, and the girl kindly brought them back and found a dog mother with milk to feed!

On June 28 in Zhejiang, a girl was passing by a certain road when she suddenly heard a humming sound on the ground. When I looked down, I realized that there were two puppies! Their eyes haven't opened yet, and they look like they've been abandoned not long after they were born! It's so distressing to see them lying in the sewage and screaming! The girl immediately picked it up and took it home.

Two newborn puppies were abandoned, and the girl kindly brought them back and found a dog mother with milk to feed!

Due to the lack of experience and the fact that the puppies were too small, one of the little black dogs died after being brought home one day. And it happened that the girl had a dog mother at home, and she also had milk, so the girl asked the dog mother to help feed the puppy. The mother dog did not refuse, it only had one child, so she let the other foreign puppy also drink milk! Hopefully this puppy will survive and hope to see what you look like when you grow up!

Two newborn puppies were abandoned, and the girl kindly brought them back and found a dog mother with milk to feed!